The Benefits of Having a Solarium at Home
A solarium is a space for sunbathing and allowing its light to be the protagonist in the home. In particular, it’s an outdoor structure whose purpose is relaxation, rest, and disconnection. So, how can you build one at home?
Although the term solarium also refers to tanning booths, in this article, we’re going to talk about an area of the home designed to take the sun’s rays. We’ll tell you all about its benefits and how to adapt this space to your home.
The benefits of having a solarium at home
A solarium offers multiple benefits related to exposure to the sun’s rays and relaxation. It can also become a very picturesque corner inside the house. Here are the main advantages of a solarium.
It’s great to promote the absorption of vitamin D
Undoubtedly, one of the most important benefits of a solarium is that it allows sunbathing. In this sense, it’s ideal to obtain the vitamin D that the skin naturally produces when exposed to the sun.
It’s an essential vitamin for the absorption of calcium in the bones. It also has a direct relationship with good metabolism, cardiovascular health, the immune system, and brain function.
There are some foods or supplements that can provide vitamin D. However, the key is to complement it with exposure to the sun’s rays. It’s enough to get just 15 to 20 minutes daily to achieve a good effect on the body.
The key is to soak up the sun between 9 and 11 in the morning or in the last hours of the day to protect your skin against the aggression of UV rays. The latter is associated with negative health effects, such as skin cancer.
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It can help improve your mood
Receiving sunlight is linked with a better mood and a decrease in stress and anxiety. To be more precise, it contributes to the release of serotonin, also called the “happiness hormone.”
It’s a safe and private way to sunbathe at home
Since it’s an intimate and personal place, it’s comfortable to wear a bikini or little clothing to enjoy the sun. In fact, it is a good alternative for tanning. The important thing is to follow the skin care recommendations and use good products to get a perfect tan.
It’s a place for rest and leisure
Apart from being an exclusive area for sunbathing, a solarium can also be a great space to have beautiful plants and all kinds of amenities. In this sense, it can become an ideal place to read, meditate, take naps, or practice any relaxation method.
And although it’s a space that’s built to enjoy during the day, it’s possible to take advantage of it at night. For example, it can become an ideal place for stargazing.
In the winter months, even if there’s not much sun, it will also create a small greenhouse effect that’s ideal for keeping the heat in and taking care of your indoor plants.
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How to build a solarium at home
The key is to use the terrace or rooftop to build a solarium at home. Although this is a space that’s made for sunbathing, it doesn’t mean that it shouldn’t have any shade; on the contrary, it must have elements that allow protection from strong UV rays, especially in the summer season.
It’s usually built in the form of a “box.” That means that it’s built with some walls – they can be made of glass – that set the boundaries of the space. However, it’s necessary to leave some place on the roof to let the sun in.
The best option is to have a sliding glass roof. This way, it can be opened for direct sunlight or closed in case of rain.
Also, sofas, cushions, and comfortable chairs should be placed in your solarium. It’s best to decorate in a way that makes the place look very pleasant. Indoor plants and rustic elements go very well in this type of space. In addition, a terrace umbrella is a must to protect from the sun in case of intense sun.
Remember to take care of your skin
Now that you know all the benefits of having a solarium at home and how to build it, you’ll surely want to have one. If so, keep in mind that it’s important to use sunscreen and other skin care products to enjoy this space without any risks or problems.
Try not to abuse the sun, especially during the summer, as UV rays have a negative impact on both the skin and our health.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
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