9 Tips to Store Winter Clothes

9 Tips to Store Winter Clothes

Last update: 18 May, 2024

Not all of us have spacious closets, so it’s time to awaken our ingenuity to sort and store winter clothes in preparation for the change of season.

This task becomes tedious if you leave everything to the last minute. Instead, it’s advisable to go little by little: clean, organize, and, finally, put it all away. This is especially true because if your closet is small, it’s a good idea to enable other areas or resort to resources such as plastic boxes and rented storage containers.

To the whole process is added the importance of proper storage to avoid damaging your clothes or stacking quantities that, far from being a solution, will instead become another problem. So, let’s take a look at the best way to store your winter clothes.

Why it’s important to store winter clothes properly

If there’s a season of the year that gives a carte blanche to play with outfits, it’s spring. During these months, you can wear shorts, fresh flannels and apply a layering of pieces to get a little warm while taking advantage of the balance between the warmth and cold of the season.

The problem is that you will not use all the heavy coats that you had available during the fall and winter. So, try to store them properly so that you can wear them again in perfect condition.

Don’t wait to do this last minute. Instead, make sure to give delicate and sometimes expensive clothing storage the time it deserves.

As long as you treat your pieces with care, you’ll extend their life and help them look like new. In addition, tidiness is the key to searching and finding it fast when you need it.

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Tips to sort and store winter clothes in preparation for the spring

To get it right when it comes to sorting and storing clothes, the main tip is to empty the closet and sort the pieces. For example, separate furs, shoes, fabrics, and everything that has to do with the cold seasons. The next step is to apply the following recommendations.

1. Be honest and reduce the amount of clothing you own

You don’t always wear everything you own; in the end, we all tend to accumulate things we don’t really wear. So, take the opportunity to get rid of what you no longer have or you think no longer suits your tastes. If it’s in perfect condition, you donate it, sell it, or have a garage sale.

This inventory is ideal for reducing the number of clothes, gaining closet space, and maintaining order. A suggestion from The Art of Organizing guide is to pinpoint everything that doesn’t make you happy and give it away, recycle it, offer it for sale, or repair it; as a method that encourages detachment, the manual instructs you to leave these things at the door of the house as you choose them, and then take them out.

Keep only the pieces you’re sure that you’re going to wear again next season.

Venta de garaje de la ropa de temporada pasada.
At a garage sale, you not only get rid of what you no longer wear, but you also capitalize on it.

2. Wash and repair your clothes before sorting and storing

Never put items in your closet without first washing them or making any necessary repairs. Remember that they will spend several months locked up.

If they’re sweaty or full of any dirt, body odor or impregnated perfumes will be difficult to remove later. Not to mention that you increase the possibility of moth proliferation in unwashed fabrics.

After washing, make sure that the clothes are dry so that mildew does not grow. If lint has formed during washing, remove it with a special brush or your fingers. Once these steps are completed, fold and store them on shelves or hang them on hangers.

3. Use storage containers

When closets are small, one solution is to organize and store them in plastic containers with lids. You can consider thick cardboard, but keep in mind that it is likely to break. It will cost more to move the boxes and is prone to insect and rodent attacks.

Plastic containers, on the other hand, are functional and prevent textiles from staining. This helps to keep clothes free of wrinkles or folds that are difficult to stretch. Make sure to leave them somewhat uncluttered to allow air to circulate, and label the boxes well.

4. Beware of vacuum sealing

Vacuum sealing bulky garments is a feasible technique of order and storage because you take advantage of all the available space in the closet. However, not all seasonal clothing can be handled in this way.

Much of the cold weather clothing is made with textures that simulate fur or are quilted; if you vacuum seal them, these fibers end up compressed and there’s a risk that, when unpacked, they won’t return to their original shape. It’s essential that air flows between the garments so that they maintain their real appearance.

5. Use mothballs properly

Mothballs in the closet keep insects away, but remember that mothballs are a pesticide. If you add them to containers or tuck them in a corner of the closet, protect them with an airtight bag or inside a jar.

The purpose is to help preserve seasonal clothing without causing health problems. The Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry explains that moth repellents containing naphthalene expose you to inhalation of the substance’s vapors. Also, the chemical would come in contact with the skin if it touches the fabrics.

The key is to protect this component so that it’s not in direct contact with clothing and its fumes do not spread in your closet.

Bolas de naftalina.
Although naphthalene is commonly used to prevent moths, it’s advisable to take precautions when using it.

6. Use extra hangers

There are pieces that keep better if you hang them instead of folding them: sweaters, dresses, and some coats, according to the type of fabric. In these cases, it’s essential to make space in the closet. So, how can you achieve this?

Add a hanging rod!

On the other hand, for those garments that you will fold, it’s useful to install extra shelves or an extra shelf at the top. There, clothes and accessories that you won’t be wearing for a while will stay out of the way.

7. Assemble clothing in pairs

A procedure to respect the order of the clothes you keep for spring is to match similar pieces and arrange them in drawers with dividers. Put all gloves, scarves, socks, and underwear, for example, in sets.

The strategy serves a dual purpose:

  1. Organize by sections.
  2. Get rid of the pieces that are missing their partner.

8. Don’t forget footwear

Acquiring a shoe rack is better than stacking shoes. You can also store shoes in their boxes, on shelves, or in plastic trunks. If you have boots, stuff them with newspaper so they don’t lose their form or get wrinkled.

9. Air-condition

The room in the house where you store and store seasonal clothing needs to be air-conditioned: fairly cool and humidity-controlled. If you store them in plastic containers, move them to a place where they receive little light, as this avoids a discoloration of the fabrics due to months of storage.

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Deep clean your closet before you sort and store winter clothes

No tidying and storing technique will be beneficial if the place where you will have your clothes is untidy. Before the whole sorting, discarding, and putting away process, remember to deep clean the closet to keep it free of moths and dirt.

Vacuum and wipe with a cloth dampened in soapy water. Complement the cleaning with sachets of aromatic plants, pieces of soap, or a paper towel impregnated with the essential oil of your choice.

A dehumidifier is a worthwhile investment. Anta Exclusiva magazine points out that these devices remove excess water from the air and excessive humidity that can be generated even in clothes.

What to do when your closet is not big enough to store winter clothes

If your closet is too small to complement with extra containers, shelves, and hangers, consider moving the clothes to the garage or basement, as long as the humidity and light are regulated. In these scenarios, it’s essential to use airtight, waterproof containers designed to be outdoors.

A second closet would be the perfect solution. However, cotton or canvas bags sheltered in dry interiors are also helpful.

Finally, the private service of external storage containers is an alternative. However, in these cases, make sure to consider the monetary expenses involved in leaving the pieces in a rental for so long.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.