7 Foods to Help You Burn Abdominal Fat
When it comes to accumulating fat, the abdominal region is without a doubt a major point of stress. Fat builds up here almost without you even noticing, breaking that natural balance you have around your waist. What can you do? We recommend including the following foods in your daily diet. With just a little effort you can burn abdominal fat quickly and effectively.
Recommendations on how to burn abdominal fat
Some unhealthy lifestyle habits such as being sedentary or having a poor diet can cause abdominal fat to build up. As we all know, waiting for a miracle won’t do much; to get that flat stomach, you need to put in some effort and make small sacrifices. We’re talking about things like avoiding foods that cause you to retain liquids and store fats. Here are our recommendations:
- Try to drink two liters of water a day, in addition to natural fruit juices.
- Cut out refined flours, processed foods, sweets, etc.
- Eliminate salt from your diet because it’s the main reason you retain fluids.
- Get in the habit of doing a little exercise every day. Just by regularly walking a half hour per day you can greatly improve your health. Don’t think twice about doing this.
- Remember that going on a diet doesn’t mean you stop eating. You should eat four times a day: breakfast (very important), lunch, a small snack, and dinner. It’s best to eat smaller portions, but do stick to four meals a day. Never, ever skip breakfast or dinner.
Foods that burn abdominal fat
1. Apple
What if you started every day with a delicious apple? Great idea. Doctors and nutritionists say this is a good way to start off your day, especially if you have it with oatmeal at breakfast.
Apples are good for helping you burn fat because they’re rich in Vitamin C, flavonoids, and beta-carotene. But bear in mind: you have to eat two or three a day for them to really help you lose weight.
That’s why it’s good to make homemade apple juice along with eating one at breakfast. Apple juice with beets is also a perfect complement to our dinner. How does that sound?
2. Bananas
Bananas have between 75 and 130 calories. They’re rich in potassium, calcium, magnesium, and several vitamins. They also act like an isotonic drink in food form, which makes them an essential resource you should have every day.
Incorporating more fresh fruit like bananas into your daily diet won’t just help you lose weight, either. It will also improve your overall health. Don’t forget that bananas are a great mid-morning or mid-afternoon snack, since they make you feel full and supply you with countless vitamins to get you through your day.
3. Celery
Celery shouldn’t be missing from your diet either. This vegetable helps you lose weight naturally, and pairs perfectly with a lot of foods. Plus, it’s delicious any way you prepare it. It also has a lot of Vitamin C and calcium, which is one of the main reasons it helps you lose weight. So why not make it part of your diet today?
4. Shellfish
5. Avocados
There’s a myth going around that avocados make you gain weight. That isn’t true. Avocados contain oleic acid, something that helps eliminate or delay the feeling of hunger. On top of that, avocados contain fiber, which helps you achieve a flat stomach.
As long as you don’t eat too many, avocados help eliminate fat and make you feel full, which is one of their best qualities. It’s enough to just eat one avocado a day. They’re perfect in salads or creams, and their healthy flavor is irresistible.
6. Cherries
We love cherries. If you have the opportunity to get them for a good price at your local market, absolutely take some home with you.
Cherries are good for the digestive system and the heart. For one thing, they help lower cholesterol and supply uric acid. They also regulate the metabolism to reduce hunger and simultaneously help keep you healthy. On top of all that, they’re rich in antioxidants.
So if they’re in season, don’t hesitate to buy some. However, we don’t recommend cherry juices sold in stores, since cherries that aren’t fresh lose their nutritional value. They’re basically just sugary beverages that won’t help you lose weight at all.
7. Tomatoes
We’re big fans of tomato. They’re delicious in salads and sauces, go great in all dishes, and provide you with a unique and necessary flavor each day.
But did you know that tomatoes reduce lipid accumulation in the blood? That’s how they cleanse your body and keep fat from building up. Don’t forget to include tomatoes in your meals!
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
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