Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and its Treatment

Polycystic ovaries syndrome is a very common condition in the young women afflicted with irregular menstruation. Its symptoms are the result of hormonal imbalances.
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome and its Treatment
Nelton Abdon Ramos Rojas

Reviewed and approved by the doctor Nelton Abdon Ramos Rojas.

Last update: 27 May, 2022

Generally, the medical community uses the term “polycystic ovarian syndrome” to refer to an alteration of the female reproductive system. It commonly afflicts women who are still within their reproductive age.

Those affected by polycystic ovarian syndrome have fibrous structures inside their ovaries and these produce hormonal alterations. Thus, their levels of androgens (Y-chromosome hormone), such as testosterone and androsterone, are usually high.

Besides, this hormonal imbalance produces a series of symptoms which, if not properly treated, could lead to more serious complications over time.

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome


A woman seemingly in pain.
When afflicted by polycystic ovarian syndrome, a woman may experience symptoms often associated with hormonal imbalances.

The most frequent symptoms associated with the polycystic ovarian syndrome are:

  • Changes in menstrual cycles. These changes may affect intervals, duration, or intensity.
  • Infertility or problems getting pregnant.
  • Hirsutism, or an increase in facial hair. It may appear in body regions that were hairless before.
  • Acne development that varies in severity.
  • Loss of hair with all the characteristics of male baldness.

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In addition, polycystic ovarian syndrome is often present in women who are overweight or obese. These factors also contribute to the worsening of symptoms and new complications such as:

  • Alterations during pregnancy. This is usually associated with gestational diabetes and hypertension.
  • Sleeping disorders such as sleep apnea.
  • Type 2 diabetes.
  • Uterine bleeding.
  • Changes in the behavior of a woman.
  • Slight probability of developing other diseases such as uterine cancer or metabolic syndrome.

Researchers are yet to identify the exact trigger of this syndrome. However, there are several factors associated with its development.

In any case, there are several changes in the usual function of the ovaries. For example, this imbalance causes the ovaries to develop numerous small collections of fluid called follicles and it may fail to regularly release mature eggs during what should be the menstruation cycle.

Treatments for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome

A lab technician doing an ultrasound on a woman.
Hormonal contraceptives can help women with polycystic ovaries. There are other techniques as well, such as removing the follicles using electrolysis.

Nowadays, medical professionals have many choices when it comes to selecting treatment. Therefore, they select the most appropriate method is according to the specific characteristics of a person and the impact of the syndrome in them.

Thus, it’s important that a woman diagnosed with polycystic ovaries informs her gynecologist about any medication she may be taking. In addition, she should also inform them about her lifestyle, allergies and any other health issues she may be dealing with or might’ve had in the past.


These are some of the treatment guidelines that are most used today:

  1. Controlled weight reduction. The advice is to follow a balanced diet and maintain a daily physical routine.
  2. Administering medication. This is for treating symptoms of endocrine disorders related to the polycystic ovarian syndrome. Overall, these are some of the most commonly prescribed drugs to treat polycystic ovaries:
    • Contraceptive pills. These are for regulating hormone levels due to their content of estrogen and progesterone. Not only that, but they can also regulate menstrual periods and uterine hemorrhages. Also, they reduce the chances of acquiring other diseases such as uterine cancer.
    • Chemical compounds with progesterone. These, just like contraceptives, help regulate menstrual cycles and are a form of prevention against uterine cancer.
    • Other treatments to cope with excessive hair growth or hirsutism.

3. Electrolysis. This is a technique to destroy the ovaries’ follicles. To do so, a needle sends a tiny electrical charge to the problem area. This kind of treatment requires a few sessions to complete.

We hope this article was useful. Perhaps it even answered some of your questions and solved and doubts you may have had. However, don’t hesitate to contact your gynecologist for any other questions you may still have on the subject.

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This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.