The Ladder of Life: How to Self-Improve Daily in 5 Steps

You don’t need to compete with anyone other than yourself. Learn to improve your wellbeing and protect yourself from external attacks to become a better person.
The Ladder of Life: How to Self-Improve Daily in 5 Steps
Valeria Sabater

Reviewed and approved by psychologist Valeria Sabater.

Written by Valeria Sabater

Last update: 09 October, 2022

In order to better yourself, we’ve made a list on how to self-improve daily on the ladder of life. You only need one thing: determination. It may be the case that right now you’re experiencing a series of unusual emotions.

You feel exhausted – mind and body -and view the world as if it were moving in one direction and you’re going in another. You have a distinct impression that you’re the last person to be considered when others are making decisions, and somehow you’re being left behind.

All of these personal dimensions can trap you at a fixed point. Everything you perceive about the situation you’re in is attributed to the environment around you.

Without a doubt, these things keep you from growing and learning how to self-improve.

Aside from the metaphorical aspects, there is something that’s very clear: you need to improve yourself in order to be happy. Next up, we want to share five keys to promote your own personal growth.

1. The first step in learning how to self-improve: stop being permeable

If you’re strongly affected by criticism, you are permeable. When you get carried away by what others say to you, recommend, or suggest without considering your own opinion first, you are permeable.

In addition to that, if you’re the kind of person who feels overwhelmed by the negativity of those around you, by their toxic or limited ideas, you are also permeable.


In a way, this characteristic of emotional and personal permeability is something that characterizes us all to some degree.

  • To stop it, you should begin by visualizing a wall.
  • Next, internalize a very simple concept: no one will be able to cross that wall. That is where your dignity and self-esteem are stored, and no one can violate that boundary.
  • To protect this boundary, be assertive. Learn to say “NO.”

2. Deal with what’s hurting you

The second phase in understanding how to self-improve and climbing the ladder of life is solving what hurts you.

You feel disappointments, failures, and lies throughout your life that make you feel as if you’ve achieved nothing.

  • You need to heal those wounds and stop dragging them around behind you. Disappointments do hurt, but you can overcome them by being aware that the entire world and people within it can’t be exactly as you desire.
  • You must assume that people fail and that you too will fail from time to time. Understand that this all becomes a part of your past. It becomes a part of ‘yesterday’ and there’s nothing that has happened that you can change.
  • Now, what you can change is yourself. So climb up one rung of the ladder once you’ve resolved those wounds.

3. Don’t resist

If you want to excel you need to start practicing the “no resistance” approach. What persists, resists.

  • If you’re an indecisive person, let yourself go. Break free from your chains and take the first step. Climb up the ladder of life outside of your comfort zone. Everything that you want and dream of is beyond this psychological barrier.
  • Fear is what will freeze you in place.
  • The restlessness that comes from having to search for your dreams can bring you disappointment that is a common occurrence among humankind.
  • The law of non-resistance can be applied in a variety of ways. One way is by accepting others as they are. Don’t expect to be able to change them.

Another useful strategy is to practice self-knowledge. If you know who you are and what you want, you need to break free from what holds you back and what forces you to persist in suffering or sadness.

4. Personal freedom

By this, we don’t mean dropping everything and leaving – absolutely not. Freedom, after all, demands responsibility.


You have the right to be free and to choose what you do and do not want in your life. It’s important to choose who you do and do not want by your side. Everyone deserves to ascend the ladder of life unfettered to fight for their dreams.

This fourth step above all implies being courageous. It’s time to leave behind certain things and to climb the most complicated rung of all: that of decisions.

5. Embrace love

This means to fight for what is worthwhile and to know how to keep it. The top of the ladder of life is being able to hold onto what makes you happy.

  • There’s no doubt that there are people by your side whom you love. They are the pinnacle of your experiences: appreciate them.
  • Similarly, in this final goal at the top of the ladder of your life is your personal fulfillment. Here is where your self-love shines and where you glow with the calm of understanding how you feel and realizing your true self.
  • Getting here is not easy. As we said in the beginning, you need determination. But you’ll always have people by your side pushing you upward, giving wind to your wings.

They are the magical beings that soothe the soul and become an intimate part of your personal journey in embracing and learning how to self-improve.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Deci, E. L., & Ryan, R. M. (2010). Self‐determination. The Corsini encyclopedia of psychology, 1-2.
  • Legault, L., & Inzlicht, M. (2013). Self-determination, self-regulation, and the brain: Autonomy improves performance by enhancing neuroaffective responsiveness to self-regulation failure. Journal of personality and social psychology, 105(1), 123.
  • Zheng, C., Gaumer Erickson, A., Kingston, N. M., & Noonan, P. M. (2014). The relationship among self-determination, self-concept, and academic achievement for students with learning disabilities. Journal of Learning Disabilities, 47(5), 462-474.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.