7 Natural Ingredients for Amazing Smelling Hair
To have healthy and attractive looking hair you need to clean it on a regular basis and add “extra” nutrients whenever possible through hair masks and moisturizing treatments. As you may already know, your hair is exposed to daily toxins from the environment, cigarette smoke, sweat, and plenty of other factors that can worsen its appearance. In addition to that, you might not always have time to wash it and slowly those traces of oil, dust, and other substances, which you might not be able to see at first, will start to build up. These can lead to the development of unpleasant odors that are difficult to neutralize completely, although you can cover them up with shampoo. So, here we’ll talk about some ways to achieve amazing smelling hair.
Fortunately, plenty of cosmetic products and fragrances have been developed that will give you amazing smelling hair throughout the day. In addition to the commercial options, there are certain natural products whose properties will give you a similar effect without exposing your hair to chemicals.
Today we want to share the seven most interesting ones with you so you won’t hesitate to incorporate them into your hair care routine.
1. Tangerine essential oil for amazing smelling hair
However, this not only helps you avoid the smell of sweat or grease but also provides vitamins E and B12, which are needed for healthy hair growth.
Note that it also contains antioxidants that fight the harmful effects of free radicals to prevent drying and premature graying.
Best of all is that this oil won’t alter your scalp’s natural pH, so it won’t affect your production of sebum. Thus, making this a great product for amazing smelling hair.
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2. Jasmine essential oil
This essential oil has an amazing aroma that, when combined with other nutrients, becomes one of the best options for hair care.
Its properties put a stop to the excess production of sebum. All while still decreasing the buildup of dandruff and repairing damaged fibers to avoid hair loss.
And so, this product not only gives you amazing smelling hair but also helps with dandruff and hair loss.
3. Rosewater
Additionally, it has a delicate and feminine aroma that gives you a pleasant feeling throughout the day.
Rosewater is one of the most appropriate products for preserving the softness and youthful appearance of your hair. This is mainly due to its high content of vitamins B and E. Meanwhile, giving you amazing smelling hair also.
4. Lavender tea
Lavender is an herb that has powerful cleansing and relaxing properties In addition to its concentrated aroma, it also prevents hair loss and the loss of natural oils.
You can use lavender tea as a toner to eliminate any odors you pick up from your environment while giving your hair more shine.
You can use lavender tea as a natural conditioner to avoid those pesky tangles that make hair difficult to comb.
5. Coconut oil
Its main benefits can be attributed to its high content of medium chain fatty acids. These, applied to hair, can repair any damage and prevent dryness.
Coconut oil has antibacterial, antifungal, and regenerative properties. Thus, it can eliminate any fungi that cause dandruff while revitalizing dry or dull hair.
It also provides a significant amount of protein and serves to strengthen the roots, preventing excessive hair loss.
6. Almond oil
The soft scent of almond oil is useful for hair that suffers from excessive dryness, breakage, and hair loss.
Fatty acids in almond oil replace the lost oils from the scalp. They also help retain hair moisture to recover its natural strength and shine.
Its content of vitamins and minerals make it a good option for smoothing the hair cuticle and controlling frizz.
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cholesterol-reducing properties of almonds
7. Lemon essential oil
Its application increases capillary strength and decreases the permeability to better control hair loss and weakening. And of course, while providing amazing smelling hair along the way.
Whichever product you choose, be sure to use it in small quantities to avoid overwhelming your hair.
We encourage you to use the one that catches your eye and you’ll definitely feel better once your hair has a nice smell.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
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