If You Have Magic, You Don't Need Tricks

People who have magic are authentic and don't care if others like them or not. They're empathetic and their enthusiasm is contagious to those who surround them.
If You Have Magic, You Don't Need Tricks
Valeria Sabater

Reviewed and approved by psychologist Valeria Sabater.

Written by Valeria Sabater

Last update: 27 May, 2022

Those who have magic in their hearts will never need tricks. Because they’re people who have a natural light of their own that comforts and lets them dream. Also, they’re brave personalities who make the impossible happen and who hardly realize everything they do for others.

We’re sure that, in your closest social circle, you know someone with these characteristics. It’s normal that we say they’re “friends with magic” or family members with that special gift of making ordinary moments extraordinary.

Having these kinds of people around is exceptional. Even though people often tell us to value and care for them every day, we’d like to recommend something better: learn to imitate them.

In this article, we’d like to explain some of the psychological traits that usually define people with magic, those that don’t need tricks to be special.

Magic people, humble hearts

We define magic people as authentic. In terms of psychology, being genuine means having and practicing the following characteristics:

No false modesty or self-pity

Two friends looking at mountains.

Those who have magic don’t put out the magic in others. People who are insecure and distrustful are the opposite of genuine people; they constantly need external recognition to feel validated, useful, or important.

These people are constantly looking for approval and they always want to be above others. On the contrary, the sincere modesty of genuine, magic people understands that we’re all in the back seat, where we must respect each other. No one has to be better than the rest.

People with magic also don’t use self-pity or play the victim because they understand the value of emotional equanimity.

They don’t seek approval. “What you see is what you get” with them

The genuine person who stands out for their authenticity doesn’t look for everyone’s approval. Their light, which characterizes their way of being, is due, first of all, to the fact that they feel good about themselves: they have a good self-concept.

They don’t seek to pretend and, therefore, they always make use of that spontaneity that not everyone understands. “What you see is what you get” ith them. It doesn’t matter in what situation you find them, at what time, or in what context. They’re always the same and their values and attitudes are congruent.

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Contagious enthusiasm

Having light, having magic, having that spark that always makes us smile on difficult days is, above all, part of this character capable of vitality and optimism.

If you really think about it, it isn’t easy to transmit this energy that brings joy to the downtrodden or cheers up someone who’s having a hard time.

This kind of personality can captivate us with their words and presence alone. They can do this because they offer us the confidence we need. Also, they provide us with that wonderful feeling that “Even though it’s hard to believe, everything will be okay“.

They’re humble and understand reciprocity

Two friends on swings.

Having magic doesn’t mean performing a trick to get something in return. Having magic is, above all, having the gift of making others feel good through the most simple, humble acts.

Their magical glances reflect an understanding of empathy and how reciprocity is built. They know that friendships and relationships are based on mutual respect and the most humble connections, where a heart can meet the needs of the other.

There’s a sense of integrity shown from day one. We know they’re always there for us and that their humble souls will never look for anything in return beyond friendship itself.

Life always seems easy at their side

We don’t know very well how they do it, but they have this innate virtue that allows them to untangle knots, bring sunshine on a stormy day, and share hope when all is lost.

In addition, it’s usually said that some people are born like this, with this gift to make existence easier. However, what this really means is that this type of personality has a brave attitude towards life.

Just as we said from the start, along with caring for these friends and family that give us their magic and affection, we should also try to imitate them. Don’t constantly rely on their incredible “magic” to feel good or find an answer to a problem. Incorporate their values, their spirit, and their fortitude and imitate them.

If we could learn to take care of each other instead of putting our own egos first, society would be much better. Thus, don’t hesitate to add a drop of magic to your life.

All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.

  • Castillo, E. G. (1998). Educación y Valores. Revista Española de Pedagogía, 399–426. Retrieved from https://www.ugr.es/~fjjrios/pdf/Tice4-ValorEducacion.pdf
  • Lucas Breda, K., Groot, K., & Towle, A. (2013). EL DESARROLLO DE HUMILDAD CULTURAL MEDIANTE EL APRENDIZAJE SERVICIO CRÍTICO. Ciencia y Enfermería19(2), 35–46. https://doi.org/10.4067/S0717-95532013000200004
  • Kolden, G. G., Klein, M. H., Wang, C. C., & Austin, S. B. (2011). Congruence/genuineness. Psychotherapy, 48(1), 65.

This text is provided for informational purposes only and does not replace consultation with a professional. If in doubt, consult your specialist.