Clean and Polish Wood Naturally

It can cost a lot to keep the wood surfaces in our home looking their best. Check out these simple and inexpensive tips to polish wood naturally.
Clean and Polish Wood Naturally
Valeria Sabater

Reviewed and approved by psychologist Valeria Sabater.

Written by Valeria Sabater

Last update: 27 May, 2022

Wood is a basic element in our homes, demonstrating a certain elegance. This is the case whether it’s in the kitchen, living room, or even on the floors. It’s the preferred material not only for making a home more beautiful, but also cozier. That’s, of course, assuming you keep it in good shape. It’s worth taking some time to learn how to polish wood naturally.

The problem is that it can cost a lot to keep wood looking beautiful. It cracks, darkens, and gets scratched… What can we do? Sure you can spend a lot of money on chemical products to keep it in good shape, but there are a few tricks that are both effective and economical that can offer you the same results.

Explore our article to discover how to clean and polish wood naturally, in the simplest and cheapest way possible.


1. Polish wood naturally with almond oil

Polish wood naturally with a cloth

We’re almost certain you’ve heard of using almond oil as a daily beauty treatment. It can prevent the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, smooth dry skin, and even treat dry hair and split ends.

But did you know that almond oil is really useful for taking care of materials like wood? See all the uses it has for your wood furniture and floors:

  • Repairs cracked wood by smoothing the surface.
  • Makes wood shine.
  • Provides protection for your furniture for up to 5 days.
  • Offers great results for surfaces like chairs, tables, and medium-sized furniture.

How do I make a polish for wood using almond oil?


  • 2 teaspoons water
  • 2 teaspoons almond oil
  • Dry cotton cloth


  • Never use hot water. Mixing hot water with essential oils will cause them to lose their beneficial properties. Find a container with which you can mix the water and the almond oil and dampen the cloth. It’s easy, just take the damp cloth and use it to clean your wood furniture. Just moisten and polish, then allow it to dry on its own.

2. Clean difficult surfaces

Polish wood naturally with vinegar

Every home has surfaces or objects that are difficult to clean, whether it’s the floor, figurines, or the wooden banisters on your stairs. They accumulate dirt over time and begin to darken. What can we do? Take a look at this mix and you’ll see how easy it is to take care of damaged wood.


  • 1 cup water
  • ¼ cup white vinegar
  • A cotton cloth

You Might Also Like: Cleaning Uses for Vinegar


  • Find a container or bucket. Just mix these two ingredients and soak the cotton cloth. Use it to clean dull and dirty surfaces. You’ll notice the great results when you polish wood naturally this way.

3. Wash for wood floors

Use gloves when you polish wood naturally

Do you have wood floors in your home? Do you spend a lot of money on products to care for your wood floors to keep them shiny? Then you need to try this simple trick. You’ll see how it lets you polish wood naturally for much less money.



  • We’ve talked a lot about the great benefits of tea tree oil. It’s the best natural disinfectant you can find, it’s ideal for treating surfaces damaged by time, and it can clean and brighten dull, dirty surfaces. Tea tree essential oil is easy to find in any natural store or specialty shop. It’s inexpensive and has tons of applications, not just for household cleaning, but also for beauty. You can even use it to make your own hand sanitizer.
  • To clean floors, warm the water. It should be warm, not hot. Then just add the white vinegar and 10 drops of tea tree essential oil.
  • To clean wood floors, you can use one of two methods. The first is somewhat more difficult as it involves wetting the cloth and scrubbing the floor by hand. The second method is much easier, just spray the mixture on the floor and use a mop to slowly remove any traces of dirt. Within minutes, you’ll notice the parts that you’ve cleaned begin to shine.
  • You’ll be amazed to see how bright and clean the floors stays, and it will smell good too!

Which method do you prefer?

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Smith, Alan. (1995). Cómo restaurar y reparar muebles, Madrid, Tursen-Herman Blume Ediciones.
  • VV. AA. (2007). Carpintería para el hogar, Larousse Editorial.
  • Barbado, José Luis. (2003). Consejos útiles para el hogar, Albatros.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.