Medicinal Plants You Must Try if You Have Varicose Veins

Remember to always consult your doctor before you try any remedie, as your particular health level may require more intense treatments.
Medicinal Plants You Must Try if You Have Varicose Veins

Last update: 12 May, 2022

There are several medicinal plants that can help promote circulation in the legs. Due to their active ingredients, these plants naturally help to prevent blood clots and reduce the incidence rate of varicose veins. They can be a very helpful supplement. Let’s explain this below.

Why do I get varicose veins?

Woman touching her legs
Suffering from varicose veins is something quite normal. Our hearts should push blood with sufficient strength through a complete web of arteries, veins and capillaries. This is a current full of nutrients and oxygen, in which the push isn’t strong enough.

It could stop in distant corners of the body, in the feet and hands, and in veins that are stuck by back posture, or poor health. The blood ends up accumulating or forming spider veins, or more prominent veins.

Veins are different from arteries in that they’re much thinner. They also have valves through which the blood cannot return to the heart so easily.  

If, for different reasons, your veins are not particularly healthy, the blood accumulates in them and can’t flow, causing the vein walls to widen. Consequently, the valves lose their ability to retain blood, which causes varicose veins. The following are determining factors:

Medicinal plants that help with varicose veins

You must first keep in mind one aspect: these medicinal herbs don’t make varicose veins disappear. They may reduce them and improve circulation. But sometimes, only surgery can make these fat -and sometimes dangerous- veins disappear. 

If you combine a proper diet with fruits and vegetables, with plenty of liquids, vitamin C, a bit of exercise, and the following medicinal herbs, you might see an improvement in the appearance of your varicose veins.

1. Indian Horse Chestnut

Indian horse chestnut
This is undoubtedly a very important plant that may help improve the appearance of varicose veins. You can find them in health food stores in capsules or infusions. It stands out as the best remedy.

Both the seed and the tree bark have anti-inflammatory properties and help with correct circulation through veins and arteries. These elements are the only ones that are used.  

It is a wonderful natural element that may help with varicose veins, hemorrhoids, tired legs, etc. All thanks to its ability to stimulate blood flow and oxygenation.

It’s best if you prepare one infusion each day at mid-afternoon with one tablespoon of seeds.  This infusion is not recommended for people with high blood pressure or cardiac problems.

2. Witch hazel

Witch hazel
I’m sure you’ve heard about the virtues of Witch Hazel. Its leaves contain flavonoids and tannins, which are very interesting for circulatory disorders.  

They produce a venotonic effect that helps blood vessel, capillary and vein contraction, thereby improving blood flow. It’s perfect.

Its vitamin P content may also make veins and capillaries smaller, reducing inflammation and edema.

We should tell you that witch hazel infusion may result helpful to reduce the appearance of varicose veins, but it’s not good for your stomach. That’s why this is not recommended if you suffer from gastritis, or if you have a sensitive stomach.  

It’s usually recommended to combine it with marshmallow, as it alleviates the negative effects on your stomach. Try to drink this infusion three times a week.

3. Yarrow

Yarrow infusion
You might not recognize this plant very much. You can find it in health food stores under the name of “Achillea Millefolium”.  

So, why is it good for varicose veins? Basically, because it’s a wonderful hypotensor, some studies have shown that it may have an alleviating effect on varicose veins and hemorrhoids.

It’s amazing because you can also use it as an aid to heals wounds, an antispasmodic, bactericide and sedative.

You can drink one cup a day, in the afternoon.  It has a very pleasant taste and as we always say, you’ll find it in health food stores.  Don’t hesitate!

4. Horse tail

Horsetail tea
Excellent hypotensor that immediately improves circulation in the legs.  To take advantage of it, you need to make a decoction with the dried plant, allowing it to boil for at least 20 minutes.  You can drink up to two cups a day, and as always, this is a better than awesome remedy.

Read also:

Learn About the Amazing Effects of Horsetail

5. Dried blueberries

Blueberries you can eat if you have varicose veins
If you have the opportunity to find dried blueberries in your supermarket, don’t hesitate to grab them.  They taste incredible and they will be a perfect natural treatment that may help improve the circulation in your legs. They’re also a great food to eat if you have varicose veins.

Remember, these are dried blueberries. All you need is one tablespoon for each cup of boiling water. You can make this infusion up to twice a day, especially after meals. You could also find blueberry tea in supermarkets, which is equally as acceptable.

We’re sure you’ll love their flavor, especially if you add a few drops of lemon juice to the tea. Remember that vitamin C is wonderful if you have varicose veins. Enjoy this delicious blueberry infusion!

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.