How to Remove Stretch Marks Naturally: 2 Easy Ways
To start, stretch marks can be a headache for a lot of people. Although both men and women can get affected, it’s usually the ladies that deal with them on a daily basis. Today we’ve got you how to remove stretch marks the natural way, without complicated beauty treatments.
Let’s start by defining stretch marks. These are those red lines that are reddish in color on the surface of the skin. Although aesthetic in nature, stretch marks are the result of a stretching process that occurs in the upper layers of your skin, especially just under the surface. Several specialist researchers have declared stretch marks to rarely cause any medical problems; nevertheless, they are commonly a source of aesthetic concern for the patient.
Because of this, people usually find that they affect their self-esteem and become nervous about exposing their bodies in public. Even though they’re very common, a lot of people are concerned about other people’s reactions! We’re all about self-positivity, so you shouldn’t be ashamed of your stretch marks. Nevertheless, if you want to improve the look of them without spending a fortune, keep reading!
Why and where stretch marks appear
Like any other cosmetic issue, the appearance of stretch marks is influenced by specific factors, and some are more easily controlled than others.
In the case of stretch marks, they appear due to fluctuations in the body weight. This means that your weight has gone up and down in an uncontrolled manner. But weight isn’t the only influential factor associated with the appearance of stretch marks.
A growth spurt during puberty is another common cause, as your skin starts to stretch to the point of losing its elasticity, resulting in those bright marks.
Another factor that regularly causes the appearance of stretch marks is pregnancy. In these cases, the marks are located in the abdominal region and on the sides.
Based on the above factors, it’s easy to pinpoint parts of the body where these reddish marks will most likely appear, although they can be influenced by a variety of other factors.
The key regions are the abdominal area, the breasts, the buttocks, the thighs, and the hips. Although they all start out with a reddish color, there are other shades, like tan and white. It varies from person to person.
Even though some skin stretching is impossible to prevent (like with pregnancy or puberty), you can reduce the chances to have them by properly hydrating your skin.
How to remove stretch marks the natural way
Stretch marks are a skin condition that easily evolves or advances. This means that not all of your stretch marks are at the same stage. Thus, some of them can be eliminated and others can only be treated and will fade a bit. Learning how to remove stretch marks strives in recognizing the stage of yours and treating them accordingly.
In general terms, these are divided up with respect to their appearance. The newest ones maintain that reddish hue while the ones that have been on the skin for the longest time are normally white. As mentioned above, both types can be treated. Red stretch marks are much easier to erase and can even be eliminated.
Also read: Reduce Stretch marks, Scars and Blemishes with this Home Remedy
Below we’ll show you some natural alternatives to treat them properly.
1. Lemon and olive oil
Lemon is a very popular citrus fruit due to its medical and aesthetic applications. Thanks to its exfoliating and whitening properties it’s great for use on the skin. The citric acid is rich in Vitamin C, that will help regenerate skin and leave it as clear as a baby’s.
On the other hand, olive oil is another very beneficial ingredient that promotes the health of the skin, because it’s rich in vitamin E – an essential nutrient for the dermis. If you use them together, these ingredients form a great natural alternative to fight stretch marks and leave your skin looking radiant as well. This scrub is a great first step in your quest to learn how to remove stretch marks with DIY treatments.
- 1/2 of a lemon
- 10 drops of extra virgin olive oil
- Rub the half lemon over the area where the stretch marks are to soak them in juice.
- At the same time, perform a circular massage that lasts about 10 minutes.
- Wait 10 additional minutes while massaging the extra virgin olive oil into the skin.
2. Red grapes
- 10 red grapes
- 1 cup of plain yogurt (200 g)
Preparation and application
- Without removing the skin or seeds, mash the grapes and store them in a bowl.
- Add the cup of plain yogurt to the mashed grapes and mix well.
- Apply this mixture to your stretch marks using a circular massage.
- Leave it on for 20 minutes before rinsing with cold water.
You might be interested in: Rejuvenating Grape and Vitamin C Exfoliant
Want faster results?
As always, when it comes to natural treatments they key is consistency and understanding that it will be a long process. If you to learn how to remove stretch marks faster, you’ll want to look into over the counter products. For example, a research study found that the application of topical retinoid acid was reported useful to fade the markings.
Try it today!
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Carlos, F. C. J. (2010). Síndrome De Cushing. Revista de Actualización Clínica.
- A.D.A.M., I. (2015). Estrías: MedlinePlus enciclopedia médica.
- Estrías.