How to Make Low-Sugar Citrus Jam

Homemade citrus jam is a good way to enjoy the benefits of citrus fruits. However, jams often contain a lot of sugar. For this reason, we decided to share healthy jam recipes that contain honey or stevia.
How to Make Low-Sugar Citrus Jam

Last update: 23 September, 2022

Although reducing sugar intake isn’t easy, it’s healthy. For this reason, many people look for foods that are low in sugar or sugar substitutes. In addition, it’s best to consume low-sugar homemade products. A good example is citrus jam that tastes delicious… even though it doesn’t contain sugar.

In this article, we propose two citrus jam recipes with honey and stevia.

Citrus fruits

Several different citrus fruits.
Citrus fruits are rich in vitamins and minerals, which is why you must incorporate them into your diet.

The benefits of citrus fruits are widely known. You’re probably aware that orange juice, lemon juice, or juicy tangerines are good for you.

Citrus fruits are characteristically acidic. Rich in essential oils, they also have other health benefits:

  • They’re a source of vitamins and minerals. In fact, they contain calcium, magnesium, and iron, among other minerals. Likewise, they contain vitamins, such as vitamins C, A, B1, and B2.
  • They protect the digestive system.
  • These fruits help control cholesterol levels and, therefore, promote cardiovascular health.
  • They help prevent diabetes.
  • In addition, they aid weight loss.

Due to their vitamin and mineral content, they boost the immune system. In this regard, the most common citrus fruits are:

  • Orange
  • Lemon
  • Grapefruit
  • Lime
  • Tangerine

Low sugar citrus jam recipes

What better way to start the day with a good breakfast? It’s even better if you include citrus fruits for breakfast! A delicious way to incorporate them is by preparing tasty citrus jam.

However, we know that jams usually contain a lot of sugar, so we propose low-sugar recipes to make breakfast even healthier.

To do this, you only have to replace sugar with a healthy sweetener or, much better, with honey. This way, you won’t only reduce your intake of refined sugar but you’ll also be adding the benefits of honey and stevia to your jam. Don’t miss it!

Recipe #1. Citrus jam with honey

Citrus honey jam.
Honey is a healthy ingredient that gives preparations its characteristic sweet flavor.



  • First of all, wash the fruits well.
  • Then, peel the tangerines and the oranges and set the orange peels aside.
  • Next, cut the fruits into small pieces.
  • After that, put the oranges and tangerines, along with the orange peel, into a pot and add the water. Boil for about an hour.
  • Then, remove the peels and blend the mixture until it’s smooth and lump-free.
  • After that, put the mixture back in the pot and add the honey and cinnamon.
  • Boil for another 15 minutes. Remember to never stop stirring.
  • Let cool. Only when the jam is cold will you know if it has the right thickness.
  • Finally, pour the jam into glass jars and let cool. Once you open them, you must store them in the fridge.

Recipe #2. Citrus jam with stevia

Citrus stevia jam.
Stevia contains a more appropriate glycemic index to control blood sugar levels.


  • 2.2 pounds of oranges
  • Lemon juice
  • 2 tablespoons of stevia
  • A cinnamon stick


  • Firstly, wash the oranges very well and cut them into pieces. Make sure to remove all the seeds and white parts. Set the orange peels aside.
  • Next, squeeze the oranges and cook the juice for approximately 40 minutes over low heat.
  • Meanwhile, squeeze the lemon and mix its juice with the stevia and orange peels.
  • Then, add this lemon, stevia, and orange peel mixture to the pot with the orange juice and cook for 10 more minutes.
  • Turn off the heat and blend the mixture (except the orange peels).
  • Finally, pour the jam into glass jars.
  • When it cools, it’s ready to for you enjoy!

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Robert Jacob et al. “The Potential of Citrus Limonoids as Anticancer Agents”, Perishables Handling Quarterly Issue No. 102,mayo 2000
  • Assini, Julia M. et al. “Citrus flavonoids and lipid metabolism”, Current Opinion in LipidologyFebruary 2013 – Volume 24 – Issue 1 – p 34–40
  • Xinmiao Lv et al. “Citrus fruits as a treasure trove of active natural metabolites that potentially provide benefits for human health”, Chem Cent J. 2015; 9: 68.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.