5 Home Methods to Curl Your Hair without Damaging It
In the quest to look more attractive and with a different style, some women choose to undergo a variety of hair treatments that allow them to modify their look. Therefore, stylists have developed interesting techniques and products for dyeing, straightening, or curling hair, while providing nutrition and strength at the same time.
While straight hair continues to be in style, many people are trying their luck with wavy, curly, or flowing locks. These styles give them a fresh, attractive appearance and also highlight their facial features. In addition, any woman can copy them easily.
However, some of the curling methods are too aggressive. Even though you might not notice it at the beginning, these treatments can cause permanent damage as time goes on. Fortunately, there are many alternatives that you can try at home to curl your hair without damaging it.
In this article, we want to show you the best 5 home methods to curl your hair without damaging it.
1. Pineapple skin to curl your hair
It’s believed that the enzymes in pineapples help curl your hair without causing dryness. It may also make your hair fuller, shinier and stronger. However, there’s no scientific evidence to back this up. If you still want to try it out, here’s how to use it:
- Pineapple skins
- 1 liter of water
- A spray bottle
- Put the pineapple skins and the water in a pot. Put the pot on medium heat until it starts to boil.
- When the water boils, turn the heat down. Cook for another five minutes.
- Let the water sit until it reaches room temperature. Pour the water into the spray bottle.
- Rinse your hair like normal. While it’s still wet, spray on the solution. Start at the roots (near your scalp) and work towards the tips.
- Repeat this every day or at least four times a week.
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2. Cucumber and egg treatment
This treatment doesn’t curl your hair, and it isn’t known if it’s a good complement to help get defined, hydrated, and frizz-free locks. However, it is true that both ingredients are very nutritious for the skin and chronic pain (in case of eggs, due to their vitamin D content).
To get good results, apply this before using your curling iron or any other curling method.
- 1 egg
- 1/2 cucumber.
- 1 tablespoon of coconut oil (15 g)
- Beat the egg and put it in a blender with the cucumber and coconut oil.
- Blend to get a thick, smooth paste.
- Dampen your hair and apply the paste from the middle down to the tips.
- A good idea is to use a brush to spread the paste evenly.
- Leave on for 20 to 30 minutes and rinse.
3. Beer treatment
Although it’s believed that beer could function as a hair moisturizer, there aren’t enough studies to recommend this practice. Also, its smell can be a bit unpleasant. For that reason, you shouldn’t consider it too much.
If you still want to try it out:
- 1 liter of water
- 1 can of beer
- 1 spray bottle
- Put the water in a pot and put it on medium-high heat. When it starts to boil, add the beer.
- Leave on the heat for two more minutes. Then, remove from heat and let cool to room temperature.
- When it cools, put the liquid in a spray bottle. Then, spray it all over your hair.
- Let it work for 20 to 30 minutes and then rinse.
- After applying, don’t expose yourself directly to the sun.
- Use two or three times per week.
4. Traditional rollers to curl your hair
Rollers are a modern, natural way to get beautiful, well-defined curls. This is a technique you can use with dry or wet hair. You can even choose the size of the curls you want.
What you need
- Traditional rollers
- Hair spray
- Separate your hair into several locks. Roll each one in its own roller.
- Spray your hair with hair spray. Leave on for at least 3 hours.
- If you want longer-lasting curls, leave the rollers on all night.
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5. Curl your hair with a T-shirt
You can turn an old T-shirt into one of your new best hairstyle allies. It can give you full and wavy locks.
What you need
- 1 old T-shirt
- Hair lotion or spray
What to do
- Cut the T-shirt into inch-wide strips. Then, use these strips to roll up your hair.
- Spray with hairspray or apply lotion.
- Leave the strips on for 3 hours.
- Tie the strips if you think it’s necessary. You can even secure the strips with pins.
Ready to change your look without damaging your hair?
Dare to try one of these methods to discover that you can refresh your look without using harmful chemicals. Curling your hair was never easier or healthier!
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All cited sources were thoroughly reviewed by our team to ensure their quality, reliability, currency, and validity. The bibliography of this article was considered reliable and of academic or scientific accuracy.
- Albert Ronald Morales. Frutoterapia: Bienestar y vida. Editorial Edaf, S.L., 2014.
- Juliette Goggin, Abi Righton. Cosmética casera : recetas naturales para el rostro, el cuerpo y el cabello. Naturart, 2017.
- Margarita Chávez. Belleza al natural: Recetas a base de ingredientes naturales para cuidar la piel y el cabello. Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial México, 2017.