Resistance Band Exercises to Strengthen Your Back
Performing resistance band exercises to strengthen your back will help you achieve a proper posture that protects the vertebrae and the spine in general. Also, you’ll tone the upper and lower back muscles, as well as the lumbar and trapezium muscles if you work steadily.
Resistance bands are rubber bands that help to support physical training routines by offering resistance. Children, adults, and seniors can all use them.
In fact, there’s a lot of research showing the excellent results of resistance band exercises for strengthening the back and other areas of the body in older people. Therefore, there’s no reason to believe that using these instruments isn’t a good idea for older individuals in general.
Let’s take a look at some options!
1. Rowing with an elastic band
This is one of the resistance band exercises to strengthen your back that’s optimal for working on your latissimus dorsi muscle. You can do it while sitting or standing.
- To begin, use a mat or sit on a comfortable surface, with your back straight and your feet fully extended.
- Then, pass the elastic band behind your feet and hold it tightly with your hands. Keeping your back and feet straight, stretch out your arms, and pull the bands towards your hips.
- At this point, you’ll feel the tension of the movement in the midsection of your back due to the activation of the latissimus dorsi muscle
- Now, if you’re going to row standing, place your feet shoulder-width apart and bend your hips and knees a little.
- Make the same movement with your arms.
2. Pullover with a resistance band
This is one of the resistance band exercises that helps activate the upper back. Keep in mind that the greater the tension of the band, the greater the force the muscle will exert:
- Locate an elevated surface where you can secure the elastic band.
- Place your feet shoulder-width apart, holding the bands with your hands. Bend your knees, pull your hips out, and, with your arms extended, lean forward. The hip flexion angle should be 90 degrees.
- While maintaining the position, pull your arms in a diagonal movement towards your hips.
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3. Lateral elevations resistance band exercises
This exercise requires your full concentration to avoid future back injury or discomfort. Not only does it strengthen the upper back, but also the muscles of the shoulders and neck.
- First, place your feet shoulder-width apart, pass the elastic band over your feet, and hold it with both hands.
- Then, slightly bend your torso, and place your arms on the sides and lift while slightly bending your arms.
4. Band pull apart
This is a simple exercise to tone the upper back muscles.
- To begin, the feet should be shoulder-width apart.
- Now, raise your arms and keep them in front.
- Then, holding each end of the elastic band with your hands, open your arms until they are extended.
- Remember, it’s important to keep your elbows and shoulders locked during the execution of the movement.
5. Deadweight resistance band exercises
In addition to exercising and strengthening the back, this exercise also acts on most of the muscles in the body:
- First, step on the elastic band, hold the ends with your hands and place your feet shoulder-width apart.
- Next, lower your hips and bend your knees as if you were going to do a squat.
- Remember, your neck should be straight, your eyes fixed on the front and your back always straight.
- Now, extend your knees by stretching the bands until they are entirely straight.
See also: 5 Exercises to Tone Your Back Muscles
6. Archery pull
This exercise turns out to be very useful for exercising the latissimus dorsi muscle. The exercise stands out because it doesn’t require anchoring the elastic band to any surface:
- First, stand completely straight and place your right arm as if you were going to shoot a bow. Cross the band across the palm of this hand.
- Then, with your left arm, hold the band very close to your right hand, tightly. And, with your back straight, pull your left arm toward your hip. The right arm should remain still and raised.
- Make this movement 10 times, rest, and repeat with the opposite side. Leave the left arm elevated and do the flexion with the right arm.
The advantages of resistance band exercises for the back
The use of resistance bands in back strengthening exercises has become very popular. This is due to the multiple benefits that they offer. Among them are the following:
- The possibility of finding a resistance band on the market for each level of training.
- Using resistance bands develops muscle strength and allows for the easy imitation of some sports movements.
- The use of these bands has a low risk of injury and is safe. In fact, they’re often used during muscle injury rehabilitation exercises.
- To obtain greater benefits in the muscles of the back and in other areas that you wish to train, you can simply increase the number of sets each week. Also, you can change to a band with greater rigidity.
That’s how easy it is to exercise your back muscles using resistance bands! So, what are you waiting for? Give these exercises a try!
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
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