The Orange Diet for Weight Loss and Health

Before starting any type of diet, the most appropriate thing to do is consult your doctor or nutritionist.
The Orange Diet for Weight Loss and Health
Elisa Morales Lupayante

Reviewed and approved by the pedagogue in physical education and nutritionist Elisa Morales Lupayante.

Last update: 15 June, 2022

The orange diet is a proposal that seeks to support weight loss. Contrary to what one might think, it doesn’t imply the exclusive eating of oranges. Instead, including this fruit in the meals you enjoy throughout the day.

It’s believed that by consuming this natural fruit more regularly (not in juice), all the benefits of its nutrients could be obtained, among the most notable: fiber, antioxidants and vitamin C.

Below, we’ll tell you more about it and tell you in more detail about the nutritional value of the orange.

The main ingredient in the orange diet

The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends eating several pieces of fruit every day. This is because it keeps the body healthy and in shape.

According to data from the Spanish Nutrition Foundation (FEN), oranges are a source of vitamin C, folates, organic acids, flavonoids and carotenoids. For this reason, it’s a highly recommended fruit to complement your diet.

Oranges have a characteristic flavor, between sour and sweet, a very pleasant perfumed aroma and attractive notes. For this reason, it’s consumed worldwide on a daily basis.

Some freshly cut oranges.

Losing weight with the orange diet

Now, let’s turn to the reason why you’re reading this article: how to lose weight with the orange diet. By the way, there’s no need to spend a month eating only oranges! Just include a piece of this fruit in some of your meals (one in the morning, another at night).

The idea is to eat it as a fruit, not as a juice. Not even if it’s freshly squeezed and has no added sugar.

Although the drink is a tasty and recommended option over industrial drinks, its regular consumption can hinder weight loss.

As the expert in chemistry and scientific communicator Deborah García Bello explains in her book ¡Que se le van las vitaminas! The fruit not only provides all the nutrients of the fruit, but also contributes to the feeling of fullness, thus reducing the anxiety to eat.

On the other hand, consuming a glass of orange juice doesn’t contribute to the feeling of fullness in the same way. Also, you should note that, to get one glass of the drink, you have to squeeze three oranges.

García adds: “the calories we ingest by drinking are the same as eating and chewing, but they don’t fill us up in the same way. That’s why it’s so important to bear in mind not only what we eat, but how we eat it, or our eating behavior. ”

How to implement the orange diet to lose weight

As we have mentioned, this diet that we propose is not a special or exclusive plan based on oranges. It’s about making a proper diet, which allows you to lose weight and is complemented with two pieces of orange a day.

To follow it, you can follow the following tips:

  • Start the day with an adequate portion of oatmeal or whole wheat bread. You can add a tablespoon of seeds and a dairy (or soy substitute). This breakfast has sources of energy and protein that will allow you to fill up and feel full of energy for the rest of the morning.
  • At lunch and dinner, eat plenty of vegetables: boiled, in salad, stew or vegetable cream. Cucumber, celery, artichokes, radishes, or leeks are very diuretic vegetables that will help you deflate and lose volume.
  • Add a quality protein source such as fish, eggs, lean meat, tofu, or legumes. If you’re really hungry or are going to exercise, choose a whole grain serving as well.
    The best for dressing and cooking is olive oil. Avoid prepared sauces made with cream or cheese.
  • Drink plenty of water, broth, or infusions throughout the day.
  • Limit your consumption of alcohol, soft drinks and energy drinks, sausages, pastries, sweets, etc.

Within this diet, you must include the two pieces of orange. This can be in the morning (at breakfast or as a snack), as a dessert or snack. Remember to take the fruit naturally. If you wish, you can accompany it with another fruit or add a condiment such as cinnamon or ginger powder.

With the contribution of fruit and other healthy foods, it’s possible to lose weight while staying healthy. The supply of adequate nutrients allows you to ensure daily performance while some diseases can be prevented.

Now, you have to keep in mind that this is just an indicative type of diet and that it would be desirable to adapt it to your own needs and circumstances.

Final recommendations for losing weight

Although the orange diet can help, when you start, by incorporating more than 2 pieces of fruit into your daily diet. Y ou shouldn’t limit yourself to consuming only one type of fruit. Eating healthy involves maintaining variety and balance.

An assortment of fruit.

In addition to eating a healthy diet for your body and taking into account the recommendations of the doctor and the WHO, it’s a plus to maintain an active lifestyle.

In regards to exercise, it’s recommended you try to do a routine of half an hour, two or three times a week. Furthermore, you can go for a walk, ride a bike, jog, take the dog for a walk, dance… It’s not necessary to join an academy!

Finally, when it comes to healthy habits, don’t forget to get enough sleep each day (at least 7 hours straight) and avoid excess smoking and drinking.

Who can help you learn more?

A doctor holding fruits to include in the diet other than an orange.
A varied diet consisting of fresh foods seems to help improve inflammatory processes in the body, among other issues.

In case you have doubts about how to follow a diet according to your needs, consult your doctor or a nutritionist. Both professionals will be able to tell you what’s best for you, and why and draw up a personal plan adapted to your needs.

If you want to start the orange diet, it’s also recommended you discuss it with your doctor or trusted nutritionist. They can tell you what you should be especially attentive to. Especially if you want to take care of yourself throughout the entire process and get good results.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Astiazarán, I., and A. Martínez. “Alimentos, composición y propiedades de la naranja.” (2002): 300.
  • Calderón, P. “Determinación de las propiedades antioxidantes de jugos de naranja comerciales sometidos a distintas condiciones de almacenamiento [Tesis para optar el título de Químico Biólogo].” Guatemala julio del (2007).
  • Dominguez, M., J. M. Arias, and J. M. Pinillos. “Propiedades de zumo de naranja concentrado: conductividad, calor especifico, entalpia y viscosidad.” Refrigeraciön Frial 45 (1997): 35-39.
  • Federación Española de Nutrición (FEN). La naranja.
  • García, D. ¡Que se le van las vitaminas! Mitos y secretos que solo la ciencia puede resolver. Editorial Paidós.
  • Morilla Cabezas, M. Beneficios psicológicos de la actividad física y el deporte. Diciembre 2001.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.