The Best Tips to Control Premature Ejaculation

Premature ejaculation is not a problem if it occurs once as an isolated incident. However, if it happens repeatedly and starts to affect your life, talking about it and seeking help is the first step to overcome this problem, which has a solution.
The Best Tips to Control Premature Ejaculation

Last update: 27 May, 2022

Premature ejaculation is a very common male sexual problem that occurs when a man ejaculates a short time after the start of intercourse. Although most men experience it at some point, it’s not considered a problem if it doesn’t happen regularly and affect your sex life. How can you control premature ejaculation?

What is premature ejaculation?

One of the most common sexual problems among men is, in fact, premature ejaculation. As we said before, it consists of involuntary and premature ejaculation. Therefore, it’s a problem related to the lack of control over ejaculation.

It’s normal for it to happen at some point in time due to specific circumstances (alcohol, stress, or tiredness, for example). However, for others, this dysfunction is recurrent, to the point that it prevents them from having satisfactory sexual relations. In addition, it negatively affects their lives, relationships, and self-esteem.

Man sitting on side of bed.
Premature ejaculation is a very common sexual problem for men. When it happens over a long period of time, it can keep you from having a satisfactory sex life.

When is it a problem?

In general terms, as we mentioned before, if it’s an isolated incident there’s nothing to worry about. However, if the problem is prolonged over time and has repercussions in other aspects of your life (relationships and self-esteem), then it’s a problem.

In general, the questions to ask are:

  • Do you frequently ejaculate less than a minute after penetration?
  • Are you unable to delay or control ejaculation while having sex?
  • Does the frustration created by the lack of control over your ejaculation lead you to avoid having sex?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, you have a problem with premature ejaculation. Unfortunately, however, many men avoid seeking help. Shame, taboos, or other reasons lead them to enter a vicious cycle that only causes even more problems, including depression.

However, you should know that premature ejaculation has a solution and treatment, you just need to seek the help of a professional.

We recommend you read: 2 Male Sexual Problems and What to Do About Them

What are the causes?

The causes can be both physical and psychological. Let’s take a look at a few of them:

  • Lack of maturity or sexual education
  • Lack of self-esteem
  • Anxiety
  • Stress
  • Extreme sensitivity
  • Lack of satisfaction with sex life
  • Age (teenagers or old age)
  • Neurological disorders


The treatment of this sexual problem depends on the type of premature ejaculation and the causes. For this reason, it’s important to have the help and guidance of a specialist who can provide the most appropriate solution to the patient.

On the other hand, many times premature ejaculation is due to bad sexual habits acquired during adolescence, which are carried into adulthood. In these cases, a psychologist is essential to correct and identify the causes of the problem and be able to solve it.

In extreme cases, a specialist may recommend the application of creams and sprays that help desensitize the penis, thus helping to delay ejaculation. However, for any case, there are exercises that help you increase control over ejaculation that are very effective.

Man sitting on side of bed, upset about premature ejaculation.
Treatment for premature ejaculation can vary depending on the severity and cause. It often includes psychological therapies, practicing healthy habits and some exercises.

Exercises to control premature ejaculation

In general, we can group these exercises into four groups:

Muscle exercises

Just as there are Kegel exercises for women, they also exist and are effective for men. Indeed, these exercises help to increase control and strengthen men’s pelvic floor muscles. They’re daily exercises based on the contraction and relaxation of the perineal muscles in 10 sets of 10 repetitions.

Masturbation exercises

There are several techniques you can use during masturbation with the goal of learning to identify the sensations prior to ejaculation and, finally, control them. Two of them are:

  • Start-stop technique. At first, the man should masturbate with few movements and stop. The goal is to be able to do this pattern ten times in a row. Once achieved, you can increase the number of movements over time.
  • Compression. This consists of masturbating and, when you feel that you are going to ejaculate, press the head of the penis by placing your hand on it.

In any case, you should talk to a specialist to indicate and tell you how to correctly carry out these techniques.

Man with hand in pants.
Masturbation exercises can help treat premature ejaculation. A professional can provide the necessary guidance to practice them.

Pair exercises

Actually, many couple exercises consist of doing the masturbation exercises with the help of the other person. Thus, for example, in the case of the start-stop technique, the motions can be done by your partner, who will be the one who controls the time.

Breathing exercises

Breathing during sex is also very important. In this regard, there are several techniques – however, we’ll just cite a few:

  • During sex, breathe deeply and, above all, through your nose. That way, you’ll maintain conscious breathing to help relieve stress and increase the feeling of control.
  • Furthermore, you can breathe slowly and deeply every 30 seconds. Then when you feel the ejaculation approach, close your eyes and breathe slowly again, letting the air out through your mouth.

As you can see, there are many techniques and exercises that can help control premature ejaculation. In any case, we recommend you consult a specialist who, better than anyone, will be able to tell you what to do and, above all, how to do it correctly.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Kaestle, C. E., & Allen, K. R. (2011). The role of masturbation in healthy sexual development: Perceptions of young adults. Archives of Sexual Behavior.
  • Robinson, B. E., Bockting, W. O., & Harrell, T. (2013). Masturbation as a means of achieving sexual health. In Masturbation as a Means of Achieving Sexual Health.
  • Patricia J. Morokqff &Ruth Gillilland, “Stress, sexual functioning, and marital satisfaction”, The Journal of Sex Research, Volume 30, 1993 – Issue 1
  • K. E. Andersson, G. Wagner, “Physiology of penile erection”, Psychological Review, Volume 75Issue 1 January 1995Pages 191-236
  • Chris G. McMahon, “Premature ejaculation”, Indian J Urol. 2007 Apr-Jun; 23(2): 97–108.
  • Antonio L. Pastore et al. “Pelvic floor muscle rehabilitation for patients with lifelong premature ejaculation: a novel therapeutic approach”, Ther Adv Urol. 2014 Jun; 6(3): 83–88.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.