The Best Foods that May Help Quench Your Appetite
When you’re following a weight loss diet, it’s natural to feel the desire to eat certain foods that are full of calories. The same happens if you’re feeling anxious or depressed. To avoid those situations, we want to recommend some foods that may help quench your appetite
Sometimes you might think you’re hungry. However, in reality, it’s another feeling such as boredom, anxiety, depression, etc. When the desire to eat anything you can comes over you, you might finish an entire bag of chips or a cake without even realizing it.
People who are dieting to lose weight might find it normal to have food cravings, especially if their main meals and snacks constitute fewer calories than their body actually needs.
If you’re looking for good results and want to make sure the effort you’re expending is worth it, we recommend the following foods that may help quench your appetite. Keep in mind that these aren’t miraculous fixes for weight loss, but they can help.
Read also: Control Your Appetite Naturally!
1-Greek yogurt
This may quench your appetite better than carbohydrates and fat. The best thing is that it has fewer calories.
Just one or two cheese cubes may help satisfy your appetite. You can choose options with lower sodium or fat contents. The important thing is that, by eating cheese, you may get a good amount of protein to help eliminate that vacant feeling in your stomach.
If you think you can’t go another second without eating and still make it to your next meal, a piece or two of cheese might help.
3-Black coffee
There are people who are for and against caffeine thanks to its effects. If you decide to drink it, you should choose black coffee with no added sugar or cream.
Coffee may help speed up your metabolism and suppress hunger cravings. The effects can continue for up to three hours after you drink it.
Another recommended food that may help quench your appetite is avocado because it contains lots of nutrients like omega-9 fatty acids (good for your circulatory system and the heart). This will help satisfy you more quickly than carbohydrates and even protein.
Its vegetable oils with high oleic contents are converted into a compound known as phenylethanolamine, which reaches your nerve endings and sends your brain signals that you’re full.
In addition, this fruit is an excellent replacement for other condiments you would normally eat with sandwiches, salads, or meat.
5-Olive oil
You can enjoy some olives when you’re really hungry or season your salads with olive oil. This will help avoid the feeling that your stomach is empty, which is so common in some diets.
6-Vegetable soup to help quench your appetite
This is without a doubt one of the best foods that may help quench your appetite. First of all, it’s made of hot water that may help fill your stomach for a few hours. Second, it contains lots of different vegetables that provide some satisfying protein.
You can make vegetable soup with carrots, zucchini, celery, or Swiss chard and enjoy it in the mid-morning or mid-afternoon. You can also process everything in the blender to get a meal that can help satisfy your hunger.
Enjoying a warm cup of vegetable soup can also help relieve stress and anxiety, which often trigger overeating. It’s also a very comforting option for the winter months!
See also: 9 Reasons to Eat Avocado
7-Chili peppers
Chili peppers help activate receptors in the mouth, which results in that burning sensation. This triggers a “fight or flight” response in the body that may keep you from overeating.
If you can’t handle spicy foods, just start by adding a few red pepper flakes to your pasta, pizza, or chicken.
8-Fruit smoothies
Having an apple or a pear in the middle of the workday isn’t the same as enjoying a rich smoothie made with different fruits. You can even add bananas once or twice a week. It’s very easy and you can choose whatever combination you want.
Don’t add sugar. Also, adding some water will make the blend less thick. Try something different every day. Apples, pears, peaches, grapes, oranges – anything is allowed. These are especially refreshing in summer.
We hope you enjoyed this article on some foods that may help quench your appetite!
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