4 Natural Remedies to Strengthen Your Hair
Your hair is definitely one of the most important parts of your body when it comes to your appearance. It’s very important to know how to take care of it well. Today we’ll look at some great natural remedies to strengthen your hair.
The truth be told, the following ideas are very practical and simple enough to do at home. We don’t think you’ll have any problems in putting them into practice!
However, it’s important to remember that your head is a very sensitive area. Because of that, if you have serious or continuous problems, it’s best to see a specialist. In this case, you should ask a d ermatologist to examine you and give you solutions.
Remedies to strengthen your hair: Grenetin
Grenetin is a product that is very popular, as it’s a derivative of gelatin. Grenetin is a protein that is found in the bone, skin, and cartilage of some animals. It’s a great aid to strengthen your hair because of its high collagen content.
And, if that weren’t enough, besides being useful for your hair, it can also strengthens your nails.
The best way to strengthen your hair with grenetin is by adding a small quantity to the your normal shampoo. After that, just shake it until it is well mixed. Apply your shampoo normally, and rinse it off afterwards. However, if you’d like even better results, we recommend dissolving grenetin in half a cup of warm water. You then apply it onto your hair and rinse it off afterwards.
Olive Oil
Another one of our natural remedies to strengthen your hair is olive oil. As you know, olive oil has a variety of properties that are beneficial in several ways. And one of them, sure enough, is that it helps to strengthen your hair. It also stops your hair looking dull, bringing out the shine and moisturizing it at the same time. In order to reap the benefits, just add two teaspoons of oil on dry hair before showering.
It’s important to wear a shower cap. In that way the oil will act more effectively. In fact, the steam from the bath will also help the oil to penetrate your entire scalp. After approximately ten minutes, you should remove the cap and rinse your hair normally. You can use shampoo and conditioner normally after this.
Honey is another product with natural origins and one of the best remedies to strengthen your hair. This is the case whether it be weak or brittle hair, or the kind that falls out easily. Because of its nutrients, honey strengthens your hair and gives it body. First of all, you add a little honey to your hair. You then spread it throughout your hair with your fingers.
If you like, you can also lightly massage it so that the honey soaks in deeper. Leave it for 15 or 20 for the honey to act, and then rinse it out with warm or hot water.
Another property of honey is that by using it daily it will also lighten your hair and give it shine. In fact, this product is used in some commercial shampoos to produce the same effect.
As unbelievable as it may sound, eggs are another one of our remedies to strengthen hair. This is due to the fact that eggs are rich in vitamins D and E. These vitamins are fundamental for strengthening your hair and nails. You can, of course, get these benefits by eating eggs. However, you will get better results if you apply it directly to your hair.
It’s very simple. First of all, beat a raw egg in a dish. After that, apply it to your entire scalp by lightly massaging it with your fingertips. In that way it will soak in better. You should let it sit for 15 minutes and then rinse. It’s very important that you rinse with cold or warm water, but never with hot water. You can, of course, use shampoo and conditioner to get rid of any leftover egg.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
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