The WaRu Method: Lose Weight Walking

The WaRu method is a gentle way to start or resume physical activity. In general, it contributes to losing weight and toning muscle when you can't do strenuous exercise. How do you do it? Read this article to find out!
The WaRu Method: Lose Weight Walking
Elisa Martin Cano

Written and verified by the doctor Elisa Martin Cano.

Last update: 27 May, 2022

The WaRu method is an alternative exercise to regain fitness and lose weight without risking injury after prolonged periods of physical inactivity. It can be a good option for people who can’t do strenuous exercise or who have just returned to their routines.

What exactly does it consist of? What are its benefits?

In this article, we’ll answer all of your questions. Also, we’ll list the main advantages of this method and how to put it into practice.

What is the WaRu method?

The name of this method comes from a mixture of walking (Wa) and running (Ru). Therefore, as the name implies, it’s a matter of resuming or starting physical activity by alternating these two activities in the same exercise session. Thus, it’s a matter of combining walking intervals with running intervals.

Woman walking, following the WaRu method to lose weight.
The WaRu method consists of walking and running in intervals. It’s a gentle form of doing exercise.

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What are the advantages of this method?

Whether you’ve decided to start physical activity starting from a sedentary life or you’re a regular athlete who hasn’t been training for several months, the WaRu method has interesting advantages.

You should keep in mind that being in good physical shape leads to the proper functioning of the cardiovascular system. This means that the heart and lungs work well and are used to adapting to the intensity of exercise to continue supplying the body with blood and oxygen.

On the other hand, a good physical condition allows the muscles, tendons, and the musculoskeletal system to be in good condition to do the activity you want, in the intensity you want.

However, problems can arise if you start exercising abruptly by demanding too much of yourself, as your body might not respond as it should. Consequently, this increases the risk of tendon injuries, muscle tears, dizziness, and other negative effects.

So whether you’re going to start a new active lifestyle or resume your old training rhythm, you need to make sure you recondition your cardiovascular and circulatory systems. That way, little by little, you’ll improve your physical condition without suffering injuries.

How to start with the WaRu method

The first thing you should consider before doing any type of physical activity is preparing and warming up your body. A proper warm-up will protect you against injuries of all kinds. Once you’ve warmed up and chosen the place where you’re going to exercise, you can get going.

Then, it’s about finding your own rhythm and setting intervals to prevent you from overexerting yourself. Thus, the first days you can alternate, for example, intervals of one minute of running and four minutes of walking for a total of twenty or thirty minutes.

As the days go by, you can modify these intervals to increase their intensity. Thus, you can continue with a series of two minutes running and three minutes of walking. Then, you can try three minutes of running and two walking … and so on, indefinitely.

To make this exercise even more effective, you should make sure that the time you spend walking is dynamic. This means that you don’t walk like you’re on a walk, but instead do it at a fast pace. Also, you’ll help tone your upper body, that is, your torso and arms.

Woman in pink running listening to music, following the WaRu method.
To re-accustom your body to physical activity, it’s important to start gently and increase the intensity gradually.

The benefits of this method

Starting or resuming an active life will always improve your health. If you also accompany this physical activity with a healthy diet, you’ll have guaranteed success. Keeping track of your exercise, little by little you will begin to notice results like the following:

  • More toned muscles
  • Loss of fat
  • Better mood
  • Less anxiety and tension
  • Better lung capacity

If in addition to this you do it safely and responsibly by adapting your physical capacities and going at your own pace, you’ll protect yourself from injuries.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Koplan JP, Powell KE, Sikes RK, Shirley RW, Campbell CC. An Epidemiologic Study of the Benefits and Risks of Running. JAMA J Am Med Assoc. 1982 Dec 17;248(23):3118–21.
  • Clement DB, Taunton JE, Smart GW. Achilles tendinitis and peritendinitis: Etiology and treatment. Am J Sports Med. 1984;12(3):179–84.
  • van Mechelen W. Running Injuries: A Review of the Epidemiological Literature. Vol. 14, Sports Medicine: An International Journal of Applied Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise. Springer; 1992. p. 320–35.
  • Subotnick SI. The Biomechanics of Running Implications for the Prevention of Foot Injuries. Vol. 2, Sports Medicine: An International Journal of Applied Medicine and Science in Sport and Exercise. 1985. p. 144–53.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.