Three Infusions to Cleanse Your Colon and Intestines

How well does your digestion function normally? Do you often suffer from gas? Do you feel tired? Have you gained weight in recent months without knowing why? Sometimes we neglect our intestinal health and as a consequence many associated problems appear that we did not notice in the beginning.
Three Infusions to Cleanse Your Colon and Intestines
Valeria Sabater

Reviewed and approved by psychologist Valeria Sabater.

Written by Valeria Sabater

Last update: 27 May, 2022

Unfortunately, many people neglect taking care of their colon and intestines, both of which perform several essential functions: hydration, storing waste and synthesizing vitamins.It is imperative, therefore, that we establish some basic guidelines in our diet to detox and at the same time strengthen these vital organs.

Today, in this article, we want to provide you with some simple remedies to cleanse the colon and the intestines.


By using some medicinal plants which should always be in your kitchen. Take note!

Three Infusions to Cleanse Your Colon and Intestines

Artichoke and Ginger Infusion

Colon and Intestines

This combination may surprise you. However, this medicinal infusion is used not only as an authentic remedy but also to clean the colon and the intestines, but which can help you in all these aspects as well:

  • Artichoke water is incredibly rich in vitamins and minerals, for which it’s ideal to optimize the functioning of the liver and kidneys.
  • Both artichoke water and ginger purify toxins, help to eliminate fats and they clean out stored waste from the colon.
  • Ginger and artichoke water will also improve your digestion.
  • This medicinal infusion can also help combat the so-called “bad cholesterol.”
  • Above all, ginger will also help reduce inflammation. It’s ideal for those day when you have stomach pain.

Don’t miss this article: The Benefits of Ginger for Women


  • 2 medium artichokes
  • 1 liter (32 oz) of water
  • 80 g (2.8 oz) of ginger root


  • This infusion is very simple to prepare. The first thing to do is boil the water. Once you see that it has begun to boil, add the artichokes and the fresh ginger.
  • Cooking can last between 30 and 40 minutes, until you see that the artichokes have softened and all their juice and beneficial properties are now in the water.
  • The next step is also very easy: you just need to strain out the artichokes so that all that remains is the medicinal water. You can save the artichokes for your dinner with a little oil and vinegar.
  • Then, you can pour the artichoke water into a glass bottle and keep it in a dry place.
  • You should drink a glass on an empty stomach in the morning, another after lunch, another in the afternoon and a final one after dinner. Do this for 8 days in a row and you will see how much better you feel.

Mint and Dandelion Infusion

Colon and Intestines

Did you know that mint is the best medicinal plant to treat an irritable bowel?

For this reason, it’s essential that you always have some in your house. In addition to being a fabulous ingredient for desserts, it is also the perfect plant to combine with other medicinal plants, such as dandelion.

Let’s explain why:

  • This medicinal infusion will help you to prevent the classic intestinal contractions which cause so much pain, relaxing the intestinal walls, reducing cramps and further helping to prevent constipation or diarrhea.
  • It will help improve your digestion.
  • Further, combining dandelion with mint will help to cleanse your colon and intestines.
  • Another benefit is that it acts as an excellent sedative, it relaxes and alleviates headaches and general malaise.

Also read: Dandelion: A Great Cleanser for Your Body


  • 20 g (0.7 oz) of fresh mint
  • 20 g (0.7 oz) of dandelion
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml or 6.7 fl oz)
  • One tablespoon of honey


It’s very easy!

  • In this case you only need to heat the glass of water.
  • When it’s boiling, add the mint and dandelion and let it cook for at least 15 minutes.
  • Then, let it sit for about 10 minutes and afterward, add a spoonful of honey.
  • This is perfect for just after lunch.

Aloe Vera and Linden Flower Infusion

Colon and Intestines

Aloe vera is a medicinal plant with countless benefits. It’s simply wonderful and is a natural ally to help cleanse the colon and intestines. It’s also very suitable if you suffer from the painful irritable bowel.

We’ll explain why it’s so beneficial:

  • It acts as a natural lubricant for the entire digestive system.
  • Aloe vera also cleanses the digestive tract by eliminating toxins and any other impurity that has adhered to the intestines.
  • It alleviates cramps, relaxes the muscles and helps prevent constipation.
  • Combined with linden flowers, it becomes a relaxing infusion capable of neutralizing any toxin and making sure these end up being eliminated in the stool.


  • 80 g (2.8 oz) of aloe vera (the translucent gel from the inside of the leaves)
  • 20 g (0.7 oz) of linden flowers
  • A glass of water
  • A few drops of lemon juice


  • Begin by heating the glass of water. When it begins to boil, add the aloe vera gel and stir well until it completely dissolves in the water. Afterward, add the linden flowers.
  • Let it cook well, for at least 20 minutes. Afterward, turn off the heat and let it sit for about 10 minutes.
  • Do not drink this infusion while it is very hot, it is better to let it get lukewarm.
  • Remember to add a few drops of lemon juice and drink it on an empty stomach for 8 days in a row, to clean your colon and intestines. You will feel great!

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Mukherjee, P. K., Nema, N. K., Maity, N., Mukherjee, K., & Harwansh, R. K. (2014). Phytochemical and Therapeutic Profile of Aloe vera. Journal of Natural Remedies.
  • Benefits, H. (2014). Minty Magic : Health Benefits of Peppermint. Alternative Medicine.
  • Balakrishnan, A. (2015). Therapeutic uses of peppermint –A review. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research. [pii] 10.1016/j.transproceed.2005.02.096
  • Ding, A., & Wen, X. (2018). Dandelion root extract protects NCM460 colonic cells and relieves experimental mouse colitis. Journal of Natural Medicines.
  • Starbuck, J. J. (2000). Ginger & Peppermint. Better Nutrition.
  • Salem, M. Ben, Affes, H., Ksouda, K., Dhouibi, R., Sahnoun, Z., Hammami, S., & Zeghal, K. M. (2015). Pharmacological Studies of Artichoke Leaf Extract and Their Health Benefits. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.