Strengthen Cartilage and Ligaments the Natural Way

We should all make sure we're taking good care of our cartilage and ligaments. To help you with this important task, we're going to show you some recipes that can help boost your tissue health.
Strengthen Cartilage and Ligaments the Natural Way

Last update: 12 May, 2022

It’s not just athletes and older adults who need to make an effort to strengthen cartilage and ligaments, although those are the two groups with the most problems in these areas. But as we like to say, prevention is better than a cure, and that goes for everyone.

So, today we’re going to share some home remedies and recommendations so that you can strengthen cartilage and ligaments in a natural way.

Facts about cartilage And ligaments

But before we get into the remedies themselves, you should learn a bit more about these tissues. First, let’s talk about why they’re so essential for keeping your body functioning properly..

Cartilage is an elastic connective tissue lining the joints and alowing them to move freely and smoothly. There are three types: hyaline (the most common), fibrous (where ligaments and tendons meet) and elastic (which is only found in the larynx, ear, and epiglottis.

Ligaments are solid bands of fibrous connective tissue that have an elastic structure and connect bones at the joints. The connection is what allows bones to move, while also preventing disclocation by keeping them in place.

There are two groups of ligaments: the ones that pass from one bone to the other without losing contact with the bone structure, and the ones that jump from one bone to another.

How to detect damage to cartilage and ligaments

damage to cartilage and ligaments

Like we said earlier, elite athletes aren’t the only ones who need to learn how to strengthen cartilage and ligaments. Making sure these vital parts of your body are healthy can help you avoid painful injuries or complications later.

The knees are generally the most at-risk for injury, because they have to support your entire body weight. But your shoulders, wrists, and heels can also start to have problems.

Cartilage and ligaments can both be affected by a number of different risk factors, including:

  • The effects of aging
  • Degenerative diseases (like arthritis, for example)
  • Obesity or being overweight
  • Excessive physical exercise
  • Injuries
  • Repetitive movements
  • Carrying heavy objects

The main red flags that can mean you have damaged cartilage or ligaments are: pain when trying to move the joint, muscle tension, and swelling. What you need to do is strengthen your cartilage and ligaments to help prevent the pain.

Strengthen cartilage and ligaments the natural way

The following remedies, recipes, and foods can help you strengthen your cartilage and ligaments. They can also help speed up recovery in case you do end up injuring them.

1. Yogurt


This dairy derivative produced by the bacterial fermentation of milk (more accurately, of the lactose in lactic acid) can be a great help if you’re having problems with your cartilage or ligaments. Yogurt first originated in the Balkan Peninsula, although both the Turks and the Greeks still claim that they’re the ones who invented it.

It’s a staple food in many cuisines around the world, and contains beneficial bacteria for your body. That’s not to mention that it’s a great source of the calcium, which is a big part of bone health.

2. Gelatin

Quite often, working out what ailment a remedy can be useful for is to think about what it looks like. For example, if you want to strengthen your cartilage and ligaments, it’s a great idea to include viscous foods like gelatin in your diet. 

Gelatin is very rich in collagen, which deals with repairing tissues, bones, tendons, and so on. It provides ten essential amino acids – but, magically, it does this without adding any fat or cholesterol to your bodies.

You can also combine it with fruits, and it comes in several different flavors. Of course, it’s always best to pick one without artificial colors. Here’s a rich, fresh, and natural gelatin recipe idea.


  • 1 banana
  • 1 orange
  • 2 tablespoons unflavored gelatin (20 grams)
  • 2 tablespoons of water (20 grams)
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (40 grams)

How to Prepare

  • Squeeze the orange and mash the banana.
  • Mix the mashed banana with honey and set aside.
  • Dissolve the gelatin in water and heat in a water bath.
  • Pour in the orange juice, and mix it all together well.
  • Place everything into a mold and store in the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
  • When you serve it, place the mashed banana and honey on a plate, and put the jelly cube on top along with a piece of orange.

3. Soy


Nowadays, soy is being sold all over the world, and it has tons of uses. Its seeds have concentrated amounts of protein, and are especially good because they come in all kinds of forms: milk, flour, tofu, and fermented products. To get the full benefits of soy, we recommend you find products that are 100% organic.

4. Nettle

This home remedy can help strengthen cartilage and ligaments, thanks to all the magnesium, potassium, silicon, and chlorophyll in it. The combination of these nutrients is great for your tissue health.


  • 3 tablespoons of nettle leaves (80 grams)
  • 4 cups of water (1 liter)
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice (10 grams)
  • 2 tablespoons of honey (40 grams)

How to Prepare

  • First, heat the water and, once it’s boiling, add the nettle.
  • Let boil for 15 minutes, then remove from the heat.
  • After 15 minutes filter and pour into a glass bottle.
  • Then, store in the refrigerator for 1 hour.
  • Before drinking, add the lemon juice and honey.
  • Mix well and drink cold – you can add ice cubes if you wish.

5. Citrus


Foods with high levels of Vitamin C should be a major part of your diet, for one thing, because it stimulates the production of collagen (an important element for maintaining healthy ligaments and cartilage). Eat or drink lemon, orange, kiwi, and strawberries regularly to take get all the various benefits of Vitamin C.

6. Turmeric and cinnamon

Both of these delicious spices, with their characteristic flavors and aromas, have anti-inflammatory properties that will be a big help if you’re dealing with any swelling in the joints, tendons, ligaments or cartilage.

We highly recommend adding a pinch of either to your meals, infusions, and desserts. Not only will they make for a delicious flavor, but they’ll can also help improve your health.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.