Frizz makes the hair look badly combed, poofy and even staticky, making it look much more unkempt than it is perhaps intended to be.
Frizz occurs when hair is in an “anionic” state, i.e., negatively charged, which causes the strands to raise and become tangled. It’s often caused by excessive dryness due to lack of nutrients, as the hair loses its natural fats and elasticity.
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The good news is that you can tame frizzy hair naturally, as the properties of certain ingredients help to moisturize strands and seal cuticles. Here are some home treatments that help you deal with frizz. Take note and see how easy they are to prepare and apply!
1. Banana conditioner to control hair frizz
Banana can be applied without any problem on skin and hair, as it is soft and nourishing.
This natural conditioner is full of antioxidants and astringent substances. When assimilated by the hair, they will eliminate dead cells and regulate the pH of your scalp. Its nutrients increase the natural moisture of the hair strands and control that annoying frizz.
1 ripe banana
Honey bee honey
Mash the pulp of a ripe banana and mix it with honey.
How to apply it to control frizzy hair
With damp hair, separate it into several sections and apply this product from the roots to the tips.
Leave it on for 30 minutes before rinsing as usual.
Repeat this procedure at least three times a week.
This moisturizing cream made with avocado and egg yolk will help seal the cuticles of your hair and avoid the static effect or frizz. These ingredients contain essential fatty acids and protein, both of which are necessary to keep your hair strong and hydrated.
1 ripe avocado
1 egg yolk
Scrape out the pulp from the avocado and mash it using a fork.
Mix in the egg yolk until you obtain a creamy mixture.
How to apply it to tame frizzy hair
Apply this cream to damp hair and leave it on for 30 minutes.
Rinse as usual and repeat three times a week.
3. A honey and yogurt mask
The nutrients in honey and yogurt help moisturize dry hair that tends to suffer from frizz. Both ingredients help regulate the pH of your scalp and alleviate any weakening of the hair strands that leads to excessive hair loss.
3 tablespoons of honey (75 g)
1/2 cup of natural yogurt (100 g)
Mix the honey and natural yogurt.
How to apply it to tame frizzy hair
Apply mask to damp hair, from the roots to the tips.
Let sit for 40 minutes and then rinse.
Repeat two to three times a week.
4. Coconut milk and olive oil conditioner
Coconut milk is a product that’s rich in amino acids and healthy fats that help restore damaged and frizzy hair. You can combine it with olive oil to get a moisturizing and frizz-fighting conditioner.
1/2 cup of coconut milk (125 ml)
3 tablespoons of olive oil (48 g)
Mix the olive oil and coconut milk together.
How to use it to tame frizzy hair
Spray this conditioner onto damp or dry hair from the scalp to the tips.
Cover your head with a shower cap and leave it on for 30 minutes.
Brewer’s yeast contains protein to help repair damaged hair, especially when it tends to fall out a lot.
When you combine it with coconut oil, you get a refreshing mask that’s ideal for moisturizing the roots and preventing frizz.
2 tablespoons of brewer’s yeast (20 g)
4 tablespoons of coconut oil (60 g)
Mix the ingredients in a bowl until you obtain a creamy paste.
How to apply it to tame frizzy hair
When hair is damp, separate it into sections and apply the mask.
Once the product has been applied, cover your head with a shower cap and leave it on for 20 minutes.
Rinse using your regular products and repeat this application two to three times a week.
Other ways to tame frizzy hair
The natural remedies mentioned are an effective way to hydrate hair and help it recover nutrients, thus controlling frizz. However, there’s a large number of tips that can be applied day by day to achieve this goal, among which the following stand out:
Wash your hair with lukewarm or cold water, avoiding hot water at all costs.
Use a deep moisturizing conditioner when washing hair.
Avoid drying the hair by rubbing it with a towel; the key is to wrap it in a towel and let it dry or press lightly with small touches.
Brush your hair gently and softly.
Don’t wash your hair every day; washing it at least every two days will be enough.
Use a hair dryer or diffuser if it’s frizzy.
Use glycerin and sulfate-free shampoo.
Consult a specialist about the anti-frizz products available on the market.
Are you ready to get rid of frizzy hair?
Are you tired of having frizzy, unruly hair? Go ahead and try any of these treatments and start showing off more beautiful and healthy hair right away.
To get good results, remember that along with hair treatments, it’s essential that you eat healthy and maintain a healthy lifestyle.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
Kumar, K. S., Bhowmik, D., Duraivel, S., & Umadevi, M. (2012). Traditional and medicinal uses of banana. Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry, 1(3), 51-63.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.