Olive Oil and Lemon: an Ideal Remedy You Can Take In The Mornings

Do you wake up exhausted in the morning and lack the energy for anything? This mixture of olive oil and lemon will help you to detox and purify your body.
Olive Oil and Lemon: an Ideal Remedy You Can Take In The Mornings
Valeria Sabater

Reviewed and approved by psychologist Valeria Sabater.

Written by Valeria Sabater

Last update: 27 May, 2022

Today let’s look at this excellent remedy that’s been known since ancient times and that you shouldn’t overlook. Do you know what a simple tablespoon of olive oil and lemon can do for your health? Find out with us!

Take a tablespoon of olive oil and lemon and take care of your health

As you know, olive oil is a basic part of the always beneficial Mediterranean diet. It provides essential fatty acids that help us combat bad cholesterol; it’s also an excellent way to cleanse your body of toxins.

The Greeks and Romans who appreciated its value used to call it ‘liquid gold’. Olive oil should be an essential element in your daily diet. But do you know at what time of the day you can benefit the most from olive oil? In the mornings. Let us explain why.

1. To combat constipation

Purifying olive oil and lemon remedy

Olive oil is perfect for this. If you combine it with lemon you’ll get a lubricant for your digestive mucus and therefore, you’ll activate the function of your liver and gallbladder. This simple remedy protects you from the inside, acting as a powerful antioxidant that’s able to get rid of toxins, purify and care for your body. All this activates your digestion and helps to eliminate anything that you don’t need.

2. To protect your heart

As we mentioned before, olive oil is rich in fatty acids, those elements that help your body to reactivate the circulation and remove the excess of bad cholesterol. It’s also a great anti-inflammatory and protector which, when combined with lemon, provides you with excellent vitamins.

Therefore, we not only recommend it for yourself; children can also benefit from taking this simple teaspoon of olive oil with lemon. Why not try it?

3. To help with joint or rheumatic problems

Their secret is, as you know, in its anti-inflammatory properties. If you’re consistent and take it every day on an empty stomach, you’ll be able to fight joint pain. Starting the day with this “liquid gold” is a good decision.

4. To balance out the bile of your liver and gallbladder

This is one of the most important facts. There are many times when we feel swollen, heavy, tired and listless. Our body may have a lot of toxins from a poor diet or maybe because of some problem with our body’s elimination system, a factor primarily caused by a liver and gallbladder overload. What can you do when you feel this way?

Read also:

Tips for Detoxing Your Body

To combat this exhaustion and discomfort, that’s mostly noticeable during the mornings, there’s nothing better than taking a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil and lemon. Since everybody’s different, it’s important that you begin taking it and see for yourself how you feel, although it’s almost always well tolerated.

It’s an excellent idea to start taking this simple remedy if you notice that you wake up with a pasty mouth that tastes acidic. There are days when we sleep badly, our digestion becomes somewhat slower and sometimes we even have a headache. This means that your body has a lot of toxins and that’s the moment when you should detoxify it. Just have a teaspoon of extra virgin olive oil and lemon (you just need to put in about three drops of lemon juice).

You should take this remedy first thing after waking up and even before taking a shower or getting ready. After half an hour you can eat breakfast as usual. You’ll see how well you begin to feel!

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This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.