3 Healthy Smoothies for Weight Loss

In this article, we share three healthy smoothies that can help you lose that extra weight.
3 Healthy Smoothies for Weight Loss
Valeria Sabater

Reviewed and approved by psychologist Valeria Sabater.

Written by Valeria Sabater

Last update: 27 May, 2022

Losing weight in a healthy way? Yes, it’s possible. You just have to take care of your nutrition and make sure you have a lot of vitamins, proteins, fiber, and the necessary minerals to cover your daily needs in your diet.

Natural juices and healthy smoothies are great ways to combine various foods that will help you burn fat little by little. We’ll explain how below with three recipes for delicious and healthy smoothies.

Healthy smoothies for weight loss

1. Pineapple and aloe vera smoothie

Pineapple enzymes.

This is one of the most popular weight loss smoothies. You know the huge benefits of pineapple: it’s laxative, diuretic, detoxifying, rejuvenating, rich in antioxidants… If you combine it with the amazing properties of aloe vera, you get a hydrating, purifying, and detoxifying drink. It keeps your digestive and intestinal systems healthy by eliminating toxins and excess fat.

This drink can be used as an amazing tonic to help you reach your proper weight.

How to drink it

  • It’s very easy. You should follow this diet for five days in a row twice a month. As a result, you’ll eliminate toxins and harmful fats. During these four days, follow a diet based on salads, whole bread, fruits, and vegetables. For that reason, start by drinking two glasses of pineapple juice at breakfast.
  • After your two main meals, lunch and dinner, drink a glass of aloe vera. How do you make it? It’s very easy! Just cut off a thick aloe vera leaf. Remove the thorns, open it, and keep the white and juicy part. This is the most gelatinous part of the leaf. Now, put it in the blender and add half a glass of juice (lemon or apple juice, for example). This way, it will be a lot tastier.

2. Green smoothie

A green smoothie.

Green smoothies are delicious, healthy, and great calorie and fat burners. What’s in it, you ask? This amazing smoothie has parsley, lemon, celery, spinach, ginger, cucumber, and apple. These are elements with a lot of vitamin C, vitamin B-6, fiber, folic acid, omega-3, and antioxidants.

You should drink this smoothie for ten days in a row during breakfast and then rest for 20 days. Very easy!

How to drink it

  • As we already mentioned, this smoothie is most effective in the morning for ten days. Just wash all of the ingredients: the juice from one lemon, three pieces of parsley, a celery stalk, 3 spinach leaves, a teaspoon of grated ginger, half a cucumber, and 1 seedless, unpeeled apple.
  • Put all the ingredients in a blender and try to get a well-blended juice. If you add half a glass of fresh water, the ingredients will blend a lot better. With this smoothie, you’ll start the day with a lot of energy and without the need to snack between meals. After ten days, you will have burned the unnecessary fats and cleansed your body. But remember to stay away from foods high in fat, sweets, refined flours, and sugary beverages for those ten days!

3. Grapefruit and pear smoothie

Grapefruit and pear smoothie.

We all know the great benefits of pears. It’s a plant with great medicinal properties and it’s very effective for weight loss. It has a lot of fiber, vitamins, minerals, antioxidants, and few calories. If you also add grapefruit to it, this smoothie will be an excellent fat-burning drink. Are you going to miss out on it? Absolutely not!

How to drink it

  • Drink this smoothie for breakfast for ten days.
  • Just like with the green smoothie above, you should also rest for 20 days and then start over. You’ll see just how effective it is for you.
  • Get a medium-sized pear. Then, get the juice from a grapefruit and put both ingredients in a blender.
  • It’s important to blend them well so that the pear releases all of its juices and, as a result, its properties. You can add half a glass of fresh water to it as well. Drink the smoothie for breakfast.

You can drink any of the three smoothies in this article according to your preferences or what ingredients are easier to find. Remember to be consistent and accompany these juices with a balanced, varied, low-fat diet and exercise. You can try walking for an hour every day. It isn’t difficult at all!

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Bianchi F., Larsen N., Tieghi T., Adorno MA., et al., Modulation of gut microbiota from obese individuals by in vitro fermentation of citrus pectin in combination with bifidobacterium longum BB-46.
  • DePhillipo NN., Aman ZS., Kennedy MI., Begley JP., et al., Efficacy of vitamin C supplementation on collagen synthesis and oxidative stress after musculoskeletal injuries: a systematic review. Orthop J Sports Med, 2018.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.