7 Things To Do Before Drinking Your First Cup of Coffee of The Day

Discover what are the things you should do before drinking your first cup of coffee that improve the impact of this beverage on your health.
7 Things To Do Before Drinking Your First Cup of Coffee of The Day

Last update: 27 June, 2023

Believe it or not, there are a few things you should do before having your first cup of coffee that will help you have a great day. Some of them will allow you to code your brain without any kind of stimulant in between and others will be very healthy for your body.

Remember that your morning routine has a great impact on what the rest of your day will be like, and coffee, although delicious, can produce an overload of energy, some anxiety, and a bit of stress, if not consumed at the exact moment. If we already got your attention, keep reading!

Before drinking your first coffee of the day, these things you should do

Most people wake up and the first thing they do is to have a hot, delicious, and aromatic cup of coffee. However, it’s recommended to take a break to do certain things before that first drink.

This is not only to allow for better absorption and digestion of this natural stimulant, but also to obtain a sensation of energy, vitality, and good mood from other sources. In the following article, we’re going to tell you what you can do.

1. Stretch

Stretching is essential to prepare the body to support a major training routine or a great physical effort throughout the day. So if your job includes constant physical activity, you should stretch before drinking your first cup of coffee of the day.

In this way, you will break the stiffness that the body takes at rest, avoid musculoskeletal injuries and help your body to reactivate after hours of rest. Keep in mind that this space can be short, with 5 minutes you will obtain the mentioned benefits.

2. Meditate

Meditation is a practice that confers several benefits to the body and mind. As detailed in a study shared via Behavioural Brain Research, this discipline helps reduce cortisol levels -the stress hormone- and improves mood.

As if that were not enough, it increases attention span, promotes cellular oxygenation, and increases energy levels. For this reason, it’s one of those activities worth trying before drinking the first cup of coffee of the day.

It should be noted that, in high doses (more than 400 mg per day), coffee can provoke anxiety. Therefore, the more its consumption is reduced, the better.

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Meditate and seek calm
Meditation increases attention span, promotes cellular oxygenation, and increases energy levels.

3. Get a hug

Many times the day-to-day is all-consuming and it’s easy to forget the benefits of simple acts like a hug. So, before the routine overwhelms you and coffee makes you alert, take a few seconds to hug your loved ones at home (parents, siblings, spouses, children, yourself, or pets).

Even if you don’t have anyone at home, hug yourself with lots of love.

In her book The Hug Therapy, Kathleen Keating explains that hugs are important for emotional, psychological, and bodily well-being, as they contribute to your self-acceptance and help you feel accepted by those around you.

4. Get hydrated

Water is one of the best drinks to start your day. Of course, it’s a better choice than a cup of coffee. As a publication in Nutrition Reviews explains, this liquid is involved in many of the body’s functions.

Not only does it contribute to the elimination of toxins through urine, but it also aids in proper intestinal transit. Not to mention that it’s key for optimal blood circulation and, therefore, for proper oxygenation of tissues.

This is key to obtaining a good level of physical and mental energy in the morning. You can drink one or two glasses at the beginning of the day. The recommendation is that men drink about 3.7 liters a day and women 2.7 liters.

5. Shower

One of the best morning habits to start the day with energy is to take a shower, preferably with cold water. A publication via UCLA Health highlights that cold showers have benefits on immune health, circulation, metabolism, and muscle level.

On the other hand, they are linked to better mood, more concentration, and increased productivity.

6. Eat breakfast

Eating a balanced and healthy breakfast has an impact not only on energy levels but also on overall health. As research shared through the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health its intake is linked to several benefits.

In particular, it contributes to maintaining a healthy body mass index, higher cognitive performance, and improved levels of well-being. It’s recommended to contain 20-30% of daily energy intake. It can include foods such as dairy, whole grains, eggs, and fresh fruit.

A healthy breakfast.
A healthy breakfast can include foods such as dairy, whole grains, eggs, and fresh fruit.

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7. Brush your teeth

Coffee contains acids that can weaken the dental enamel with the passage of time; that is why it’s recommended to avoid its excessive intake. On the other hand, it’s not convenient to brush your teeth as soon as you finish drinking coffee. Given its acidic nature, immediate contact with toothpaste can be harmful.

It’s best to brush your teeth before drinking coffee, and wait at least 30 minutes before ingesting the beverage.

Now, enjoy that first delicious cup of coffee

As long as its consumption is moderate, coffee provides interesting health benefits. As stated in a study published in the magazine Nutrients magazine, its high content of phenolic phytochemicals reduces the risk of chronic diseases and mortality from all causes.

Even so, it’s not recommended that it be the first drink of the day. Before drinking a cup of coffee in the morning, it’s worth drinking water, having breakfast, meditating, exercising, and practicing other actions that are decisive to have a day with more energy. Keep this in mind!

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

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This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.