Occasionally, there are men who have dry orgasms. In other words, they have little or no expulsion of semen. This is called retrograde ejaculation. This takes place when the semen enters the bladder instead of naturally going out of the penis.
When men reach climax, it’s possible that the amount of semen ejaculated is very little or there is even none at all. Even though it’s not harmful to their health, it’s a serious problem if they want to have children.
If you have this problem, you should consult a professional, especially if you want to have a child.
Below, you can take a look at some information about this type of ejaculation.
As the semen flows from the prostate to the urethra within the penis, the muscle of the bladder neck become tense. This muscle is located at the entrance to the bladder. Then, it closes to prevent premature ejaculation between the bladder.
Retrograde ejaculation occurs when the muscle of the bladder neck is tightened and it loses the ability to close the passage of semen into the bladder.
During retrograde ejaculation, the entry of semen into the bladder prevents it from exiting.
Among the symptoms of retrograde ejaculation, you can find:
Dry orgasms: Very little or no semen comes out.
Cloudy urine after orgasm: This is due to the presence of semen.
Male infertility: The female is unable to become pregnant, despite the fact that the couple is having continuous sex without using any birth control method.
Read this article, too: 7 Main Causes of Female Infertility
What Causes Retrograde Ejaculation?
First of all, it’s important to clarify that not all dry orgasms are caused by retrograde ejaculation. If you know the cause of the dry orgasm, you will be able to understand what are the options you have.
When a couple wants to have a child and is unable to, this can cause tension. Meditation and yoga are very beneficial to reduce stress and help to improve this condition.
Men with retrograde ejaculation can also impregnate their partners with assisted reproduction techniques. You just have to find the most suitable one according to your case.
In addition, it’s essential to reduce unhealthy habits to prevent risk factors. In the case of diabetic men, it’s essential to maintain good control of blood sugar in order to help prevent this condition.
Hopefully, all of this information has been helpful to find out what’s happening to you and let you know more about retrograde ejaculation. If so, please consult your doctor. They can help you resolve this issue.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
Castelo Elías-Calles, L., & Licea Puig, M. E. (2003). Disfunción sexual eréctil y diabetes mellitus: Aspectos etiopatogénicos. Revista Cubana de Endocrinología, 14(2), 0-0.
Juárez-Bengoa, A., Bagnarello-González, F., Rodríguez-Perdomo, D. F., Juárez-Bengoa, E. R. Y., & Rodríguez-Yee, E. (2011). Prevalencia de eyaculación retrógrada en esterilidad asociada con hipospermia. Ginecología y Obstetricia de México, 79(02), 61-66.
Quesada Vázquez, A. J. (2002). Trastornos del funcionamiento sexual en pacientes diabéticos. Revista Cubana de Medicina General Integral, 18(4), 257-259.
Serrano, R. T. (2012). Una visión actual de la infertilidad masculina. Revista Mexicana de Medicina de la Reproducción, 4(3), 103-109.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.