How to Make Orange-Cinnamon Iced Tea

During the summer, infusions can be an excellent way to stay hydrated. In this article, discover our orange-cinnamon iced tea recipe.
How to Make Orange-Cinnamon Iced Tea

Last update: 26 May, 2022

As you probably already know, most of the human body is water. For this reason, it’s extremely important to stay hydrated throughout the year, but especially during the hot summer months. To make hydration more fun and tasty, we suggest preparing this healthy orange-cinnamon iced tea.

Iced teas are excellent options to consume liquids on a hot day to vary the flavor of water a little. If you use fresh fruits and spices to prepare the tea, you’ll add all the benefits of the other ingredients to those of water. Below, we’ll tell you how you can make delicious orange-cinnamon iced tea in an easy and fast way.

Are you ready?

The benefits of oranges

A peeled orange.
Oranges are the main representative of vitamin C in the fruit kingdom.

Do you remember what your grandmother told you every time you had a cold?

“Drink orange juice. It cures everything!”

She was right. Orange is a source of vitamin C (also called ascorbic acid). In fact, a medium orange contains approximately 82 mg of vitamin C. More than the recommended daily dose!

In addition, oranges contain folate, which is necessary for the formation of blood cells, carotenoids with provitamin A, and antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin. However, that isn’t everything, since they’re also rich in flavonoids.

In recent years, experts have studied oranges and how their consumption influences the human body. Here are just a few of the benefits they’ve discovered:

  1. Prevention of eye problems. A new study concluded that those who consume oranges regularly are 60% less likely to develop macular degeneration.
  2. A decreased risk of cardiovascular diseases. Another study found that citrus fruits could protect the heart because they contain potassium and vitamin C.
  3. A decreased risk of stroke in women. In 2012, a study revealed that women who consume high doses of flavonoids are 19% less likely to have a stroke.
  4. According to data from another study, people who consume 400 mg of vitamin C a day saw improvements in muscle function and decreased post-exercise discomfort.

The benefits of cinnamon

Cinnamon sticks.
People have known the benefits of cinnamon since ancient times.

This spice comes from the Ceylon cinnamon tree and has been known for thousands of years. There are reports of its existence in ancient China, 2,500 years BC.

Overall, this spice is rich in iron, calcium, zinc, potassium, selenium, vitamins B6, and vitamin C. Also, it contains chemical compounds, such as phenols and aldehydes.

You don’t want to miss this article: Delicious Low-Fat Cinnamon Ice Cream

Orange-cinnamon iced tea recipe

Cold tea.
Orange-cinnamon iced tea is the perfect way to hydrate yourself on very hot days.



  1. First, extract the juice from the three oranges. Set aside.
  2. Remove the white part of the orange peels as much as possible. Cut into julienne strips and set aside.
  3. Heat a liter of water in a saucepan.
  4. When it boils, add the orange peels.
  5. Let infuse for seven to ten minutes.
  6. Remove from heat and add a cinnamon stick. If you have cinnamon powder, you can also add it. Add one or two teaspoons, to taste.
  7. Let infuse for 30 minutes.
  8. Strain to remove the cinnamon stick and orange peels.
  9. Incorporate the orange juice.
  10. Put the tea in the fridge.
  11. Serve. You can add ice to it if you want. Decorate with a cinnamon stick and an orange wedge. Enjoy!

Other suggestions

  • To vary the flavor, you can use lemon instead of orange. The acidic flavor of this fruit and its vitamin C content makes it a wonderful option for any time of the year.
  • If possible, avoid sweetening the iced tea. The natural sugar orange contains should be enough to make the tea taste good. If you want to soften the flavor, you should preferably add stevia or honey, rather than refined sugar.
  • While you’re preparing this recipe, the infusion will give off a delicious orange aroma that will make your entire home smell amazing. It’s a delicious orange-cinnamon iced tea and a natural air freshener, all in one!
  • You can add other spices such as mint, which goes very well with orange-cinnamon tea.

So, when are you going to make this delicious orange-cinnamon iced tea? Adults and children alike will love it, and it’ll help you stay well-hydrated on hot days. We hope you enjoy this recipe!

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