Six Tips to Eat Less and Not Be Hungry

Today's article brings you some tips to eat less and not go hungry. After all, we're all aware that the bigger the plate, the more you put on it! Thus, one tip is to use a smaller plate. This will trick your brain. Keep reading for more tips!
Six Tips to Eat Less and Not Be Hungry

Written by María Vijande

Last update: 27 May, 2022

In today’s article, we’ll tell you how to eat less and not go hungry. This is because that calorie-ridden snack you have between meals is one of the biggest obstacles when it comes to losing weight.

Keep reading to find out how to reduce your food intake and still be satisfied!

Tips to eat less

It may seem impossible but there are actually several strategies to reduce your calorie intake without feeling like you’re starving. Here are some effective tricks to begin with.

1. If you don’t see it; you won’t eat it

A person saying no to doughnuts.
One of the methods to eat less without being hungry is to avoid those foods that can be a temptation. If they’re out of sight, they’re less likely to ruin your diet.

This may just be the most basic advice you’ll ever get. The best part is it works so keep it in mind: out of sight, out of the mouth.

Some research on this revealed that people who always have access to snacks weigh about a pound and a half more than those who had none around.

This is why you must keep natural, wholesome food around, never in excess, if you need to snack. It’ll help you eat less and not be hungry.

2. Size matters

Cutlery can also determine the amount you take on every bite, just as the dinnerware you use affects the size of the portions you eat.

Indeed you can eat less and not be hungry if you follow this advice; it’s a way to “trick” your brain. It makes sense because you eat more slowly and in smaller quantities when you use smaller cutlery.

Keep in mind that chewing is crucial; in fact, you should chew each bite at least 20 times.

3. Eat with people who don’t overeat

It’s often more difficult to control both the quantity and quality of food when you have to eat away from home. Actually, this situation can lead to anxiety and moodiness when you’re not able to adhere to your typical diet.

This is why we recommend that you sit near other people who eat like you. This is mainly to be able to eat less and not be hungry. Being close to these people will help you face this situation more easily.

Check out these Easy And Effective Tricks For Eating Less

4. Reward yourself

A smiley woman eating yogurt.
You don’t have to adopt a highly restrictive diet. Just don’t overdo it! For instance, you can eat desserts and other treats occasionally and in moderation.

Your goal is in jeopardy the moment you begin to have a hard time dieting and eating healthy. This is because your intentions to change your habits become torture and therefore, short-lived.

As you can see, it’s important to find a way to make these changes as simple as possible and for them to make you feel good about yourself to continue.

Oftentimes, people are convinced that they must starve to lose weight. However, it’s quite the opposite, all you need to do is eat wholesome quality food and remain active.

For example, increase your physical activity up to four days a week and you’ll be able to eat more food. You’ll soon notice how to begin to shed some pounds while you considerably gain motivation if you adopt this routine. Physical activity is one of the best tools to improve body composition, and that’s a proven fact!

5. Drinking more water can help you eat less and be full

Another effective trick to eating less without going hungry is to drink a large glass of water before each meal, according to a study published in Clinical Nutrition Research. It’ll make you feel fuller and thus pacify the munchies that give you such a hard time when trying to lose weight.

Sometimes, drinking water also helps when you have a craving or an urge to eat. It’s a way to trick the brain. Of course, don’t drink water in excessive amounts, as it could be counterproductive.

6. The size and color of the portions

The bigger the plate, the more you’ll put in it and the more you’ll eat without even realizing it. Fill a smaller plate and fool your brain to some extent. Hence, tricking your brain will help you eat less without feeling like you’re starving so, try not to use large plates.

Also, serve small amounts of food in a heavy bowl as it’ll give you the perception that you’re eating more food than you really are.

As for colors, we recommend you use plates of a contrasting color with the food you put on them. This is also to fool the brain.

Also, keep in mind that red and yellow colors promote fast eating, so make sure the contrasting colors mentioned above provide are soothing.

Apply these tips to eat less

As you can see, it’s possible to eat less and not feel like you’re starving. You’ll also notice how soon you begin to lose weight without too much effort! Remember, though: regular physical activity is a must.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Swift DL., McGee JE., Earnest CP., Carlisle E., et al., The effects of exercise and physical activity on weight loss and maintenance. Prog Cardiovasc Dis, 2018. 61 (2): 206-213.
  • Jeong JN., Effect of pre meal water consumption on energy intake and satiety in non obese young adutls. Clin Nutr Res, 2018.
  • Greig, E. (2014). Weight loss. In Acute Medicine: A Symptom-Based Approach.
  • Williams, G. C., Grow, V. M., Freedman, Z. R., Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (1996). Motivational Predictors of Weight Loss and Weight-Loss Maintenance. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology.
  • Kushner, R. F. (2014). Weight loss strategies for treatment of obesity. Progress in Cardiovascular Diseases.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.