How to Make a Foot Spa at Home
With the arrival of warm weather and vacation travel, it’s also time to wear sandals, so don’t let these dates find you with unkempt feet! In today’s article, we’ll show you how to make a foot spa at home to relax and, at the same time, make your feet look beautiful.
There are few sensations as relaxing as soaking your feet in warm water, in the sea, or getting a good foot massage. Also, one of the most unpleasant sensations is having an ingrown toenail. In addition, calluses and rough skin can be annoying and even painful.
For these reasons, it’s a good idea to establish regular routines to take care of your feet. On the one hand, they will help you rest and relax, and on the other hand, they will help you take care of your foot health.
The importance of taking care of your feet
Your feet support the weight of your body. Did you know that they have 26 bones, 32 joints, 19 muscles, and more than 100 ligaments and tendons? This is what a publication in Offarm magazine says, entitled Footcare: Hygiene and treatment of the most common problems.
However, the feet can present many conditions and damage by supporting the entire weight of the body, being subjected to neglect, and suffering from inappropriate footwear due to fashions. In fact, we’re often not very aware of their value. That is why it’s of utmost importance to take care of them and dedicate time to taking care them.
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Steps to have a foot spa at home
It’s not always possible to go to a professional esthetician to have a pedicure, either because of time or money. However, this is not a prerequisite for beautiful, manicured feet. In fact, it’s perfectly possible to achieve this at home.
Another publication by Ámbito Farmacéutico points out that foot baths stimulate blood circulation and reduce the risk of bacterial infections. For this reason, a home foot spa is a very beneficial routine.
As in any spa, the one we do at home should have several stations or moments of care and relaxation. Here are some essential ones.
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Prepare your feet
Before starting the spa at home, you must prepare your feet. This means that if you have nail polish on your nails, you should remove it.
You can also trim your nails before starting the process. If you have a callus softening or cuticle softening liquid, you should read the instructions, as many need to be put on your feet minutes before soaking them in water to have a greater effect.
Bathe your feet
This is the best part of the process. Fill a basin with warm water that you can submerge your feet in. Just use a bucket that’s large enough to contain both feet.
However, they also sell specialized trays if you want something more sophisticated. Some even heat the water or do massages.
You can add some essential oil or a scent that you find relaxing. Likewise, some bath salts will be ideal to reduce inflammation and add a good aroma to the water.
Perform a self-pedicure
This part of the process is the most necessary, but not always the most pleasant. However, after having eliminated that excess roughness and having soft feet, you’ll notice that they feel much better.
At this point, it’s also necessary to lower the cuticle, clean the inside of the nails and file them. It’s also time to buff away calluses and areas where the skin has hardened.
Foot spa at home: Do an exfoliation
Here comes another one of the most relaxing parts of the whole at-home foot spa process! To do this, you have several options.
First, you can use some specialized foot scrub cream. However, if you prefer to make your own scrub, this is also really easy to do.
You can make one with sugar and almond oil or body cream. You can also make a very effective one with olive oil and salt.
Give yourself a massage with oil
In every spa there has to be a good massage. This is the moment to give yourself a great treat.
Try to rotate your ankles and massage the sole of the foot. To make the massage more pleasant and hydrate the epidermis at the same time, you can use some orange, almond oil, or grape vegetable oil.
Paint your nails as you like
Since you have used several oily products, the best thing to do is to take a cotton ball and rub it with alcohol to remove excess oil from the nails. This way, the polish will adhere better.
If your toes are too close together and the nail polish is ruined because they collide with each other, you can use a toe separator for this purpose. However, if you don’t have one, simply roll up some toilet paper and run it between your toes in a zigzag pattern.
Buy a good foot kit for your home foot spa
As with other activities, the quality of your work will depend on the tools you have. One of the best self-care investments you can make is to have your own pedicure kit, complete with a nail file, pliers, nail clippers, a brush, a callus remover, a pumice stone, and a cuticle spatula.
Besides, this won’t only help you to make a foot spa at home. In case you go to a manicure and pedicure center, you can also bring your own tools!
If you have a tendency to form calluses on your feet, you can buy a machine to remove roughness and sand down callouses. They are usually inexpensive and have a motor that helps you file the skin to remove hard areas without any pain.
Create the ideal home foot spa environment
To make your home foot spa feel like a truly relaxing time, it’s essential that you create the right atmosphere. Try to wear comfortable clothes and be in a place that’s pleasant for you.
You can also light candles and play some relaxing music. On the other hand, it’s a good idea that you prepare everything you need and have it handy before putting your feet in the water. This way, you won’t have to get up and be at risk of accidents when walking with wet feet.
All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Fustero, I. (2007). Cuidado de los pies. Ámbito Farmaceutico.
- Muñoz, M. J. (2002). Higiene y cuidado de los pies. Revista Offarm: farmacia y sociedad, 21(4).