Can Water with Lemon Juice Help You Sleep Better?

Getting a good night's sleep is essential for our well-being and to be able to carry out our daily activities.
Can Water with Lemon Juice Help You Sleep Better?
Valeria Sabater

Reviewed and approved by psychologist Valeria Sabater.

Written by Valeria Sabater

Last update: 27 May, 2022

Warm milk mixed with cinnamon and honey, chamomile tea or valerian tea aren’t the only homemade drinks recommended to help you sleep better. There are other hot drinks that are recommended, such as water with lemon.

Together, these drinks are traditional homemade remedies and, beyond the ingredients they contain, what really helps to achieve relaxation and better rest is the fact that these drinks are served and consumed hot (at a bearable temperature). The heat produces a comforting sensation.

What can help you sleep better at night?

To help you sleep better at night, the most important thing is to rely on good daily habits, such as the following:

  • A balanced diet.
  • A good exercise routine.
  • Good stress management.

If we do about 30-40 minutes of exercise a day (minimum) and have a light dinner, at least three hours before going to bed, and use stress-management methods, we should be able to fall asleep easily and rest well at night.

Additionally, we can consume hot drinks, but we must always be clear that these, by themselves, won’t have the desired effect. They’re useful as a complementary method, but not as a “main” treatment.

A woman sleeping in bed.

Tips for better sleep

  • Keep your room at a comfortable temperature, between 60 and 68 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • Ventilate it every day, for at least 10-15 minutes.
  • Try to lower the intensity of the lights at least three hours before bedtime. Also, try to turn off the lights gradually, until you fall asleep, and then you’ll only have to turn off the light on the bedside table.
  • Stop using electronic devices (especially mobile phones, computers, and tablets) at least one hour before going to sleep.
  • Avoid consuming caffeine and similar stimulating substances after midday.
  • Perform some rituals before going to bed: take a hot shower, read a magazine, meditate, do deep breathing exercises or gentle stretching, give yourself a gentle foot massage, etc.
  • If you find it hard to relax because you’re thinking too much, remember a pleasant moment and try to play it back in your mind. Pay attention to the colors, objects, words, etc. of that memory and gradually move away from the distressing thoughts. Take your time, breathe deeply, relax your body part by part (from your toes to your head).

A nighttime lemonade recipe

In order for the following drink to help you enjoy a good night’s sleep, you should take into account the above points.

Note: Some people mix it with a touch of lavender or chamomile, which have sedative properties and may help induce sleep.


  • 1 cup of water (250 ml).
  • 5 tablespoons of lemon juice (50 ml).
  • 1 teaspoon of honey (7.5 g).
  • Optional: linden, chamomile, lavender, mint.


  • Squeeze the lemon juice and put it to one side.
  • Heat the water in the microwave for one minute.
  • Add the honey and stir well until well-integrated.
  • Add the lemon juice and stir again to mix all the ingredients.
  • In case you want to include chamomile or lavender, you should prepare these infusions in advance to have them ready to mix all the ingredients.
  • Drink slowly, savoring each sip.

Note: in case you want to add spices (cinnamon, ginger, etc.), be sure to check all their contraindications first.

A cup of lemon water.
You can add aromatic and tasty ingredients. such as cinnamon, ginger and mint, to this lemon water.

Do you want to get better sleep? Consult your doctor

If you follow good sleeping habits and still have poor quality sleep, it’s best to consult your doctor. You may need to follow specific treatments and pay more attention to certain habits that may be harming you.

Finally, keep in mind that, before resorting to insomnia products (whether infusions, capsules, etc.), it’s best to consult your doctor.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.