5 Tips for Taking Care of Your Feet this Summer

Summer is a time when the risk of foot infections rises. Therefore, it’s important to implement some care tips. What should you consider? We’ll go into detail about it here.
5 Tips for Taking Care of Your Feet this Summer
Leonardo Biolatto

Reviewed and approved by the doctor Leonardo Biolatto.

Last update: 15 December, 2022

Summer is a time of the year when most people tend to have more free time. This, in addition to the good weather and rising temperatures, means that many of our daily habits change. But are you overlooking the fact that you should be taking care of your feet as much as at any other time? 

Some people don’t realize that, at this time of the year, feet are exposed to infections and external factors that can damage the skin. Changing shoes, barefoot activities, or swimming pools create an ideal environment for the growth of bacteria and fungi. To avoid these problems, we would like to share some tips with you. Keep reading!

Why taking care of your feet in the summer is important

Feet are one of the most important parts of the body. They act as a support, and, if they’re harmed in any way, they can seriously affect our ability to walk or run. Despite this, many people tend to neglect them.

During times of the year like summer, they’re exposed to more factors that affect their health, as heat and moisture create an environment conducive to the growth of infectious microorganisms. Outdoor activities also increase the risk of injury or calluses.

It’s normal for people to frequent public areas such as swimming pools or beaches, where there’s direct contact with bacteria, fungi, and other elements that make this area of the body vulnerable. Because of this, infections and ailments don’t take long to appear. So, how to take care of your feet in summer?

Tips for taking care of your feet in summer

As a study published in the medical journal Annals of Family Medicine explains, during the summer, there’s a notable increase in the incidence of foot problems. One such example is how they often swell up due to a build-up of fluid, which can be very uncomfortable.

Also, wearing open footwear, such as sandals or flip-flops, makes this area more exposed to problems. By contrast, wearing shoes with good support and covers makes the impact more cushioned. Let’s see in detail some recommendations for taking care of your feet in the summer.

1.  Choose the right footwear

It’s important to keep in mind what footwear should be used for each type of situation and place. Flip flops are not suitable for exercise or long walking. However, it’s advisable to wear them to protect yourself when walking in wet areas.

The reason is that, as we pointed out earlier, in areas of humidity fungi proliferate more easily. Therefore, it isn’t advisable to go barefoot in common showers, access to swimming pools, or changing rooms.

Discover more here: The main pathogens during summer

2. Don’t share items for personal use

Footwear, towels, and other items of personal use shouldn’t be shared. These measures help reduce the risk of infection and are part of good hygiene. Using the same items as other people can cause athlete’s foot and other contagious foot diseases.

3. Maintain proper hygiene

When it comes to taking care of your feet in summer, it isn’t simply enough just to clean them with soap and water. If there’s contact with water, either in a shower, from the sea, or by being in swimming pools, you’ll need to dry them thoroughly. Drying should include the area between your toes and nails.

4. Use sunscreen

The skin in this area is also sensitive to sunburn. For this reason, it’s advisable to use sunscreen on the instep, and even on the sole. According to an article published in the Journal of Clinical and Esthetic Dermatology , sunscreen minimizes UV attacks and is key to preventing photoaging.

Feet, like other parts of the body, should be protected from the sun with a good sunscreen.

5.  Apply moisturizing products

Summer weather conditions tend to cause dryness and foot cracking . To prevent this from happening, apply moisturizing cream several times a day. It’s also a good idea to use coconut oil, petroleum jelly, and other moisture-giving substance instead.

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Other tips for taking care of your feet

  • It’s important to emphasize that, whatever the case, it’s preferable to use sandals that are stable and that support the foot well. This reduces the risk of falling or tripping.
  • On the other hand, it isn’t recommended to use permanent nail polish. They can cause allergic reactions and also cause the perspiration of this area to decrease, making it easier for microorganisms to proliferate.
  • Trying to remove calluses or roughness with files isn’t the best option. They can cause wounds that can easily get infected.

Consult a podiatrist

In case of any questions or problems, especially if you already have a foot condition, it’s best to go to the specialist. Frequently visiting a podiatrist helps us to look after our feet in a more orderly fashion as we week to keep them healthy this summer.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Tiivel J. Foot care: a step in the right direction. Perspectives. 1999;23(2):22-25.
  • Steglińska, A., Jachowicz, A., Szulc, J., Adamiak, J., Otlewska, A., Pielech-Przybylska, K., & Gutarowska, B. (2019). Factors influencing microbiological biodiversity of human foot skin. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16(18). https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph16183503
  • McRitchie, M., Branthwaite, H., & Chockalingam, N. (2018). Footwear choices for painful feet – an observational study exploring footwear and foot problems in women. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 11(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13047-018-0265-2
  • Miikkola, M., Lantta, T., Suhonen, R., & Stolt, M. (2019). Challenges of foot self-care in older people: A qualitative focus-group study. Journal of Foot and Ankle Research, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13047-019-0315-4
  • Nardin, R. A., Fogerson, P. M., Nie, R., & Rutkove, S. B. (2010). Foot temperature in healthy individuals: Effects of ambient temperature and age. Journal of the American Podiatric Medical Association, 100(4), 258–264. https://doi.org/10.7547/1000258
  • Liu, F., Allan, G. M., Korownyk, C., Kolber, M., Flook, N., Sternberg, H., & Garrison, S. (2016). Seasonality of ankle swelling: Population symptom reporting using google trends. Annals of Family Medicine, 14(4), 356–358. https://doi.org/10.1370/afm.1953

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.