Homemade Smoothies to Help Improve Your Memory

Memory is very closely related to diet and proper nutrition. There are many studies that support the brain's need for certain natural components that help it function and mature over time without losing memory or the ability to concentrate. When it comes to your brain's health, the foods you eat are as important as the lifestyle you lead.
Homemade Smoothies to Help Improve Your Memory
Valeria Sabater

Reviewed and approved by psychologist Valeria Sabater.

Written by Valeria Sabater

Last update: 27 May, 2022

Diet and nutrition are vital parts of keeping your brain healthy. This includes avoiding unhealthy foods just as much as it involves eating healthy ones. Today, we’re going to talk about which foods are good and bad for your brain. We’re also going to give you some great recipes for homemade smoothies to help improve your memory!

We know that children who don’t receive proper nutrition can be up to three grades behind their actual age and that a diet full of saturated fats increases the production of amyloid proteins that cause Alzheimer’s.

This is why it’s essential to keep in mind what kind of food you eat every day. You need to be eating foods that can enrich your brain functioning along with cultivating habits that involve curiosity, learning, and starting new projects.

 What foods are bad for your memory?

  • – Saturated fats and fatty acids: these directly affect your brain’s circulatory health. You absolutely have to remember this.
  • – Processed, white sugar: It causes a state of restlessness and hyperactivity that’s not at all good for stabilizing memory and concentration.
  • – Alcohol: It very noticeably deteriorates your nervous system. You can’t concentrate and stop producing neuron connections, which are essential for memory.
  • – Proteins: they produce tryptophan and serotonin (especially from red meat and cured cheeses) which negatively stimulate the nervous system.

Advice on your brain and memory

  • Never forget to eat breakfastHaving a low blood sugar, for one thing, is very bad for concentration. You need to start the day with some basic nutrients that will give your brain the energy it needs. Remember that even though it only represents 2% of your body, the brain alone needs 20% of your energy.
  • Play a sport or do light exercise.
  • Rest. Sleep for at least eight hours a day. Your brain needs calm and rest to store experiences and information in your memory.

Homemade smoothies to help improve your memory


Now, we’re going to give you recipes for three amazing, nutritious, energy-providing smoothies to help improve your memory.

Pick whichever one you like best, and drink it once or twice a week. You’ll see that you feel less fatigued. A lthough you won’t notice it immediately, your brain will appreciate this nutritious drink because it will help it function better.

Apple, carrot, and almond smoothie

Here’s the first of our homemade smoothies to help improve your memory. This is a natural remedy for fatigue and can give you energy strengthen your brain. Aside from fiber, apples provide you with vitamin E and C, and they’re refreshing and hydrating.

Along with vitamins A, B, and C, carrots have some minerals that are good for your brain: potassium, calcium, phosphorus. They also purify your blood and give you energy. As for almonds and walnuts, they’re amazing for your brain, with the minerals it needs for good nutrition.

  • 3 carrots
  • 3 walnuts
  • 2 apples
  • 3 almonds

Read more:

4 Delicious Recipes with Carrots


  • Wash the fruit and peel the walnuts and almonds.
  • Put the fruit and the nuts in the blender. Set the speed to high so that it is completely minced and mixed together.
  • Pour it into a glass and drink immediately. The taste is absolutely amazing.

Strawberry and oats smoothie

Oats, are made up of a relaxing alkaloid and also have vitamin B1, which is great for fighting mental fatigue and giving you energy. Besides being tasty, strawberries are natural antioxidants and also perfect for rejuvenating and keeping your brain healthy.


  •  3 strawberries
  • A half glass of oats
  • A glass of skim milk
  • 2 tablespoons of honey


It’s very simple: just put the strawberries, milk, and oats in the blender. Blend well so that the mixture is uniform. You’ll immediately see the nice pink tone of the thick milk with oats. Once you pour it into a glass you’ll see just how delicious it is and how much energy it provides!

But we should also mention that this smoothie has a lot of sugar, so it’s not good if you have diabetes.

Coconut and banana smoothie

This is the last of our homemade smoothies to help improve your memory. This one is great for both that and learning: it’s rich in fiber, calcium, potassium, iron, and vitamins A, C, and E.

  • 1 glass of skim milk
  • 5 almonds
  • Half of a ripe banana
  • 1/7 of a coconut cut in small pieces, without its skin.


  • Peel the banana and put it in the blender with the fresh coconut.
  • Add the milk and almonds.
  • Turn the blender on high.

– Serve it in a glass with some cinnamon on top, if you like. If you drink it right away, you’ll love how fresh and rich it is. Your brain and memory will also thank you. So, choose one of these delicious homemade smoothies and start to improve your memory!

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Attuquayefio T, et al. (2016). A high-fat high-sugar diet predicts poorer hippocampal-related memory and a reduced ability to suppress wanting under satiety.
  • Morris MC, et al. (2015). MIND diet associated with reduced incidence of Alzheimer’s disease.
  • Selvaraju Subash, Musthafa Mohamed Essa, Ph.D., Samir Al-Adawi, Mushtaq A. Memon, Thamilarasan Manivasagam, y Mohammed Akbar, “Neuroprotective effects of berry fruits on neurodegenerative diseases”, Popkin BM, et al. (2010). Water, hydration, and health.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.