Natural Massage to Reduce Cellulite

Cellulite is a very unsightly condition, and we have a great natural massage which is very effective in reducing it.
Natural Massage to Reduce Cellulite
Valeria Sabater

Reviewed and approved by psychologist Valeria Sabater.

Written by Valeria Sabater

Last update: 27 May, 2022

We all know that there’s no miracle cure to eliminate cellulite and sometimes the only solution is surgery. But we guarantee that with good exercise, massages, and a proper diet, we can reduce the chances of them appearing and soften their presence. So, how about learning how to give a natural massage to reduce cellulite?

Step 1: A good homemade anti-cellulite cream


Almost all women suffer from cellulite. It is the retention of fluids and accumulated fat in the gluteals and muscles, and looks something like orange peel. It changes how you look and it is also a health problem which means that circulation has started to have difficulties.

So what can you do to eliminate cellulite? Undergo an operation, spend a lot of money on creams? If you can’t afford that option then the first step will definitely be to learn how to make your own anti-cellulite cream. We assure you that it is very easy to make, and effective if you are consistent in its application.

What you need

  • A tablespoon of the coffee that you made this morning. If you use coffee capsules, take two already used one and empty them into a bowl.
  • 2 tablespoons of olive oil
  • A tablespoon of almond oil
  • Juice from half a lemon

How to make it

  • It’s very easy. Coffee is an excellent toner and an amazing exfoliant that will reactivate your circulation in the most critical areas. There are people who also use it to make creams to reduce stomach fat, so, as you can see, it will be great for cellulite. Combined with the acidic juice from lemon, its power will be even greater.
  • The first thing to do is mix all of the ingredients in a bowl. The mixture you get may seem somewhat strange, but we assure you it is very effective.
  • Now, in the same bowl, include a little bit of your own shower gel, whatever kind you usually use. Remember that if it is moisturizing, this will be even better. Stir well and keep it on hand for the second step, in other words, our anti-cellulite massage.

See more: 14 Alternative Uses for Coffee at Home

Step 2: Massage to reduce cellulite


Massages are the best allies for improving blood circulation and reactivating lymphatic drainage. How can anyone deny that? There is nothing more relaxing and stimulating than this massage to reduce cellulite, whether it is on your legs, head, or neck.
It’ll relieve your pains, tension, and muscular stiffness. As a result it will also help to reduce fluid retention and lower your levels of stress hormones. Don’t hesitate to try it. If you do this massage everyday on your muscles, you will see how little by little you will reduce the occurrence of cellulite. But you should be consistent and do it in the morning and at night everyday. Shall we begin?

Steps for the anti-cellulite massage

  • The first step is to take a shower. Your skin should be clean and free of impurities. It’s best that you splash cold water on your legs and calves to reactivate circulation in the case of varicose veins.
  • Now on to the muscles. You already have the coffee and oil creams on hand that you made earlier, to which you added a little bit of your moisturizing shower gel. Put a good amount on your hands and warm it up.
  • Start the massage from the bottom up, in other words, from your calves to your muscles area. It’s best to always go towards your heart, upwards, so that you can boost circulation. Focus more on the area from your knee to your muscles, because this is where cellulite will be concentrated.
  • The movements should be long and slow. You should move upwards to your stomach, in case you have a little bit of accumulated fat there as well. But remember, the massage on your stomach should be circular and smooth. Make sure you have enough coffee cream while you do the massage.

Knuckles and fingertips

  • You will use the palms of both of your hands and your knuckles for this self massage. It is important because your knuckles and fingertips can put a little more force and pressure (but be careful, you shouldn’t feel any pain). The movements should be long and circular, pinching your skin a little bit, gathering it and then stretching it with the help of your index finger and thumb. It is very effective.
  • If there is a place you cannot reach or where it is difficult to do the massage properly, you can use the help of a wooden brush specific for leg massages. They are great and boost circulation.
  • As you can see, this massage to reduce cellulite is very easy to do, but the key is being consistent: in the morning and afternoon, everyday. Try to follow a healthy diet where you get plenty of liquids, antioxidants, and fruit and also do some kind of exercise everyday, even if it is for a half hour. How about starting right now?

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Baryluk Anna, Łuniewska Magdalena, Garczyński Wojciech, Gębska Magdalena y Weber Nowakowska Katarzyna. (2017). Estudio de caso del efecto anticelulítico y adelgazante del masaje al vacío. Zenodo.
  • Chia-Yu Cheng. (1996), Método de masaje con cepillo de piel. Solicitud presentada por Jun Sui Kan Sei Cosmetics International Ltd.
  • Maldonado López, J. S. (2018). Plan de negocios para la creación de una empresa dedicada a la producción y comercialización de jabón masajeador para la prevención y disminución de celulitis localizada en el cuerpo humano (Tesis de pregrado). Universidad de las Américas, Quito.
  • Orchard, A. y van Vuuren, S. (2017). Aceites esenciales comerciales como posibles antimicrobianos para tratar enfermedades de la piel. Medicina alternativa y complementaria basada en la evidencia, 2017, 1- 92.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.