5 Exercises for a Perfect Waistline

Exercise, diet, and localized massages are all important when it comes to your waistline. In this article, discover some great exercises for a perfect waistline.
5 Exercises for a Perfect Waistline

Last update: 09 October, 2022

Women are always thinking about their figure, about maintaining a balanced diet and, of course, caring for their body. So, the best way to begin is to do exercises for a perfect waistline. However, maintaining a daily routine that includes healthy food and exercise is often difficult because the rhythm of our lives doesn’t allow it.

One of the hardest areas to deal with and to exercise is the waist, given that it is the main fat deposit in the body and the area where excess weight is most noticeable.

Many women think that is indispensable to go to a gym to have a well-proportioned figure but this is totally false. This is because the majority of a good routine can be done at home.

If due to lack of time, you can’t do exercise regularly, you can start by practicing certain techniques at home to start toning and reducing the waist. Join us!

Exercises for a Perfect Waistline

There are infinite tricks and techniques that can be used when it comes to working the waist, whether they be exercises, diets or home recipes that complement activities. Read more to find out about how to do exercises for a perfect waistline! 

1. Hula hoop

Hula hoop for a slim waistline

Firstly, we have a little-known technique: the hula hoop. Although it may look like a toy for children, it is, in fact, excellent for working the waist area. More so, the advantages of using it are that, as well as having fun, you will be exercising the middle area of your body.

A good way to do this routine is to dance with a hula hoop for 5 minutes (you should keep it going around your waist). You can also use 2 or 3 hoops to increase the difficulty of the exercise.

2. Dance

Dancing is one of the most complete exercises for the body. In other words, it helps to reduce fat and to keep our body firm and in movement.

Taking dance classes or perfecting a style like salsa, swing, or whatever you like best, will help you to burn the fat deposits that accumulate around your abdomenThis way your waist will become ever more defined.

3. Exercises for the waist

Woman measuring her slim waistline

A good way to start working the waist is to do specific routines for this area. Below, we’ll tell you about some of the most effective exercises for a perfect waistline.


Doing abs exercises with weights helps to tone the waist. You can use a ball or a weight for this.

  • Lie on the ground with the arms stretched holding the weight.
  • Bend your legs a bit and position the back at 45 degrees.
  • Finally, maintain this position and twist your waist without bending your arms.

Touching your toes

This exercise is based on stretching and flexibility.

  • Stand up straight and open your legs.
  • Then, with your left hand, touch the toes of your left foot, and vice versa.
  • Repeat in sessions of 20 repetitions.


The best way to exercise the waist is doing twists in this area.

  • An excellent exercise is to place a tube or stick behind your neck and hold it there with your arms.
  • Finally, this will help you to do controlled twists, which you should repeat at least 25 times to help define your waist.


In this case, we are going to “swim” on dry land.

  • Lie face down on a mat and stretch your arms and legs.
  • Next, start moving your legs and arms as if you were swimming.
  • Lastly, it is advisable to do about 30 seconds of movement, then rest 5 seconds and start again.

Visit this article: Find Out How Swimming Improves Your Health

4. Slimming massages

Person wearing old, baggy pants to show improvement of waistline

Massaging this area is highly effective. There are many slimming creams available on the market that are excellent for this purpose. The most advisable option is to massage the area 3 times a week, preferably in the mornings before doing exercise.

Furthermore, a good trick that helps to increase the effect of the massage is to cover the area with shrink wrap or clingfilm and leave the cream to act for 40 minutes.

5. Home remedies and recipes

Finally, we are going to talk about home remedies to maintain the waist. These tricks are perfect for including in your daily exercise routine or to help your body burn fat.


  • 2 liters of water a day.
  • A glass of water (200 ml) with lemon juice on an empty stomach.
  • Drink green tea 3 times a day.
  • A glass of carrot juice (200 ml) before each meal.

So, try any of these exercises for a perfect waistline and see the great results! Remember, these results will be more effective if you maintain a healthy diet.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.