What are the Properties and Benefits of Kamut?

Today, we'll tell you about the properties and benefits of Kamut in your diet. This grain has gained popularity in recent years due to its nutritional properties.
What are the Properties and Benefits of Kamut?
Saúl Sánchez Arias

Reviewed and approved by the nutritionist Saúl Sánchez Arias.

Last update: 27 May, 2022

Kamut, or Khorasan wheat, is a grain that was cultivated in Africa many years ago and is gradually making its way into the Western diet. This is due to the health benefits it brings and the number of nutrients it has. Therefore, it’s a very attractive option to replace wheat. So, what are the properties and benefits of Kamut?

It’s important to note that the position of experts regarding the consumption of many grains has changed in recent times. They no longer consider certain foods like wheat to be a good option, due to its high degree of refinement. Instead, whole grain varieties with no added sugars, including Kamut, are gaining ground.

The differences between Kamut and common wheat

Kamut and wheat share certain uses. For example, both can be the main ingredient of pasta. However, the differences are remarkable. Most importantly, the first is a much larger grain, although it’s much easier to digest.

One of the main differences between both is that Kamut has a higher protein contribution, reaching 15 grams of protein per 100 grams. It’s important to remember that these nutrients are essential to ensuring proper muscle health, according to research in the journal Nutrients.

At the same time, Kamut contains a greater quantity of vitamins, among which vitamin A stands out. This nutrient has proven to be able to positively affect visual health, reducing the risk of developing macular pathologies.

As for carbohydrates, wheat and Kamut don’t present significant differences. Except, however, for the fact that Kamut itself generates a lower glycemic peak. It’s necessary to consider that wheat is usually consumed very refined, which is not good for blood sugar levels.

Stalks of wheat.
In general, people consume very refined wheat, which is why nutritionist are more and more inclined to recommend Kamut.

To know more: 6 Ways Wheat Germ Oil Helps Your Hair

The properties and benefits of Kamut

Below, we’ll go over the properties and benefits of Kamut when you include in a healthy and balanced diet.

It provides quality energy

Carbohydrates are essential, especially in an athlete’s diet. They manage to provide the energy necessary for starting anaerobic metabolism, responsible for making maximum efforts.

In the case of sedentary people, carbohydrate needs are lower. However, you can still include them in your diet without causing any harm to health. To achieve this objective, you need to establish the necessary quantities and choose those carbohydrates with a low glycemic index.

It improves intestinal health

Kamut stands out for its fiber content. This substance is essential to promoting intestinal health. In fact, according to an essay published in the International Journal of Food Sciences and Nutrition, it can prevent episodes of constipation. And, at the same time, it reduces the risk of colon cancer.

The need to include both soluble and insoluble fiber in your diet is important to keep in mind. Kamut is a good source of the latter, so it can complement that which comes from other grains, like oats, with beta-glucans in their composition.

You may also be interested in: What Happens When we Eat Excess Fiber?

Benefits of Kamut: It’s an antioxidant

Kamut’s antioxidant capacity comes from its vitamin A content. As we mentioned, this nutrient is capable of protecting visual health and also fighting inflammation or the formation of free radicals.

A good supply of this micronutrient is associated, for example, with a lower risk of developing liver disease. You can read more in this article published in Nutrition and Health.

It contributes to controlling cholesterol

We’ve already mentioned on other occasions that the diet has a limited influence on the levels of serum cholesterol. However, it’s also true that fiber plays a role when it comes to modifying the lipidic profile. Kamut, in this sense, can reduce total cholesterol levels, although not dramatically.

However, keep in mind that keeping cholesterol too low is not good for your health. Science is beginning to debunk the myth that the lipid profile alone is a good marker for cardiovascular disease–unless you have extremely high levels of lipoproteins.

Benefits of Kamut: It improves immune function

Among the micronutrients that Kamut contains, we must make special mention of zinc. This mineral can regulate the production of testosterone in men and to ensure the proper functioning of the immune system. Taking the right doses of zinc in your daily diet will reduce the risk of suffering from infectious diseases.

However, despite its benefits, you should bear in mind that Kamut contains gluten in its composition. Therefore, it’s not suitable for people with celiac disease, gluten allergies, or gluten intolerance–just like common wheat. Nevertheless, it’s not advisable to remove gluten from your diet unless a medical professional tells you to do so.

Kamut grains and flour.
Kamut contains vitamin A, dietary fiber and zinc in important proportions.

How to use Kamut in the kitchen

You can use Kamut just like any other grain, i.e. by cooking it in water. Just be sure to wash it before placing it in the pot.

After cooking for as long as the package indicates, the Kamut grains will be tender and ready to use as a side dish or as a main salad ingredient.

You can also buy Kamut flour for making pasta or bread. However, recipes with this ingredient have a certain complexity linked to this flour’s fermentation capacity.

Due to its nutritional properties, Kamut is gaining weight in Western cuisine. Its regular consumption provides health benefits, which are much greater than those of common wheat, which stands out for its high level of refinement.

Also, Kamut has the advantage of being very simple to prepare. It can be served along with almost any protein food, just like rice or quinoa. Also, it combines very well with vegetables.

We recommend that you try it and start making it a regular part of your diet!

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

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This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.