Five Juices that Can Help You Shed Inches Off Your Waist

The detoxifying and digestive properties of certain fruit and vegetable juices may help you combat obesity. Combine them with a balanced diet and physical activity for the best results.
Five Juices that Can Help You Shed Inches Off Your Waist
Eliana Delgado Villanueva

Reviewed and approved by the nutritionist Eliana Delgado Villanueva.

Last update: 27 May, 2022

There’s no miracle formula that can get you to shed inches off your waist overnight. However, there are some natural juices that allow you to compliment your weight loss diet in order to get noticeable changes over time.

Even though it’s necessary to practice other healthy habits such as exercise, these drinks can be excellent allies to shape your body. Not only do they help eliminate toxins, but they also prevent fluid retention and reduce inflammation.

Also, thanks to their dietary fiber and antioxidants, they can reduce swelling that’s caused by slow digestion.

Do you want to know how to prepare them? Below, take a look at these five interesting recipes.

Juices that Can Help You Shed Inches off Your Waist

The preparation of some fruit and vegetable juices allows you to shed inches off your waist without doing any strict diets. Even though it’s essential to respect the concept of a balanced diet, you can drink these recipes as snacks or during breakfast.

Unlike many weight loss products on the market, these don’t produce adverse effects and they’re a source of nutrients. Best of all, they’re easy to make and can be taken every day of the week because they aren’t high in calories.

1. Pineapple, Lemon, and Flaxseed Juice

Pineapple juice and pineapple chunks.

Due to its content of enzymes, vitamin C, amino acids, antioxidants, and other bioactives, this delicious juice is ideal for promoting weight loss and shedding inches off your waist. Its combination of ingredients improves digestion and reduces the build-up of bodily fluids.


  • 2 slices of pineapple
  • The juice of ½ lemon
  • 1 tablespoon of flax seeds (15 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)


  • Cut the pineapple into slices and put them in the blender with the lemon juice and flaxseed.
  • Then, add the glass of water and blend at maximum speed.
  • Make sure the drink is thoroughly blended and serve it immediately.

2. Citrus and Spinach Juice

Due to its cleansing properties, this natural juice promotes the elimination of retained waste in the colon. It also stimulates bowel movement and relieves inflammation caused by constipation.


  • 1 grapefruit
  • 3 oranges
  • 1 slice of pineapple
  • 5 spinach leaves


  • First, extract the citrus juice.
  • Then, cut the pineapple.
  • Put all the ingredients into a blender.
  • Blend for two minutes and serve without straining it.

3. Aloe Vera and Cucumber Juice

A jar of aloe ver gel.

When it comes to shedding inches off your waist, you shouldn’t miss out on drinking healthy green juices. In this case, it’s recommended to have an aloe vera and cucumber juice, which is both diuretic and cleansing.


  • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel (30 ml)
  • 1 sprig of parsley
  • ½ cucumber
  • 1 pinch of ground ginger
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml)


  • Place all the ingredients in a blender and blend for a few minutes.
  • Finally, after getting a smooth mixture, serve and drink immediately.

4. Prune and Oats Juice

This wonderful digestive juice can help regulate intestinal transit and, therefore, help you shed inches from your waist.


  • 5 prunes
  • 1 tablespoon of flaxseed (15 g)
  • 1 glass of water (200 ml)
  • 2 tablespoons of oatmeal (30 g)
  • 1 tablespoon of honey (25 g)


  • Start by putting the plums in a container with boiling water in order to moisturize them
  • After 10 to 15 minutes, place all the ingredients in a blender and bled them for a few minutes.
  • Serve the juice without straining it and drink it as part of a snack or meal.
  • If you’re going to add honey, do so in moderation.

Check out this article, too: 5 Natural Remedies to Get a Flatter Stomach

5. Melon and Cucumber Juice

Melon slices.

Both melons and cucumbers are high in fiber and water content and, therefore, have diuretic properties. In other words, they help get rid of liquid retention and also regulate intestinal transit. So, drink them together and help shed inches off your waist.


  • 3 slices of melon
  • The juice of ½ lemon
  • 1 cucumber
  • 1 teaspoon of fresh ginger (5 g)
  • ½ glass of water (100 ml)


  • Chop the melon and cucumber, and blend with the lemon juice, ginger and half a glass of water.
  • Finally, strain it and serve immediately.

What would be the perfect combination to start with?

Remember that when it comes to losing weight in a healthy way, the perfect combination to shed inches off your waist is a proper diet and the practice of daily exercise.

Include these drinks that we’ve mentioned in moderation in your diet and start enjoying their flavors. Of course, you can always prepare your own versions, according to your preferences.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Bala, V., Singh, N. K., Gupta, J. K., & Mishra, P. (2012). Comparative diuretic activity of pulp & seed of ethanolic extracts of Cucumis melon (Linn) in rats. Pharma Science Monitor.

  • Goñi, I., & Martín-Carrón, N. (1998). In vitro fermentation and hydration properties of commercial dietary fiber-rich supplements. Nutrition Research.

  • Singh, R. P., Dhanalakshmi, S., & Rao, A. R. (2000). Chemomodulatory action of Aloe vera on the profiles of enzymes associated with carcinogen metabolism and antioxidant status regulation in mice. Phytomedicine.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.