Endermology: What Is This Beauty Treatment All About?

Eliminating fat and shaping the figure are the main objectives of endermology. It's a non-invasive aesthetic therapy that promises effective results.
Endermology: What Is This Beauty Treatment All About?
Leidy Mora Molina

Reviewed and approved by the nurse Leidy Mora Molina.

Last update: 09 November, 2022

Diets and exercise are good ways to eliminate body fat, but when things get complicated, it’s good to look for other ways. You may think surgery is the best option, but it isn’t feasible for everyone. Endermology opens up new options.

This aesthetic treatment fights cellulite, especially if the amount of fat exceeds what a cream or months at the gym would take to resolve. It isn’t as drastic as liposuction and doesn’t require painful injections.

Even though there’s a device involved, it’s considered a natural method that can shape a person’s figure. In order for the results to last, it’s important to adjust certain lifestyle habits. Let’s see what the procedure is all about.

What does endermology consist of?

Endermology is a body massage performed with a device, whose intensity is graduated according to the patient’s tolerance. It doesn’t cause pain, but rather relaxation, while the therapist works the areas with localized fat.

Initially, Louis Paul Guitay developed the technique to alleviate cervical problems. With time, endermology crossed over to the beauty field, and was used against flaccidity, orange peel skin, and resistant fat.

It’s often called “mechanical massage” or “lipomassage”, because it pursues the same purpose as liposuction. The procedure consists of activating the lymphatic drainage and making the blood circulate better, getting rid of accumulated fat, and improving the appearance of the skin.

The technology in charge of mechanical massages consists of a device with a head and a pair of rollers to rub the dermis. The device is programmed to move like a spike, in a wavy direction or simulating an 8. While doing so, the tips destroy the fat cells.

The common therapy is corporal, although the face also assimilates endermology to illuminate the skin.

Endermology on legs.
Cellulite is the condition that would be most favored by the application of endermology.

Advantages of endermology

While contouring the body, lipomassages offer a number of advantages that we’ll detail below:

  • They don’t require rest
  • They don’t require anesthesia
  • They exfoliate and rejuvenate the skin
  • They restore connective tissue
  • They help stretch marks to disappear
  • They minimize fluid retention.
  • They stimulate the natural production of elastin, collagen, and hyaluronic acid.

Preparation and development

Experts say that the best treatment against cellulite is preventive. However, they place endermology among the main medical-aesthetic methods to address the condition.

The amount of mechanical massages depends on each patient. Estheticians stipulate 45-minute sessions. It’s advisable to drink at least 8 glasses of water before the appointment and, after the appointment, strength exercises will promote muscle tone.

In general, daily physical activity helps to prolong results after endermology, which is carried out as follows:

  1. Unfold the mesh, just over the part to be massaged, so that the head moves better.
  2. Suction on the skin, molding the rollers to stimulate the lymphatic system and reach areas such as the back and abdomen. In this way, circulation is promoted throughout the body.
  3. Pressotherapy. A complement of another 7 minutes of manual massage.

What are the risks of endermology?

Lipomassages usually cover hips, thighs, abdomen and any part of the body that has cellulite. Candidates for this beauty treatment are those who retain liquids.

In the case of obese people, the procedure isn’t recommended, because it’s designed to reduce fat tissues in focal points. Specialists also suggest avoiding mechanical massage during menstruation, to reduce discomfort and increased bleeding.

There’s a clash of opinions about contraindications. Some prefer to avoid this treatment if they suffer from varicose veins; but others are in favor of it, alleging that it helps venous return. Whatever the case, it’s advisable to consult a doctor.

Other restrictions of the technique include in the following cases:

  • Phlebitis
  • Pregnancy
  • Angiomas
  • Inguinal hernia
  • Dermatological infections
  • Cancer treatments
  • Medication with anticoagulants
  • Use of prosthesis or metallic implants
Varicose veins.
Regarding varicose veins, there’s no unanimous opinion. Each case should be evaluated.

How to prolong the effects of lipomassages?

The Instituto Superior de Estudios de España states (article in Spanish) that anti-cellulite massages are safe and effective, as long as the therapist carries out the technique correctly, and the patient attends all the sessions.

To help lasting results, half an hour of daily physical exercise prevents the reappearance of fat. In addition, it’s advisable to accompany the process with the guidance of a nutritionist who will design a diet according to the person’s needs.

Against cellulite, the Mayo Clinic encourages patients to consume less alcohol, saturated fats, and carbohydrates. At the same time, it encourages eating a diet rich in vegetables, water, and whole foods.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.