Foods You Need to Eat to Prevent Flabbiness
The area of your body most affected by flabbiness are your arms, abdomen, and face. Find out about the best anti-flab foods in the following article to prevent flabbiness.
Why causes flabbiness?
Together with cellulite, flabbiness is a beauty nightmare. It would seem that nothing we do can get rid of it once and for all. Flabbiness is a loss of firmness of the skin. It’s caused by the decrease or the weakness of collagen and elastin, which support your tissues.
The most affected areas tend to be your face (eye lids and chin), your arms, your glutes, your muscles and abdomen.
There are different causes of flabbiness, but the most frequent is aging. With the passing of years, the proteins that are in charge of maintaining firm skin are no longing functioning. Also, obesity, abrupt weight loss, multiple pregnancies, and a diet poor in proteins accelerate this natural human process.
It’s important to take into account daily habits to prevent or stop flabbiness. For example, you should have a healthier diet, do moderate and intense exercise, avoid being sedentary and not expose yourself to a lot of sun. After all, sun exposure promotes wrinkles and spots.
Foods to avoid flabbiness
Since there are a great variety of treatments, for example: toning creams, electro-stimulation (if you want to reduce flabbiness in your arms, abdomen or legs.) Truthfully, the best option is to have a healthy diet and much sure to exercise.
When talking about flabbiness, foods that you can’t omit from your diet are:
1. Dried fruit and nuts
Almonds, hazelnuts, and pistachios contain fatty beneficial fatty acids that are in charge of recuperating the toning of the skin and bringing back oxygen to the cells. At the same time, dried fruit leave the dermis more elastic and improve the results of training.
2. Citrus fruit
Oranges and grapefruit are two fruits that should be eaten more often if you want to reduce flabbiness. Citrus fruit offers a great quantity of vitamin C, which allows the production of collagen.
In addition, it has the necessary proteins to help the skin avoid becoming wrinkly and keeping the skin firm.
3. Cucumber
This delicious vegetable is made up of 96% water, which is great if we don’t care for drinking just plain water. Also, cucumbers contribute enzymes that take care of your blood vessels and tissues.
Of course there is the external form of a mask that not only reduces flabbiness, but also hydrates the dermis. Just cut a cucumber in slices and apply it over your face for 15 minutes.
4. Carrots
Flabbiness in your face tends to occur after 45 years of age. It can appear before that if you’re exposed to too much sun.
A way to reverse this situation is to consume raw carrots. This tasty orange vegetable has a great deal of beta carotene, a nutrient that aids the production of collagen and elastin and can help you prevent flabbiness.
In addition, you can take advantage of its qualities by preparing a natural mask. Use it two times a week before going to bed.
• 1 carrot
• 1/2 cup of water
• Peel the carrot and cut into slices or in small cubes.
• Put the carrot and water in a blender.
• Blend it well until you obtain a paste, not liquid.
• Wash the face with neutral soap and apply the mask.
• Let it sit for 15 minutes and then rinse with warm water.
• Apply a moisturizer to finish.
5. Olives
Olives are a very nutritious food that have omega 3 and 6 fatty acids.
They have the ability to repair tissues and improve the health of the dermis. Vitamin A from olives help to reduce flabbiness.
6. Olive oil
Since we’re talking about olives, we can’t forget to put olive oil on the list. Consuming this “golden liquid” not only improves general health, but also has an aesthetic use.
It contributes high-quality fatty acids that aid in the regeneration of cells and tissues and slow down aging. You can use it in all of your meals to enjoy it’s delicious flavor, as well.
See this article: 6 Benefits of Extra Virgin Olive Oil for Health
7. Apples
The peel of this tasty fruit has ursolic acid, which intervenes in muscle growth, in tissue repair, and in the formation of collagen and elastin. Due to this, apples are a great ally against flabbiness.
Try to eat them raw and with the peel. In addition, they hardly have any calories, are filling and contain a lot of water. They’re ideal if you’re on a diet and feeling the need to eat something.
8. Legumes
Don’t miss adding legumes, garbanzo beans, and other varieties of beans to your diet. They all contribute iron, minerals, and folic acid to your diet.
If you’re doing exercises to tone the muscles and avoid flabbiness, these foods are for you. They’ll give you more strength and resistance for exercise. Also, they’ll help you in the areas that you want to improve.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Gomes, E. A. (2011). Radiofreqüência no tratamento da flacidez. Faculdade Ávila.
- Segers, A. M., de Forteza, I. E., Conforti, F. Y., & Abulafia, J. (1985). Celulitis. Medicina Cutanea Ibero-Latino-Americana.
- American Academy of Dermatology. Many ways to firm sagging