Eating Oats for Breakfast: Is it Healthy?
We’ve discussed the importance of breakfast on many occasions. While some suggest that it’s the most important meal of the day, others argue that it’s dispensable. In any case, if you do eat breakfast, it’s essential to base this meal on high-quality nutritional foods. That’s why we tell you why we recommend eating oats for breakfast.
In this article, we’ll also tell you about the benefits of this grain.
Oats for breakfast
According to an article in the Journal of Food Science and Technology, oats stand out for their content of dietary fiber, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals. Because of this, today we know it as one of the healthiest and most complete cereals.
When it comes to choosing a breakfast cereal, oats are clearly the preferred choice. This grain has complex carbohydrates and a significant amount of fiber. Also, it contains micronutrients such as B vitamins and minerals such as calcium and iron. These are necessary for the development of vital physiological reactions.
At the same time, it’s worth mentioning that it’s a very versatile food. In other words, you can eat it in several different ways during your first meal of the day. For example, you can combine it with berries, banana, dairy products, and other ingredients that also provide important nutrients for the body.
To learn more: 7 Ways to Increase Your Fiber Intake and Combat Constipation
The benefits of eating oats for breakfast
One of the benefits of eating oatmeal for breakfast is that it allows you to obtain beta-glucans. This is a type of soluble fiber that is beneficial to your health.
So why else do experts recommend it?
It improves the composition of the intestinal microbiota
Soluble fiber is an essential substance to ensure the survival of beneficial bacteria living in the intestine. Research published in The Journal of Nutritional Biochemistry demonstrates just that.
This substance ferments at the intestinal level and generates short-chain fatty acids, with an anti-inflammatory nature. Also, many of the products of fermentation serve as a substrate to ensure the well-being of the bacteria.
It’s worth noting the importance of microbiota in health. Nowadays, experts consider it an independent organ that intervenes in the functioning of the immune system. Also, it modulates the risk of developing complex pathologies.
You may also be interested in: Microbiota-Accessible Carbohydrates (MACs)
It helps to reduce constipation
When it comes to fighting constipation, apart from ensuring adequate water intake, it’s necessary to include fiber in the diet. Because of this, eating oatmeal for breakfast is beneficial. The assimilation of its nutrients helps to increase the fecal bolus and stimulates the peristaltic movements.
According to a study published in the International Journal of Clinical Practice, a scarce contribution of fiber in the diet can generate a greater propensity to constipation in the medium term.
The prevention of colon cancer
To prevent the development of complex pathologies, such as colon cancer, it0s essential to guarantee the presence of fiber in the diet. Eating oats for breakfast can have a positive impact on reducing the risk of this pathology, as suggested by a meta-analysis published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition.
A recipe for enjoying oats for breakfast
There are many ways to incorporate oatmeal into your breakfast. Here, we want to share an oatmeal recipe. You can make with whatever toppings you like the most. Give it a try!
- 1/2 cup of milk (125 ml)
- 3 tablespoons of oats (45 g)
- Toppings (nuts, seeds, fruits, etc.)
- First, heat the milk over medium heat along with the oatmeal, while stirring constantly.
- When it acquires a thick consistency, it’s ready.
- Now, put the preparation in a bowl and let it cool down.
- To finish, add the toppings of your choice. They can be berries, nuts, chia seeds, or dark chocolate chips, for example.
Enjoy oats for breakfast and enjoy better health
Having oats for breakfast is ideal for improving intestinal transit and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. This food, given its nutritional and energetic value, is a great way to start the day off right. In fact, it’s not only a healthy option for breakfast. You can also enjoy it at lunchtime, during a snack, or as part of a light dinner.
So what are you waiting for? Start eating more oats today!
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Rasane P, Jha A, Sabikhi L, Kumar A, Unnikrishnan VS. Nutritional advantages of oats and opportunities for its processing as value added foods – a review. J Food Sci Technol. 2015;52(2):662-675. doi:10.1007/s13197-013-1072-1
- Jayachandran M., Chen J., Chung SSM., Xu B., A critical review on the impacts of b glucans on gut microbiota and human health. J Nutr Biochem, 2018. 61: 101-110.
- Emmanuel A., Mattace Raso F., Neri MC., Petersen KU., et al., Constipation in older people: a consensus statement. Int J Clin Pract, 2017.
- Gianfredi V., Salvatori T., Villarini M., Moretti M., et al., Is dietary fibre truly protective against colon cancer? A systematic review and meta analysis. Int J Food Sci Nutr, 2018. 69 (8): 904-915.