The 7 Benefits of Eating Honey and Garlic on an Empty Stomach for 7 Days
According to popular belief, eating garlic and honey on an empty stomach has a variety of health benefits due to the nutritional profile of these two foods.
Just like people say that drinking a glass of water on an empty stomach is good because your body will be more receptive to what you put it in it, they recommend you take a spoonful of garlic and honey.
Garlic and honey as medicinal foods
Garlic is one of the most commonly used natural ingredients in cooking around the world. Its unique flavor helps elevate the flavors of so many dishes.
However, more than just being a great ally in the kitchen, this study found that garlic has been prized for centuries thanks to its ability to help relieve a variety of ailments.
Many people came to believe that the allicin and sulfuric compounds in garlic made it useful against infections and cardiovascular disorders. However, after taking a closer look, researchers found that, on its own, garlic is unable to provide these benefits.
According to beliefs, garlic (given its strong odor and taste) could cure infections. And, when combined with honey (another food that, on numerous occasions, has been associated with various medicinal properties), garlic could be even more beneficial.
Supposed benefits of eating garlic and honey on an empty stomach.
According to popular belief, consuming garlic and honey on an empty stomach on a daily basis would maximize their effects and make the most of their nutrients.
The supposed benefits that one can obtain from these remedies are as follows.
1. It could improve circulation
The sulfur compounds found in garlic, when combined with the benefits of honey, could be very good for your circulatory system. Both act to prevent clotting and they strengthen your veins to avoid disorders like thrombosis and varicose veins.
See also: Improve circulation naturally
Further research into the subject would be necessary in order to determine if the daily consumption of honey and garlic is truly beneficial for poeple.
2. It could regulate blood pressure
High blood pressure is an illness that puts overall cardiovascular health at risk. In order to control it naturally, according to popular belief, people can consume honey and garlic on an empty stomach daily, as part of a balanced diet, before exercising.
3. It might control bad cholesterol
Another common recommendation is to eat freshly pressed garlic in order to regulate blood cholesterol levels. Allicin, the substance that raw garlic release when pressed, is responsible for this benefit.
At the same time, popular belief holds that this same remedy could be effective in staving off triglycerides. However, there’s no evidence to demonstrate that allicin contributes to the control of cholesterol or triglycerides in human beings.
4. It may reduce inflammation
Our grandmothers used to say that consuming honey and garlic could reduce swelling and provide relief from arthritis, liquid retention, and muscular disorders. A while there’s no scientific evidence to back these claims, it’s true that there are people who decide to consume this mixture as part of their diet in order to feel better.
5. It may relieve coughing
When coughing has a bacterial or viral origin, the popular belief is that there’s nothing better than preparing and drinking a simple syrup made of honey and freshly pressed garlic. This preparation could calm the irritating sensation that develops in the throat. And, what’s more, it may have an expectorating effect that stimulates the elimination of phlegm .
Of course, in order for there to be an improvement, one must also consider the importance of eating healthy, staying hydrated, and maintaining good habits. This is important both during the recovery process and afterward.
6. It could speed up your recovery from colds and flu
Another very common popular belief is that it’s possible to control all of the symptoms of colds and flu, temporarily, by consuming garlic and honey in the morning. Therefore, many grandmas prepare this remedy during the winter season.
We recommend you read: 6 cough remedies for children
How do you make this natural honey and garlic remedy?
To reap all of the benefits we outlined above, make sure your honey and garlic are organic. Many people believe that if it’s organic and fresh, you will get a greater nutritional benefit.
- 1 cup of honey (335 g)
- 10 cloves of garlic
- 1 glass jar with a lid
- Peel and chop the garlic clove into small pieces. You can also press it using a garlic press if you prefer.
- Pour the honey into the glass jar and stir in the garlic.
- Finally, close the lid and store in a dark place for one week.
- Try a tablespoon before breakfast.
Is it possible to take honey and garlic as part of your diet?
The health benefits of this remedy are not scientifically proven to be beneficial for your health or the relief of symptoms and discomfort. However, there are those who decide to make it part of their diet, as a supplement, in order to stay healthy.
However, it’s important to remember that consuming a remedy, smoothie, or any other preparation is not what will make you strong or healthy. Rather, it’s about establishing healthy lifestyle habits and being coherent and consistent in maintaining them.
Therefore, consuming garlic and honey on an empty stomach can be beneficial, as long as you do so within the context of a healthy lifestyle.
Remember, if you have any questions or concerns about living a healthy lifestyle, talk to your doctor.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
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