Your First Visit to the Gynecologist During Pregnancy

The first visit to the gynecologist during pregnancy is quite an event, especially for mothers who are giving birth for the first time. The best advice is to prepare well for it.
Your First Visit to the Gynecologist During Pregnancy
Leonardo Biolatto

Reviewed and approved by the doctor Leonardo Biolatto.

Written by Edith Sánchez

Last update: 13 April, 2023

Your first visit to the gynecologist during pregnancy is a very important moment. Not only because of its significance in emotional terms, but also because it’s the right time to ask questions, discuss concerns and doubts, and provide relevant information.

Even if a woman has already had children, it’s likely that she’ll still need a doctor’s guidance on specific aspects, hence the importance of these appointments.

The most advisable thing to do is to be clear about everything before the meeting with the doctor. What should you consider? Read on and find out!

When is the first visit to the gynecologist during pregnancy?

The first visit to the gynecologist during pregnancy is usually between weeks six and nine, counting from the last menstrual period. During this meeting, an interview will be carried out to find out the mother’s health information, and also for her to ask questions.

The gynecologist will carry out a general checkup. They will measure blood pressure and establish height and weight.

This information will be the starting point for future appointments. Tests may also be carried out to confirm the pregnancy.

During the first visit to the gynecologist during pregnancy, it’s normal for an ultrasound to be requested, in order to establish the vitality of the embryo and confirm the condition of the amniotic sac. This test will show if there’s a multiple pregnancy, for example, and rule out an ectopic pregnancy.

What to ask?

The first visit to the gynecologist during pregnancy is the ideal time to ask all the questions you need. The best thing to do is to write down all your questions before you go, so you don’t forget anything.

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Food supplements

Pregnant mothers should take folic acid supplements. That’s why it’s important to ask the doctor what the adequate dose is, and how long you should take it for.

This substance is essential in order to prevent problems in the fetus, such as spina bifida and cleft lip. Also, you should ask if it’s appropriate to take other supplements.

Folic acid.
The intake of supplements is generally indicated during pregnancy, especially folic acid.


The first visit also helps you to know everything related to the exercise you can do, and, in particular, the type and intensity.

It’s worth asking about the recommended exercises to strengthen the pelvic floor, as this can be of great help at the time of delivery.


It’s a good idea to ask your gynecologist about the over-the-counter drugs you should avoid. This includes alternative medications and home remedies. In some cases, these may be contraindicated too.


It’s good for the new mother to be clear about the appropriate ranges in her weight gain. It’s obvious that the body is going to change and will gain volume, but there are healthy limits to this.


Some foods are recommended during pregnancy and others should be avoided. In particular, alcohol, caffeinated beverages, undercooked meats, and liver shouldn’t be taken.

The doctor can suggest the main components of the maternal diet, as well as telling you about the dangers of consuming certain foods or substances.

Warning signs

In the first visit to the gynecologist during pregnancy, it’s very important to talk about warning signs. These have to do with threats of miscarriage and symptoms of diseases such as diabetes, toxoplasmosis, kidney problems and preeclampsia.

Special care

In the first visit to the gynecologist during pregnancy, it will be established whether the pregnancy holds any risks. If so, it’s important for the doctor to clarify the specific steps that must be taken to avoid any complications.


The doctor will calculate the possible delivery date. Under normal conditions, gestation lasts 40 weeks, counting from the first day of the last menstrual period.

The calculation is made based on this information. This information is very important, as it allows us to follow the progress of the pregnancy.

Calculating birth date.
Although we can calculate the probable date of delivery at home, it’s good to have confirmation from an expert.

What information can you provide as a patient?

Just as the first visit to the gynecologist during pregnancy serves to clear up many doubts and obtain valuable data, it should also be used to provide information. The mother should tell the doctor if she has any chronic illnesses.

It’s also good for her to talk about her any important health information. This includes allergies, sexually transmitted diseases, surgery, and any other important information.

Information about any miscarriages is also important. The doctor will probably order blood and urine tests to verify their health status.

The first visit to the gynecologist during pregnancy is special

This first visit means a lot in the context of the experience and because of its importance from a medical point of view. If a mother plans it well, she can get a lot out of it.

In addition to all the recommendations already mentioned, it’s worthwhile asking about reliable sources for more information, and also about the psychological changes that may occur during gestation.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Sanz, J. R., & Alonso, E. M. (2020). entrevista clínica. FMC-Formación Médica Continuada en Atención Primaria, 27(5), 230-233.
  • De León, J. A., & Santolaya, J. (2003). El saco vitelino y su contribución al desarrollo del saco amniótico antes de las 6 semanas de gestación: a propósito de un caso de aborto retenido. Progresos de Obstetricia y Ginecología, 46(12), 568-570.
  • De Salud, C. (2005). Embarazo, parto y puerperio: proceso asistencial integrado.
  • Correa, L. M. M. (2020). La espina bífida y el ácido fólico. Revista Experimenta, (9), 40-45.
  • De Jesús-García, A., Jimenez-Baez, M. V., González-Ortiz, D. G., De la Cruz-Toledo, P., Sandoval-Jurado, L., & Kuc-Peña, L. M. (2019). Características clínicas, epidemiológicas y riesgo obstétrico de pacientes con preeclampsia-eclampsia. Revista de Enfermería del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social26(4), 256-262.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.