Is it healthy to eat fruit before breakfast?
There are many different beliefs regarding fruit consumption before breakfast. Should we eat fruit before breakfast? While some people think it’s not good for you, others think that consuming fruit on an empty stomach every day is highly beneficial for your health.
What’s better?
Without any doubt, fruit is a perfect food for starting the day because it doesn’t require much energy to process in the digestive tract. It also offers different benefits for functioning throughout the day. Many say that fruits are also the only foods capable of making the brain operate more quickly. This offers a balance with the other parts of the body.
Fruits also provide the most important elements for good system functioning. F ructose is the largest content of fruit apart from water, which generally accounts for 95%.
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How should I eat fruit?
Many people do not know how to properly eat fruit to get the most out of its benefits. The best time to eat fruit is before breakfast or on an empty stomach.
Why should I consume fruit before breakfast or on an empty stomach?
This is a truly effective method of consuming fruit because, at the start of digestion, the stomach doesn’t digest fruits. The small intestine does this. Fruit quickly passes through the stomach and then continues to the intestines. This is where their sugars are released.
So if you were to combine starches, potatoes, or meat with fruit, they wouldn’t arrive at the intestines. This is where they perform best. Instead, they would begin to ferment.
What happens when eating fruit makes me feel ill?
If you eat fruit and have an unpleasant taste in your mouth afterward, it’s most likely because you did not eat the fruit properly. Your stomach was probably not empty. If this is not the case, you should ask your doctor for further advice. Make sure you eat fruit before breakfast on an empty stomach.
Other Contexts
We recommend avoiding bottled juice before breakfast (processed or store bought) or canned juice or juice that comes in glass jars. The production process includes heat, turning the original juice structure acidic and containing preservatives.
Speaking of benefits
- Helps protect against heart disease.
- Strengthens capillaries, especially weak veins. These are constantly provoking heart attacks or internal bleeding.
- With their bioflavonoid content, they prevent blood from thickening and blocking arteries.
How to make a fruit diet effective
If you’re used to getting out of bed and eating a lot of food for breakfast, all the while never giving up your bread with butter and coffee, you are definitely starting the day poorly. You are filling your stomach with elements that will take the entire day to digest. Therefore, what you should do is think about foods that are easily absorbed and that clean your body, like fruit. It’s best to eat fruit before breakfast.
If possible, try to eat only fresh fruits and juices once you wake up, or until mid-day. The longer you do this, the more opportunity you are giving your body to cleanse itself more quickly.
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Other recommendations
*NOTE: Don’t forget to eat very fresh fruit, take care of yourself and enjoy it.