5 Potential Psychological Effects of Spring

The psychological effects of spring are often confused with depression. However, it is something transitory, a product of our body's adaptation to the change in temperature.
5 Potential Psychological Effects of Spring
Maria Fatima Seppi Vinuales

Reviewed and approved by the psychologist Maria Fatima Seppi Vinuales.

Last update: 11 March, 2023

“It must be the change in the weather.” This is a phrase we often use as a crutch to explain certain psychological effects associated with spring and other seasons.

We rarely know the real effects of changing weather, and we often tend to underestimate them. With spring, for example, the number of sunny daylight hours increases, and so does the temperature. A different emotional climate can also be perceived: people want to make plans outdoors and the parks begin to fill.

We know that good weather influences our mood. In fact, it promotes the production of the so-called happy hormones:

  • Dopamine
  • Serotonin
  • Oxytocin

With this in mind, let’s take a look at some of the other psychological effects of spring.

The psychological effects of spring

Believe it or not, spring changes might be somewhat difficult to cope with at first. Known as spring asthenia, this type of discomfort is due to the body’s adaptation to the changes in light conditions.

However, it should be clarified that this is not a pathological condition (people often confuse it with depression). Nor does it require medication.

The most frequent psychological effects in spring are the following:

  1. Fatigue and tiredness: This often translates into a feeling of drowsiness and an overall lack of energy.
  2. Irritability: Perhaps we can feel that any event, although insignificant, can easily set off a bad mood.
  3. Mood alterations: This is expressed through emotional ups and downs. It may be a roller coaster of waking up with energy, but feeling demolished in the middle of the morning. We may be 100% motivated, but then feel frustrated because we don’t feel like doing anything. Apathy and sadness are also common emotions.
  4. Difficulty concentrating: Being distracted is the inability to perform a task in a sustained manner.
  5. Memory loss: This is not common and often iemporary, but it refers to forgetting what we wanted to say and some pending issues.

Other effects of spring asthenia also include the following:

Astenia primaveral en una mujer.
Spring asthenia is associated with fatigue and it often makes it feel like it’s difficult to accomplish the tasks that were planned for the day.

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These psychological effects of spring don’t affect everyone

Of course, it should be clarified that the change of season doesn’t affect everyone in the same way. At the same time, it’s important to keep in mind that the psychological and physical effects of spring are transitory. In general, they do not last more than two weeks.

If you notice that they persist, it’s advisable to consult a professional.

Beyond the aforementioned effects, for many people, the arrival of spring means meeting with their bodies again. It’s a body that remained hidden and covered during the cold months and that, with the higher temperatures, implies walking uncovered.

That is why it’s important to always take a bigger perspective on things. In other words, in addition to the effects of spring asthenia, there are the social pressures to have a slim body that also cause many people discomfort.

Recommendations to prevent the negative effects of spring, or spring asthenia

Some of the actions you can take to counteract the effects of spring asthenia are the following:

  • Try to get to sleep early: The prolongation of the day is an incentive to continue with recreational plans. However, let’s try to make a moderate transition, allowing the body to get used to the new conditions. It’s recommended that you try to sleep at least 7 or 8 hours per night.
  • Look for a healthy diet, especially for the first days when you begin to perceive the changes. Fruits and vegetables always help. It’s also advisable that, at night, you try to eat lightly and at least 2 hours before resting. Avoid caffeine and fatty and industrialized foods.
  • Connect with activities that you enjoy: Do you like reading, cycling, or painting? Find a moment to make plans that motivate you.
  • Take the opportunity to do physical exercise: Warmer temperatures are a call to go for a walk or to do outdoor activities. However, you have to take into account a key factor: moderation. Always start small while trying not to exhaust or overtax your body.
Corredor en primavera.
Spring is an ideal time for enjoying the optimal weather outside.

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Take it easy during seasonal transitions

Spring asthenia, as well as other situations of change, lead us to think about the importance of gradualness, of adaptation, and of giving ourselves time to face new states.

Faced with these circumstances, it’s important to be patient and not to look for immediate results, but to respect ourselves and accept our emotions. We must allow ourselves the space and time to move from one state to another.

Try to avoid making excessive plans, meals, and outings. You can take this moment as an opportunity to ask yourself about the way you live, if you are under too much stress, and if you’re really getting enough rest. When the conditions of your daily life are too demanding, spring asthenia can have a more noticeable impact.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Pérez, M. J. C., Bobo, M. T., & Arias, A. R. (2013). Medicalización de la vida en la consulta:¿ hacia dónde caminamos?. Atención primaria45(10), 536-540.
  • Young, P., Finn, B. C., Bruetman, J. E., Pellegrini, D., & Kremer, A. (2010). Enfoque del síndrome de astenia crónica. Medicina (Buenos Aires)70(3), 284-292.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.