How to Make Homemade Nail Hardener

Do you have brittle nails? In this article, we'll be covering how to make a cheap and natural homemade nail hardener.
How to Make Homemade Nail Hardener
Valeria Sabater

Reviewed and approved by psychologist Valeria Sabater.

Written by Valeria Sabater

Last update: 27 May, 2022

Everyone knows it: there’s nothing more annoying than having weak and brittle nails. They end up breaking with the simplest tasks. And forget about trying to get them long enough to show off. There are products in pharmacies that are great for this, but they tend to be very expensive. So, what if we could teach you how to make a cheap and easy homemade nail hardener?

Homemade nail hardener

To deal with weak nails, you need to use a strengthener. The treatment that we’re going to recommend is perhaps the most effective. It’s composed of ingredients that are easy to obtain, like garlic or lemon.
Nevertheless, the key to their amazing effectiveness is in the vitamin E capsules that you’ll be using. But don’t worry, you can find them easily in a pharmacy. What’s more, they’re very effective and useful for a variety of purposes. For this recipe, you will only need one capsule. Let’s take a look.

A natural remedy for very fragile nails

Vitamin E for making a homemade nail hardener

This simple and effective formula is useful for the worst cases. This is for those times when, due to issues with your health and a lack of vitamins, your nails are especially weak.

What you need

  • 3 peeled garlic cloves
  • 20 drops of lemon juice
  • A Vitamin E capsule
  • Natural shine nail polish

Instructions for making your homemade nail hardener

  • It’s very easy. The first thing you have to do is put the Vitamin E capsule inside the nail polish container. Just prick the capsule with a needle and pour it carefully inside the container. You can buy the Vitamin E capsule in pharmacies. If you get it this way, you’ll only need one. When you put it in your nail polish, you’ll have this essential vitamin, which will lend health and strength to your nails.
  • The next step involves three garlic cloves. Why garlic, you ask? Garlic is one of the best natural ingredients for strengthening nails and fighting fragility. It can also combat bacteria and fungal infections. Put three garlic cloves in hot water to soak for 15 minutes. Once they’re warmed up, start to grind them until you get a well-blended paste.
  • Once the paste is ready, put this inside the nail polish container too. It’s best to use a small funnel like the kind that you use for perfumes and fragrances.
  • The next step is to get the lemon juice. You’ll just need 20 drops. Why is lemon good for your nails? It’s great because of its vitamins and its antioxidant acids. These toughen up weak points in the structure of the nail itself. They may also be able to restore your nails little by little. Once you finish the juice, put the twenty drops inside of the nail polish container.
  • Great, now it’s ready. As you can see, you’ll have a hardening mixture for your nail polish, which is full of great vitamins. Always shake it before applying. It’s not only useful as a homemade nail hardener. It can also help heal them and restore their general health. By getting the vitamins they need, they’ll get better every day.
  • Wear this nail polish for at least a month. Remove it every three days to give your nails a light rest for one day. On the day you don’t wear the nail polish, massage every nail with a mixture of olive oil and almond oil. Just a teaspoon of each will do. Soak a cotton ball well and rub each nail with this great mixture that will also help regenerate your nails. Remember, that’s three days with the enriched nail polish followed by a rest day with the oil-based treatment.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.