Caring For Your Hands and Feet

You should hydrate your hands and feet daily. However, don't exfoliate them more than twice a week so as not to damage their protective layer.
Caring For Your Hands and Feet
Karla Henríquez

Reviewed and approved by the doctor Karla Henríquez.

Written by Karla Henríquez

Last update: 11 June, 2022

Sometimes, people are careless with their health, especially when it comes to the care of hands and feet. These are parts of the body to which we often don’t give enough importance.

We usually remember our feet when they hurt, when they’re too dry or only when we show them in hot weather. We try to take care of the nails on our hands, but usually we never give them as much care as the rest of the body.

Why care for your hands and feet

Keeping our hands and feet well cared for is something that will make us feel better day by day. It’s true that we won’t always have someone to tell us how beautiful these parts of the body are, but if there are women and men who are fans of hands and feet, it’s for a reason. In certain cultures, these areas of the body are usually given a lot of importance.

Moreover, they’re the first to notice seasonal changes and temperatures. The cold mainly affects the hands, our main means of contact. It cracks and dries them, causing wounds and sores. Feet are more sensitive to heat, causing heaviness and discomfort.

Caring for Your Hands and Feet: Exfoliation and Moisturizing

First of all, in order to properly hydrate your skin, you should deep clean it to remove impurities. Afterwards, you should perform a peeling of the skin and then moisturize it. In this way, the skin will better absorb each of the components that we apply.

Then, exfoliation removes dead cells that clog your skin, giving it a younger and fresher appearance afterward. Also, it makes it more receptive to the action of moisturizers and controls the appearance of pimples and blackheads.

You should hydrate your hands and feet daily. However, don’t exfoliate them more than twice a week so as not to damage their protective layer.

Afterwards, moisturizers refresh and relax your hands and feet by providing the humidity your skin needs to look healthy.

When moisturizing, know that you can do it both from the outside and from the inside, adopting the habit of drinking enough water per day, depending on your thirst, even during the summer.

1. Exfoliating Homemade Scrub for Hands and Feet

A woman applying a coffee sugar scrub to her hands.

The occasional use of a scrub helps to remove the layer of dead cells and dirt from the skin. Below, we’ll recommend the preparation of the following homemade recipe.


  • 2 parts of grape oil
  • 2 parts of coconut oil
  • 1 part of brown sugar
  • 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp cinnamon powder


  • You can store the mixture in a closed container and keep it for up to one month.
  • In a bowl, mix the grape oil and the coconut oil and mix it. Add the brown sugar.
  • Then, add the vanilla extract and the cinnamon powder. Mix it well.
  • Next, massage the mixture into your skin for about 90 seconds.
  • Finally, leave it on for about fifteen minutes and then wash it off with lukewarm water.

2. Homemade Moisturizer

A woman applying moisturizer to her hands.

Regularly applying a moisturizing hand cream is extremely beneficial for the skin on hands and feet, as it helps prevent dryness, cracking and other issues.



  • Mix a few drops of all of the oils and extracts with the rose water and mix it well.
  • Pour it into an empty spray bottle.
  • For more effect, use plastic bags to better absorb the oils.

Use moisturizing formulas daily

Hand lotion.
Retinol creams have gained importance in the fight against skin aging.

To ensure skin care for hands and feet, it’s essential to use daily moisturizers with nourishing formulas that nourish the skin in depth, as well as softening it and contributing to its regeneration.

A gesture as simple as applying hand cream daily can greatly help prevent premature aging and poor appearance, as well as the deterioration of the nails.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.