Venoruton - Characteristics and Uses

Venoruton is usually prescribed in adults for the relief of symptoms related to mild chronic venous insufficiency in the lower extremities.
Venoruton - Characteristics and Uses

Written by María Vijande

Last update: 27 May, 2022

Venoruton is a medication that belongs to the group of systemic vaso-protectors, that is, drugs that protect blood vessels. Oxerutins are its active substances.

Doctors prescribe it to adults for the relief of symptoms related to mild chronic venous insufficiency of their lower extremities. Among the symptoms that may appear are:

Varicose veins on a pair of legs.

What exactly is mild chronic venous insufficiency?

The feeling of heavy legs may be due to mild chronic venous insufficiency. When a person has this disorder, the veins in their legs don’t properly send blood back to the heart. This disease often shows itself with varicose veins and tired legs.

This condition doesn’t represent a serious problem to your health in its initial stages. But its symptoms do reduce your quality of life. So, you must follow effective treatment and exercise healthy habits.

Risk factors for mild chronic venous insufficiency

There are a number of risk factors that promote the development of mild chronic venous insufficiency. Among them are:

Age and genetic inheritance

We’re more likely to suffer from this condition as we grow older. However, there’s a genetic factor to mild chronic venous insufficiency. For this reason, you’re at a higher risk of it if your parents also have it.


The pressure exerted by the baby, as well as the hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy, can facilitate the appearance of varicose veins and mild chronic venous insufficiency.


There’s a connection between being a woman and the development of this condition. This is mainly due to the effects of the hormonal changes characteristic of the female gender.

Sedentary life

A sedentary lifestyle, as well as being inactive for long periods of time, leads to poor circulation. Thus, there’s an increase in blood pressure in the veins, causing their dilation.


Obviously, the greater the weight, the greater the pressure on the legs and, therefore, on the veins. Thus, the more weight you carry, the greater your risk.

How does Venoruton work?

A woman's legs coming out of the water.

This medication relieves the symptoms of mild chronic venous insufficiency thanks to the triple effect of its composition. It has:

  • An antioxidant action. This effect is due to the fact that it strengthens and protects the walls of blood vessels.
  • It reduces swelling of the legs and pain.
  • Also, it facilitates microcirculation and improves local oxygenation.

It’s an oral solution with an orange flavor that comes in sachet form. The normal dose is one sachet per day. There is usually an improvement within the first two weeks of treatment.

Upon medical advice, you may continue with Venoruton treatment for up to two or three months. However, you must inform your doctor immediately if your symptoms don’t improve within the first two weeks.

Contraindications and special precautions for the use of Venoruton

Generally, hypersensitivity to oxerutins or to any of the excipients of the Venoruton composition could be one of the contraindications of this medication.

In regard to pregnancy, there are data indicating that oxerutins don’t produce malformations or fetal toxicity. So, if necessary, you may consider the use of this medication during pregnancy.

However, based on generally accepted safety recommendations, you shouldn’t use oxerutins during the first three months of pregnancy.

Similarly, doctors should exercise caution in patients with leg edema due to heart, liver and kidney disease. This is mainly because the effect of oxerutins in those cases is not yet demonstrated.

Possible side effects of Venoruton

Like all medications, this drug can have some side effects. You must stop taking it if you get any of the following symptoms:

  • Trouble breathing or swallowing
  • Swelling of the face, lips, tongue or throat
  • Intense itching with rashes and hives

In addition, more rarely, other symptoms such as flatulence, diarrhea, stomach discomfort, and abdominal pain may occur.

Venoruton – conclusion

Finally, Venoruton relieves the symptoms of mild chronic venous insufficiency. In addition, to achieve better results, you must lead a healthy lifestyle by exercising and maintaining adequate weight.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Riccioni C., S. R. I. A. P. G. L. M. (2004). Effectiveness of Troxerutin in association with Pycnogenol® in the pharmacological treatment of venous insufficiency [Efficacia della Troxerutina associata al Pycnogenol® nel trattamento farmacologico dell’insufficienza venosa]. Minerva Cardioangiologica.

  • Mege Navarrete, M. (2012). Insuficiencia venosa de extremidades inferiores. Facultad de Medicina de La Universidad de Chile.

  • Suñé Ysamat, B. (1985). Insuficiencia venosa. Revista de Enfermeria (Barcelona, Spain).

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.