Zucchini for Weight Loss: An Ideal Food

Zucchini will be a great complement to include in our dishes with some protein and fiber. The advantages of this vegetable make it an ideal solution for those times when we need to lose some weight.
Zucchini for Weight Loss: An Ideal Food
Valeria Sabater

Reviewed and approved by psychologist Valeria Sabater.

Written by Valeria Sabater

Last update: 11 June, 2022

Do you eat zucchini regularly? If so, you know that this vegetable helps keep your body healthy and well, but it is also a great vegetable to help you lose weight little by little. It can be combined with many dishes and is delicious. So, should we all eat zucchini for weight loss? Let us explain why it would be a great idea to do so!

1. Health benefits of zucchini

Zucchini has a great natural flavor and it is an indispensable ingredient that should be part of our weight loss program. But before explaining how it can help to improve your waistline, let’s first do a brief review of its main benefits and properties for your health. Do not miss out – you and your family should take this into account:

  • Zucchini is rich in nutrients and has virtually no fat. Its caloric rate is really low.
  • This vegetable is rich in calcium, perfect for our bones!
  • It has a lot of fiber, hence it is ideal to avoid that annoying constipation.
  • Zucchini has a high level of potassium, which allows us to avoid fluid retention and eliminate toxins.
  • It is very suitable for our brain health since it has the necessary element, phosphorus, which is ideal for maintaining a good level of brain functioning.
  • It also has magnesium, the mineral that is so necessary for a woman’s overall health.
  • Zucchini also has the noteworthy vitamin B9 (folic acid), very suitable for example for children.
  • Among its vitamins, remember that it also has vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E … and as for its minerals, don’t forget, you will have an adequate dose of potassium, zinc, selenium, and magnesium.
  • Zucchini, being diuretic, also helps prevent many kidney diseases.

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2. Zucchini for weight loss

Zucchini for weight loss can be very effective

First, we have to make something clear – it is not at all recommended to only eat zucchini for an entire month, and nothing else. Zucchini will be a great addition to our diet, but our dishes must also include some protein and fiber.

The benefits of this vegetable are many, but above all are those which we will now explain; those that make it an ideal solution for those times when we need or want to lose a little weight. Make your diet includes some zucchini for weight loss, because it has great benefits.

Why use zucchini for weight loss?

  • Because zucchini has just 17 calories per 100 grams (3.5 ounces) that we consume. This allows us to eat a lot and become satisfied, with a very low calorie intake.
  • Another interesting fact is that zucchini increases our metabolism which helps us burn fat. That is, we get energy and eliminate the left-over fat by burning it. This is due primarily to vitamin A, which promotes the oxidation of these lipids, these fats.
  • Zucchini also has soluble and insoluble fiber. The soluble fiber detoxifies and delays the appearance of blood glucose. The insoluble fiber, meanwhile, is responsible for improving our intestinal health, by providing good bacteria to clean our insides, thus promoting the removal of toxins and fats. Very appropriate, without a doubt.
  • Zucchini also has iodine, which stimulates our metabolism to work as it should.

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3. A simple recipe: brown rice with zucchini and leeks

Rice with zucchini for weight loss

If you try this recipe you will see that it is really easy to make and delicious. This is a great way to start a diet with zucchini for weight loss. Take note:

What do I need?

  • 300 grams (10.5 ounces) of brown rice
  • 1 onion
  • 2 garlic cloves
  • 1 leek
  • 1 zucchini
  • Half a cup of white wine
  • 1 liter (4-1/3 cups) of vegetable broth
  • A little pepper
  • Some pine nuts
  • Some raisins

How do I prepare it?

The first thing we do is to wash the vegetables. Cut the leeks into small pieces, peel the zucchini and cut it into tiny cubes. Do the same with the onion, small pieces. As for the garlic, also, peel it and chop it.

Now we take a pan and put some olive oil in it. First sauté the onion and leeks over medium heat, just a few minutes. Afterward, add the zucchini and garlic, stirring well. Add a little pepper and a handful of pine nuts. Also, the raisins, only a few.

Once it becomes a rich sauce wait about 5 minutes and add a half a cup of white wine. This will add a lot of flavor. When you have reduced the alcohol, add the vegetable broth, stirring well. We must remember that the rice, being uncut brown rice, will require more cooking time.

Taste to see if it’s to your liking, if you want to add some salt or if you like it with just pepper. If it seems good, then add the rice, 300 grams (10.5 ounces). Place the top on the saucepan and boil over high heat, don’t forget to stir.

Once the rice has absorbed almost all the broth, test the consistency to see if it’s ready. When you take a plateful – serve yourself a fair and adequate amount – you can add a dash of lime juice and some nuts on top.

In this way, we enhance the flavor and include more vitamins in the dish. It’s a recipe rich in fiber which is very satisfying, for example for lunch. If you accompany it with a spinach salad with small pieces of pineapple, you will feel fabulous.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.