Inflamed Sciatic Nerve: Symptoms and Home Remedies
4 minutes
An inflamed sciatic nerve usually produces intense pain in the lower back that can even reach the buttocks and the leg. This discomfort can, at times, require different home remedies as well as medical treatment.
We often refer to this condition as sciatica, but, in reality, we’re looking at an inflamed sciatic nerve. This ailment is characterized by pain that radiates along this nerve, from the lumbar region down to the leg. Since the pain can be very intense, many end up looking for natural remedies and solutions in order to find relief. In this article, we’ll share the most effective recommendations according to the latest studies.
Sciatica, or an inflamed sciatic nerve
Symptoms of sciatica
Before suffering from an inflamed sciatic nerve yourself, you probably heard others complaining about how painful it is. That’s because sciatica causes pain, inflammation, and, at times, numbness, tingling, and weakness in the leg. And we say leg because it usually only affects one limb.
Sciatic pain starts in the lumbar region and spreads down the back, past the buttocks. This first part of the path tends to be where most of the pain occurs. The pain then continues down the back of the leg and can even go as far as to affect the foot. Discomfort can also increase behind the thigh and calf.
What does sciatica feel like? The truth is that the pain can vary a great deal from one person to another. In some cases, it can be quite mild, while others may experience very intense pain. At the same time, some individuals experience a burning sensation or even what feels like an electric shock.
Turmeric’s anti-inflammatory effects can help to relieve the pain produced by the swelling of the sciatic nerve.
Curcumin, which is the main active agent in turmeric, has been proven to have numerous health benefits. And that’s thanks to its anti-inflammatory, analgesic, and antioxidant proper. Therefore, this spice is an excellent natural remedy for a variety of problems that cause pain and swelling.
Thanks to these properties, scientists are conducting more and more research in order to take advantage of the medicinal power of this root. Therefore, today, we can find turmeric and curcumin in the form of supplements. However, we can also simply add it to our stews and desserts in its powder form.
Last, this natural remedy helps us avoid the long-term negative side-affects and contraindications of pharmaceutical anti-inflammatories. And, what’s more, turmeric is beneficial when it comes to liver function. That means it helps to improve other aspects of our health as well.
2. Cannabis oil CND
Cannabis oil has also proven to be effective in cases of hard-to-treat pain. The secret is the cannabidiol (CBD), a compound that also helps to calm nerves and improve sleep. It’s important to point out that this oil comes from hemp and is not psychoactive. This remedy is very effective, however, it does entail certain contraindications. For example, in cases of cardiac arrhythmias. Therefore, it’s important to only take it under medical supervision, especially if you’re taking any sort of medication.
The leaves of this tree have positive effects on blood circulation and, according to some studies, can reduce certain types of pain.
The leaves of the Ginkgo biloba tree are sold in the form of a supplement in order to improve circulation in the brain and extremities. Therefore, experts recommend it in order to improve memory as well as relieve different types of pain and discomfort.
What’s more, some studies suggest that the extract from this plant could help to regenerate the sciatic nerve. Therefore, we can take it as a means of treatment under medical supervision. However, you shouldn’t do so for a prolonged period of time.
4. Saffron
Saffron is very popular in gastronomy but is often overlooked as a natural remedy. However, this spice stands out for its ability to relieve pain and reduce swelling naturally.
What’s more, saffron is also a powerful antioxidant. Therefore, several studies indicate that the healing virtues of saffron make it a good remedy for relieving neuropathic pain. In other words, pain that affects the nervous system.
According to ayurvedic medicine from India, saffron should be taken in small quantities, mixed with milk. However, today we can also find saffron as an extract in order to take a more precise dose.
These natural remedies can be helpful in cases of intense pain, however, you should always consult with a health professional first.
The studies that we have mentioned are recent and very promising. However, many of them must still prove their effectiveness. Just the same, several of them make up part of our gastronomy. Therefore, they’re an excellent option if you want to try to relieve the pain of an inflamed sciatic nerve naturally.
Now that you know the benefits of these natural remedies, why not chat it over with your doctor. That way, you’ll be able to find much-needed relief while avoiding the secondary effects of certain pharmaceutical treatments. You’ll be glad you did!
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
Ma, J., Liu, J., Yu, H., Wang, Q., Chen, Y., & Xiang, L. (2013). Curcumin promotes nerve regeneration and functional recovery in rat model of nerve crush injury. Neuroscience Letters.
Adkison, J. D., Bauer, D. W., & Chang, T. (2010). The effect of topical Arnica on muscle pain. Annals of Pharmacotherapy.
Forouzanfar, F., & Hosseinzadeh, H. (2018). Medicinal herbs in the treatment of neuropathic pain: A review. Iranian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences.
Tamaddonfard, E., Farshid, A. A., Maroufi, S., Kazemi-Shojaei, S., Erfanparast, A., Asri-Rezaei, S., … Escort, M. (2014). Effects of safranal, a constituent of saffron, and vitamin e on nerve functions and histopathology following crush injury of sciatic nerve in rats. Phytomedicine.
This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.