Learn How to Grow Aloe Vera at Home, You’ll Love It!

Growing aloe vera is very easy because it doesn’t need much care, and it’s a wonderful activity.
Learn How to Grow Aloe Vera at Home, You’ll Love It!
Valeria Sabater

Reviewed and approved by psychologist Valeria Sabater.

Written by Valeria Sabater

Last update: 27 May, 2022

Everyone knows that aloe vera has amazing benefits. This medicinal plant with its incredible properties is very easy to grow at home. It’s worth the effort to have one in your house. It needs very little care, just a little water, and you can also grow it inside your house. Do you want to learn how to grow aloe vera at home ? Find out how below.

1. Why is it good to have an aloe vera plant at home?

learn to grow aloe vera at home

Experts say that new aspects of aloe vera are being discovered every day.  It’s a marvelous natural resource available to everyone, and it can provide the solutions to  many daily aches and pains.
Do you know what the main properties of aloe vera are?

  • It contains a wide variety of vitamins and minerals. This includes things like the B vitamins, tannins, oils, fatty acids (oleic and linoleic), and many amino acids.
  • Aloe vera also has the ability to regenerate skin cells, which is very useful in the case of burns, for example.
  • It’s easy to digest and can treat problems related to constipation.
  • One of its greatest virtues is that aloe vera can act as an excellent cleanser and disinfectant.
  • In addition to treating skin problems, it’s also great for regenerating internal tissues.
  • It’s a great natural pain reliever, without any side effects.
  • It eliminates fungi and viruses.
  • It protects and fortifies your immune system.
  • It’s a wonderful anti-inflammatory.

2. Learn how to grow aloe vera in your own home

What do you need?

  • A large clay pot.
  • Normal potting soil for half the pot and peat moss for the other half.
  • Gravel to be placed on the bottom of the pot to help keep it well drained.
  • A cutting from an aloe vera plant that you want to cultivate.
cutting aloe vera plant to grow aloe vera at home

What type of aloe vera can you choose?

You should know that there are more than 200 types of aloe vera plants. So, which should you choose? Here are the most popular kinds:

  • ALOE ARBORESCENS: This one is considered a premium aloe vera and has an “octopus” shape. It usually grows very fast and as it does, it forms a shrub which can reach a height of up to 4 meters (12 feet). It has a ton of properties, like treating burns, skin problems, improving recovery time for damaged tissues.
  • ALOE SAPONARIA: This one has very broad, fleshy leaves, 15 to 20 cm (6 to 8 inches) long, with spiny edges. It also treats skin problems, and is good for constipation, inflammation, etc…It’s a majestic, beautiful plant, although it doesn’t grow to be very big.
  • ALOE ARISTATA: Its central shape usually has a diameter of 15 to 30 cm (6 to 12 inches), with fleshy leaves. Along with treating the same problems as the previous ones, it’s ideal for stings from wasps and other insects. It’s very useful for home remedies and is the preferred choice to home growing.
aloe vera plant

How do you grow aloe vera?

  • Start by placing the gravel in the bottom of the pot. This will help ensure good drainage so the aloe vera doesn’t rot.
  • Fill the pot halfway with normal potting soil and the other half with enriched peat moss. Never use sand because the excess salt is bad for it.
  • Place the little aloe vera plant that you have chosen in the center of the pot and cover it with soil up to the beginning of the leaves.
  • It normally grows large roots which hold it firmly in place. Once you’ve planted the new aloe vera it’s best not to water it for two weeks. The roots will continue to grow during this time and afterwards, you can give it a little water.
  • Aloe vera needs sunshine, a lot of sunshine. So, you can place it in a well-lit corner of your house or on the porch.
  • It needs very little water, so you should only water it once every two weeks and it will grow perfectly well.
  • Aloe vera doesn’t usually like the cold, so you should protect it in the wintertime.
  • It usually grows quickly and you’ll quickly notice that extra little plants have begun to grow around it. These are its offspring, which you can pull out and plant in other pots once they reach a height of four fingers.

Growing one aloe vera plant isn’t the end

As you can see it’s very easy to grow aloe vera at home; it’s a fast-growing plant that doesn’t need much care. Once you notice that its leaves are quite large and fleshy, then you can start to use them for your home remedies. Aloe vera  reproduces very well, which means in just a little time you’ll have cuttings for new plants.

It’s good to remove them from the main plant so that it can continue to grow. Meanwhile, you can start to grow new plants. It’s very enjoyable to grow aloe vera, and it’s hard to say no to all its many benefits.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Liu, C., (2001). Study on preservatives in the Aloe gel juice system. J. Wuxi University Light Ind. (Chenses), 20(5), 480-484.
  • Reynolds, T. (1985). The compounds in Aloe leaf exudates: A review. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 90, 157-177.
  • Surjushe, A., Vasani, R. y Saple, D. G. (2008). Aloe vera: a short review. Indian Journal Dermatology 53, 163-166.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.