A woman’s breasts and more specifically, her nipples, are one of the main erogenous zones of her body. That’s why it’s important to learn how to stimulate them. Although for many years they weren’t considered important in sex, it’s now common knowledge that stimulating the breasts can lead to a uniquely pleasurable experience.
There are dozens of nerve endings in this area of the female body that, when correctly manipulated can be extremely arousing. However, due to a lack of knowledge about the subject, or perhaps because of a simple taboo, many go down the wrong path and don’t take advantage of this potential for giving a woman an orgasm.
That said, every woman is different and personal preferences must always be taken into account.
What you should know about stimulating a woman’s nipples
As health experts confirm, nipples contain a large number of nerve endings. Their sensitivity varies depending on the woman’s age, the size, and shape of her breasts, and her hormonal activity.
In spite of this, as a rule, breasts can be stimulated to generate an infinite number of pleasurable sensations during sexual intercourse. However, first of all, it’s essential to understand that, regardless of the technique used, breasts must be handled gently.
Although it’s dependent on a woman’s individual preference, rough handling isn’t advised. In fact, rather than being pleasurable, this can make the experience painful and traumatic instead.
Stimulating a woman’s breasts causes high levels of arousal. It even promotes the lubrication of the vagina. That’s why touching, kissing, and stroking them in the right way helps many women reach orgasm.
The following tips aren’t only useful for men but are also a great tool for women themselves to get to know their bodies better and discover new sensations when touching, caressing, and stimulating their nipples.
Start gently
Gentle touching, with the fingers or tongue, is the best way to start stimulating the nipples. These small touches or movements trigger strong sensations which gradually increase the woman’s arousal.
Make slow circles
Slow circular movements are ideal for creating intense pleasure. Start by touching the tip of the nipple with a slow spiral motion, and then continue around the rest of the area as if you were drawing circles.
Tongue and lip movements
For lots of women, oral stimulation is far more pleasurable. It all depends on their individual tastes. However, it’s important to know how to do it, because mishandling a woman’s breasts can be painful and uncomfortable.
Start with a little warm breath. Put your mouth close to the nipple, without touching it, and breathe warm air onto it.
With the end of your tongue, make circular movements on the nipple.
Make small upward and downward brushes over the nipple, but not for long.
When your mouth comes in contact with the nipple, you can suck, and even bite but, again, really gently.
Most importantly, you need to communicate well with your partner and find out what she likes. That’s because some women may not like it and it might even make them feel uncomfortable.
Massages are a great tool for stimulating a woman’s breasts. It can be done gently, or sometimes a little more firmly, either with or without oils and lubricants.
Put your thumb on the tip of the nipple and make circular movements on the areola.
If you use creams or lubricant products on the nipple, she might find it more pleasurable.
If you want to massage with your tongue, place your hands firmly on the breast so that they help make the nipple firmer.
Nipples can be stimulated with silk or feather garments.
Sometimes, the usual techniques can get a bit boring and routine. So, if you’d like to try something a little different, you can try making use of some different textures that can be really stimulating.
Try placing a silky or slightly rough piece of fabric on top of the woman’s breast before licking her nipples. When you move the fabric over the nipples, it can activate the nerve endings and be extremely arousing for her.
Use a nipple massager (you can buy them in sex shops).
Use other sex toys.
How to stimulate a woman’s nipples so she reaches orgasm
Nipple stimulation not only generates a high degree of arousal but can even bring a woman to climax. Indeed, it’s been discovered that when the nipples are caressed, squeezed, or licked, the same brain region that responds to stimulation of the genitals is activated. This is why it can lead to an orgasm.
To do this, it will be necessary to proceed progressively, first awakening her desire and then acting skilfully and gently. The woman herself or her partner can perform the stimulation. Either way, it’ll be a highly sensual experience for her.
As you can see, stimulating a woman’s nipples isn’t too complicated. You just need to practice, taking into account that it’s an area that requires a gentle touch. In addition, it’s essential to maintain good sexual communication with your partner at all times in case something isn’t producing the desired pleasure.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
Krychman, M., Goren, A., Brandt, L., & McCoy, J. (2020). Novel topical formulation applied to the nipple-areola complex improves female orgasm. Journal of cosmetic dermatology, 19(2), 404-406. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31846189/
Robinson V. C. (2015). Support for the hypothesis that sexual breast stimulation is an ancestral practice and a key to understanding women’s health. Medical hypotheses, 85(6), 976-985. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/26386486/
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.