5 Habits of Honest People

Although there are people who may not share your opinion or see life the same way, honest people will always say what they think and act accordingly.
5 Habits of Honest People
Valeria Sabater

Reviewed and approved by psychologist Valeria Sabater.

Written by Valeria Sabater

Last update: 27 May, 2022

Honest people enjoy a better quality of life, are happier, and are stronger when facing problems.

The reason for this is simple: honest people are not necessarily the most intelligent, nor do they always know everything. They’re people with a strong link between what they think and what they do.

As strange as it may seem, this type of psychology is not easy to implement.

Honesty of mind and action requires true personal development. You need to be genuine, authentic, and sincere with yourself and with others.

Let’s delve a little more into the habits of honest people and the characteristics that make up this valuable personality trait.

1. Honest people aren’t afraid to tell the truth

Honesty is pointless if you don’t have the courage to defend and demand the truth at all times, regardless of the context.

  • Whoever has an honest heart doesn’t support injustice, blackmail, half-truths, or lies.
  • In addition, this honesty is also expected in others.

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On the other hand, we all know that it’s not easy to defend and spread this kind of personal integrity.

There are many scenarios in which camouflaged dishonesty reigns, and we constantly have to defend ourselves against hypocrisy.

2. They’re aware of their limitations and of their faults

Habits of honest people

It’s no good for us to demand honesty of others if we’re not able to give it ourselves.

  • In our daily lives, there are plenty of people who boast a host of virtues. However, it’s often really just all talk That’s because they don’t practice what they preach.
  • However, this is not the case with honest people. In their case, they’ve made an inner journey to be aware of their limitations, their flaws and their dark side.
  • They know what they need to improve on and the weaknesses they need to overcome gradually.

This self-awareness helps create a situation in which action and thought are in harmony with one another. There are no falsehoods or hypocrisy: just the balance of a humble and respectful heart.

3. They’re transparent: you can see exactly who they are

Honest people are transparent

Being transparent is not about allowing others see our intimate secrets, nor being vulnerable.

Honesty is synonymous with transparency because everything that one does, says, and shows is in harmony with their own personality.

There is no bias or dissonance. Furthermore, it’s about being honest to maintain the same behavior, same treatment and same way of relating to others.

Being transparent at all times isn’t simple, either. After all, if there’s one thing that’s typical of human beings, it’s that we’re fickle by nature, and always changing. Also, we have a constant need to “fit in” and be accepted by everybody at all times.

Honest people don’t have this problem: If they don’t like something or something goes against their principles, they make this clear.

4. They fight for what they believe in

Sometimes, the most honest, humble, and noble people are those that most feel the loneliness or even the rejection of many of those around them.

  • This happens for a very simple reason: sometimes, honesty is combative and isn’t afraid to say when another person isn’t being fair or respectful.
  • Unfortunately, almost no one likes brutal honesty.

This often means that honesty makes people uncomfortable. They would prefer a more hypocritical or docile person – they’re easier to handle.

5. Honest people inspire and lead by example

Honest people can inspire

They’re people who live in a consistent way, with a perfect balance between values and actions. Thus, they often inspire those who really appreciate it.

  • Maybe you sense some hostility in their outspokenness. However, wise people who value the pillars of goodness and integrity will appreciate them enormously.
  • Therefore they make great friends, family members, and co-workers, who make our lives richer and more beautiful.

If you have one or more people in your life who show a tireless honesty, it’s a good idea to always keep them close, learn from them, and share the good times with them. They are a gift from society, people who inspire us to be better.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Rakel, V. (2012). La Honestidad. Comunicados, Apoderados. Ministerio de Educacion, Gobierno de Chile.
  • Moreno, C. (2004). Claves para el liderazgo ético. Capital Humano.
  • Guenin, L. M. (2005). Intellectual honesty. Synthese. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11229-005-3746-3
  • WHAT IS HONESTY?. Cal State J Med. 1915;13(1):1.
  • Flores Mamani E, Garcia Tejada M, Calsina Ponce W, Yapuchura Sayco A. Las habilidades sociales y la comunicación interpersonal de los estudiantes de la universidad nacional del altiplano – puno. COMUNI@CCIÓN Rev Investig en Comun y Desarro. 2016;

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.